"Captain Marvel" and "Avengers: Endgame" are only months away from release, and there is still so much we don't know. So why don't we cover what we do know about the future of the MCU. Here is Everything We Know About Phase 4.
Spider-Man: Far From Home
With undoubtably the most exposure, we have "Spider-Man: Far From Home". This film will take place after "Endgame" and will follow Peter Parker on his class trip to Europe. Aunt May knows about, and seemingly supports, Peter's superhero lifestyle and is possibly dating Happy Hogan. While in Europe, Peter will be recruited by Nick Fury and Maria Hill to battle a group of superhumans called The Elementals. Water, Fire, and Stone/Sand are the only ones we are aware of. Spider-Man will be aided by Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio-a new superhero.
It seems Nick Fury is taking a similar mentor role to Tony Stark in the last film. Speculation about The Elementals being Hydro-Man, Molten Man, and Sandman is everywhere, but there is also theories on Mystery "creating" The Elementals to make himself look good. An "illusion", you could say. There is also casting news that could mean The Chameleon-the first villain in Spider-Man history-could be in this film as well. As a master of disguise, Chameleon could be posing as Peter's teacher or as Nick Fury or as Maria Hill or anyone else. And will Mysterio's gimmick being deception it would make a lot of sense for him to have an assistant.
Black Widow
Talks of a Black Widow movie remained a pipe dream for MCU fans, but in 2014 development on a script began. Various directors have been tapped, and an R-Rating has surfaced as a rumor. It is believed a Black Widow movie would broaden the MCU's diversely-led films following Black Panther and Captain Marvel, but some fans-like myself-would argue that Black Widow's story has been told, her origin is known, and her role as a supporting character is good as is. Rumors have also claimed her film could be a period piece set after her escape from Russia and her first year laying low in America, possibly even meeting Nick Fury and Hawkeye.
Sequels to Black Panther & Doctor Strange
A sequel to Black Panther was inevitable. The film's success, box office, and awards absolutely warrant a sequel, especially with so much more ground to cover. Michael B. Jordan is rumored to return for the sequel, possibly as a ghost in T'Challa's lineage, and Ryan Coogler has been vocal about continuing the franchise.
"Avengers" Infinity War" did a fantastic job of reintroducing Doctor Strange. A sequel has been confirmed with the same director-Scott Derrickson-returning. In interviews previous to this announcement, back when Scott didn't know about the Doctor's future, he had mentioned in interviews that he'd use the character Nightmare in a sequel to to "Doctor Strange". The realm of dreams has yet to be explored in the MCU, and Doctor Strange's dreams and memories may be just what the doctor ordered to make Strange a movie vulnerable character.
The Eternals
The announcement of an Eternals film was unexpected to say the least. However, with the focus on cosmic characters being lifted away from The Guardians of The Galaxy, it is possible The Eternals may be the new cosmic topic. These "Gods-turned-heroes" have a direct connection to The Celestials that created the universe. Thanos himself is the son of an Eternal.
It was stated by Kevin Feige that the Eternal known as Circe would be the star of the film. This lines up well with The Eternals' presence in Marvel Comics, as Circe was an Avenger back in the 1990's. And while The Eternals hold an ever-present importance to the Marvel Universe, it is always possible Eternals may be a placeholder or ruse for another team-based superhero film.
Captain Britain & The Black Knight
There has been rumors circulating in the last couple of months that a Captain Britain & The Black Knight film is in the works over at Marvel. This is backed up by an anonymous tip from a Marvel Studios employee who was station in Pinewood, England for a project called "Captain Britain & The Black Knight", to be directed by Guy Ritchie.
In addition, one observant editor for a Marvel news website pointed out a blink-and-you'll-miss-it shot from "Ant-Man & The Wasp" where a medieval castle can be seen in The Quantum Realm. We know The Quantum Realm has time-effects. We also know Marvel is trying to diversify their leading characters. And two prominent British superheroes may be their attempt at accomplishing that.
It was announced last December that a Shang-Chi film was in development. This followed the MCU's diversity initiative by starring an Asian superhero. While Shang-Chi is extremely ground-level compared to the MCU's current heroes, a more down-to-Earth story about the Earth's greatest Martial Artist could be enough to measure the quality of it's fellow films. Not much is known yet, only that Marvel Studios is certainly working on this one.
Nova, Moon Knight, & Power Pack
While none of these properties have been straight-up confirmed, Kevin Feige has expressed interest in them. He had claimed Nova had "immediate potential". The Nova Corps has already been established, Nova would make a great cosmic replacement for The Guardians, and he could potentially be a new teenaged hero for the MCU. This is due to Richard Rider becoming Nova in his late teens and Sam Alexander currently being a teenager.
Feige claims there are "future plans" for Moon Knight. However, his plans could be five to ten years from now, so that might hurt Moon Knight's odds. That being said the character was referenced in "Captain America: Winter Soldier" and with Black Widow and Shang-Chi-two characters who lack superpowers-getting films it lends credence to a Moon Knight film being possible. He has also been mentioned as a possible Disney + episodic production.
Feige has expressed in interest in doing a Power Pack movie because he wants a family-oriented film for the MCU. Something like "Ant-Man" that anyone can watch alone or with their kids. Power Pack would be a refreshing group of characters to see in the MCU and would likely spawn it's own subgenera of fans. Yet again, nothing about the film has been confirmed.
Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 3
Ever since James Gunn's unemployment by Disney and Marvel Studios, the fate of The Guardians of The Galaxy has been in the air. The controversy surrounding James Gunn has lead to much backlash by fans, but concern from Disney over the director of their all-ages franchise being associated with a man who made dirty jokes six years ago. With Guardians of The Galaxy being such a cornerstone of the MCU, it is doubtful the final installment will never come out, but we know the film is on current hiatus. All that's been stated is the title "Hot Christmas". Additionally, actor Dave Bautista-who plays Drax-has been very vocal about his disappointed on the part of Disney, even stating he'd leave if Gunn wasn't invited back. Meaning the third film would lose yet another crucial player.
Ant-Man Third Film

Absolutely nothing has been said about the third Ant-Man film. No title, no release date, nothing. However, it would seem Scott Lang is playing a big part in "Avengers: Endgame" and his access to The Quantum Realm could aid the heroes in the fight against Thanos. The mystery surrounding "Endgame" bleeds over into the next Ant-Man film. The more we know about "Endgame", the more we can speculate on the final Ant-Man film, whatever it may be.
(EDIT) Captain Marvel Sequel
Oh shit! I totally forgot about Captain Marvel. I mean, don't get me wrong. I respect Marvel for not announcing a sequel to an upcoming film before the film even comes out. You know, that thing Sony and Warner Bros. and Fox do. But if "Ant-Man" and "Guardians of The Galaxy" and "Doctor Strange" are any indication, Marvel could make a "Pip The Troll" movie and it'd still warrant a sequel.
Besides, you know all those videos on Youtube about "which MCU characters are Skrulls"? That's not going to matter until this sequel. See, we aren't going to see an uprising of shapeshifting aliens in "Endgame" because we're kind of in the middle of something. You know. Thanos. Half the universe being dead. Time travel, assumedly. And since Cap M takes place in the 90's, I think all those "___ was a Skrull the whole time" twists will be in a sequel. "Captain Marvel: Invasion" or something, I mean "Captain America: Civil War" proved Marvel could do a character-lead movie AND an ensemble movie at the same time.
But much like Ant-Man, we can't determine the future of Captain Marvel until after her upcoming film and "Avengers: Endgame". Phew, glad I caught that a week later.
Thanks for not reading.