Wednesday, November 26, 2014

You're Only Human, But They Aren't

When I previously posted about the DC universe's dimensional power source known as The Speed Force, I did so with prior knowledge of what it was. So, for the second entree into this week's topic, I decided I'd explain a subject even I wasn't familiar with, Marvel Comic's Inhumans.

The Inhumans are a sub-species to humans who have existed for a million years, but their origin started in the stars. Millions of years ago there was a war between two alien races, the Kree and the Skrulls. While setting a base camp on planet Uranus, the Kree discovered the primitive humans of Earth. They began taking these Homo Sapiens and experimenting on them in an attempt to create genetically advanced soldiers for their war with the Skrulls. However, the Kree shut down the experiments out of fear that their creations could eventually overpower them. The Inhumans-test subjects left on Earth by the Kree-formed their own civilization cut off from the rest of humanity. With their advanced intelligence they created various technologies, one being a mutagenic gas known as The Terrigen Mist. This gas gave The Inhumans superpowers, but also deformities which led to a process of selective breeding to "trim out the edges". This first generation of Inhumans became the predecessors to the modern Inhuman Royal Family. The interesting part of being an Inhuman is the "castle system" they live under. Depending on what kind of power the Terrigen Mist gives you, you are given a specific role among the Inhuman civilization. This excludes the Royal Family who primarily lead the entire civilization. Because the Inhumans began with genetically altered humans, there exist regular humans with Inhuman ancestors. Although these humans do not have powers or are considered part of the Inhuman race, they can become Inhuman if exposed to the Terrigen Mist. In the event "Inhumanity", a Terrigen Bomb is dropped on Earth and transforms various humans around the globe into Inhumans. It is also at this time that the Inhuman Royal Family is disorganized, so smaller groups of new Inhumans attempt to create their own kingdoms.
The reason the Inhumans haven't been too popular is the convoluted story behind them. Spanning space, time and alien ancestry, The Inhumans have more depth than what I could describe. Alternatively, their is no other group of characters like the Inhumans in the way their world operates. Because of recent events, The Inhumans are being given more attention by Marvel, using the new Inhumans in the same way they used Mutants in early X-Men comics. Although confusing and complex, I believe The Inhumans to be a very original group of characters. They also lend another puzzle piece to Marvel Comic's expansive universe of worlds and history. I hope this gave you readers a greater interest into Marvel's cosmic kingdom of characters.

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