Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Presidential Pages

Like him or hate him, there's no denying President Barack Obama has made his mark in American history by being the first African-American president of the United States. That's why for this week's big topic we'll be taking a look at how The Big O has influenced Comic Books. And before you ask: Yes, he has influenced Comic Books.
In Amazing Spider-Man #583 (published 2009) a backup story told the tale of how Spider-Man met President Barack Obama.

As Peter Parker was taking photos of Obama during the presidential inauguration, another Obama appeared on scene claiming to be the real Obama. To solve this, Peter suits up as Spider-Man to ask both Obamas (plural?) various questions only the real Obama could answer. After the real Obama trounced the fake in recalling his college nickname it was revealed the fake Obama was actually Chameleon, Spider-Man's disguise-wearing enemy. The Secret Service arrested Chameleon, Spidey and Obama share a fist-bump and the President is sworn in with no issues.
The reason this comic was actually written is because believe it or not Barack Obama is a Spider-Man fan! When he was younger he collected Spider-Man comics and grew to love the notable phrase, "With great power comes great responsibility". Learning this, editor & chief Joe Quesada decided to have a special Spider-Man story made to celebrate Obama's election. It just goes to show that fans of comic books aren't limited to being your regular citizens, because one fan made it to not only be the President of the free world, but he got to see himself in the same comics he grew up with. Coincidently, this isn't the only impact Obama had on Spider-Man, as we'll explore tomorrow for the second chapter of this week's major topic. Until then, loyal readers!

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