Monday, October 6, 2014

Spoiler! I'm Pregnant.

The Panel Biter train is starting up, loyal readers, and you have a first class seat. This week's topic is about real-life situations and conditions that have been replicated in comic books. Addictions, mistakes and misfortunes brought to the forefront in the comic book medium.
For this first segment we'll be talking about Stephanie Brown: The Fourth Robin, The Third Batgirl and The Only Spoiler!

First appearing in Detective Comics #647 in August 1992, Stephanie Brown started out as the daughter to a super-villain known as The Cluemaster. Knowing her mastermind father would only put herself and others into harms way, Stephanie donned a purple cowl and assisted Batman and Robin in spoiling her father's plans. As mentioned, Stephanie went on to be both Robin and Batgirl. But like all admirable comic book superheroes, there lies a dent within Stephanie's violet armor. At age sixteen, Stephanie became a mother.

As it turns out, Stephanie's ex-boyfriend had gotten her pregnant and fled Gotham City during an earthquake. With nobody to help her, Tim Drake-the third Robin-went undercover as Alvin Draper to help Stephanie through Lamaze Classes and is present for the birth of her child. With Robin's assistance  
Stephanie is able to put her daughter up for adoption, knowing it to be best for everyone.
Teenage pregnancy is a growing issue in the United States. In high school, I knew multiple girls who were either pregnant or had kids. With Gotham having influence from big cities, it isn't unrealistic for the city to have pregnant youths. If Stephanie's story shows us anything its that everyone is capable of making mistakes and anyone can have bad blood. Despite that, we as people can advance beyond our experiences and find more of a reason to set the right example and tell others, "Don't do what I did".

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