Friday, October 24, 2014

See No Hero

Tying this Week's Z-Lister to our topic of scary comic creations, I introduce you readers to an obscure Batman villain who's obscure for a reason. He's known as The Ten-Eyed Man and his concept is absolutely ridiculous.

Formally a soldier for the U.S. army, Phillip Reardon was visually damaged by an explosion while guarding a warehouse. During the explosion, Batman attempted to rescue the man, but Phillip's damaged vision caused him to see Batman as a threat. In an attempt to fight Batman, Phillip got himself caught in another explosion in the warehouse. With his eyes beyond repair, Phillip was operated on by doctors and had his optic nerves reconnected to his fingertips, allowing him to see through his fingers. He held Batman accountable for his accident and took on the name Ten-Eyed Man to get his revenge.
Personal fact about me: I find eyes disgusting. Most people find them beautiful or symbolic, but I'm off-put by their fragility. The Ten-Eyed Man is usually defeated by damage to his fingers, whether it be through hot surfaces or prickly objects. This plays on the fear some people have-myself included-of having their eyes touched or hurt. A cut to the arm can heal over time, a cut to the hair is grooming, a cut to the eye is a horrific visual. And for The Ten-Eyed Man, that visual can be a reality by something as simple as a paper cut.

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