Thursday, March 26, 2015

Ms. Fitting-In

Superheroes stand as role models to the people who follow them, instilling lessons in truth, justice and humanity. Sometimes those who admire these heroes go too far, risking their own lives to continue the example their heroes set for them. Today we're talking about the black-sheep of the Batgirl family, this Week's Z-Lister is Misfit.

First appearing in "Birds of Prey #96" in 2006, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe lived in the slums of Metropolis with her mother and baby sister. At a young age, Charlotte discovered she had supernatural superpowers: super strength, accelerated healing, and the ability to teleport at will. Charlotte hardly ever used her powers at her mother's request, but on one fateful day these powers came in handy. The apartment Charlotte's family lived in caught on fire and lacked the proper safety measures to evacuate the people inside. Because Charlotte's teleportation powers couldn't be used on others, her mother convinced her to leave them in the building and escape. Counting Charlotte's mother and sister, seventeen people died in that fire. Some time after these events, the now homeless Charlotte moved to Gotham City to avenge her family and follow in her favorite hero's footsteps as the new Batgirl.
At this time, former Batgirl-Barbara Gordon-had given up the mantle and became Oracle. She had began working with a team of heroes called The Birds of Prey and when Charlotte began fighting crime as the new Batgirl, Barbara sent the Birds to investigate. After her run in with the Birds, Charlotte approached Barbara in the Birds' HQ and asked for Barbara's permission to be the new Batgirl. Barbara denied her and convinced Charlotte to not be Batgirl, but much to Barbara's frustration Charlotte continued to fight crime under the name Misfit. It was only after Misfit revealed her origin to Barbara, that she was given a new home and full membership on The Birds of Prey.
As a Bat-Family fan, I am well educated in even the obscurest of Bat-themed heroes (Bat-Cow anyone?) but Misfit as always been on the very edge of my Bat-shaped table. She's a much different character from the others, not just for having superpowers, but for her eagerness to belong. Long before the young, positive, and diverse female heroes we have today, Misfit related to those who feel outcasted and seek acceptance by those who live similar lives. Personally, I applaud any character who wants to be a good role model, despite the pain they may live with. Seeing as how the current Batgirl comic is trying to be lighter and friendlier, why not get Misfit into the story, huh? One can only hope this go-getting crime fighter can return to the panels. At least then she'd be relevant enough to warrant an easy cosplay. Thanks for reading!
And hey, how about that "Joker Week" variant cover for Batgirl!? Yup, that cover sure is ___! I hope the artist really ___ and ___ that book! I think everyone over at really know what their talking about!
Seriously, did any of you "reporters" even read "The Killing Joke"?

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