Friday, May 29, 2015

Agents of Shield: Warriors

Like every comic book personality on the internet, I'm guilty of making predictions for comic book movies and television shows. If you're still riding the Marvel Studios bandwagon like myself you're probably wondering what will come next for "Marvel's Agents of Shield". Well, I have some thoughts. Thoughts involving a set of extraordinary people. Welcome to The Panel Biter's first ever Predictions Panel!
At the end of AoS's second season, it was confirmed between Agent Phil Coulson and Agent Skye that they would begin forming a super-powered team of agents. Skye was given full control on the project and claimed the team would need to be kept secret and not like The Avengers. Now all the Marvel reader's ears just perked up. Secret? Shield? Super-powered agents? The Secret Warriors! In the comics, The Secret Warriors were a team of super-powered individuals Nick Fury kept under wraps for emergency situations. Who was the frontrunner of this team? Quake/Daisy Johnson or-as you know her on TV-Skye. But if The Secret Warriors are coming to AoS season three, where are the other members? Well, I put together a little group here that could possibly be the line-up.
Since Fury is under the radar, Phil Coulson would most likely look over the team while Skye/Daisy/Quake would be the leader, no brainer. Now considering what super-powered allies Shield has is the next step. Deathlok was Shield's earliest enhanced ally even before being turned into a cyborg, so count him in. Next would be the Inhuman Lincoln/Sparkplug who helped Shield stop the Afterlife Inhuman's assault on Shield's HQ. If Skye and Lincoln can agree on the same moral code, there's no reason he'd be opposed to using his powers for good. Now we get to the tricky ones. Previously on AoS we saw Crusher Creel/The Absorbing-Man who was captured by the US government after his defeat, in the comics Creel had a son who received similar element absorbing powers and became a member of The Secret Warriors. With his early debut on AoS, it would be reasonable to bring Creel's son Jerry Sledge/Stonewall onto the show. Seeing as how Skye's father did horrible acts, I could see the two characters relating to each other. Last September actor Fran Kranz ("Cabin in the Woods" and "Dollhouse") hinted to being cast on AoS as the character Robbie Baldwin. In the comics, Robbie Baldwin is the hero Speedball, a scientifically empowered young man who was a founding member of The New Warriors. See the connection? They could go with the comic's science origin or phone it in by saying he's Inhuman, whatever the case if Speedball is coming to AoS you know he's coming as a Warrior. And since we're getting Civil War later, he might become more of a problem than a problem-solver. Another hint at AoS's future was when Agent 33 came to the show. Agent 33 was the character who recruited Marvel's Hercules to help Shield in the comics. Even though Agent 33 was killed (Stephanie Brown) that doesn't mean the lead is dead, after all if The Norse Gods exist in another dimension why can't The Greek Gods? The comic version of The Secret Warriors had Herc's nephew on the team so swapping one out for the other is a possibility. Heh, drunk Hercules talking to Coulson about how puny Thor looks. There's a good scene.
The Predictions Panel is a series I want to keep small, trying to pick out every little thing that might happen will only end in excessive thinking and possible disappointment. Whatever AoS season three goes with I'm looking forward to Skye's team. I can only wonder, if this Warriors idea is true would they take the spotlight for the third season or would they get their own show? And what would be their first big mission after assembling? Maybe taking on the could-be-Taskmaster, Grant Ward? Hunting down my British wife, Agent Gemma Simmons? Maybe removing Fish Oil from every pharmacy shelf in the country!? I don't know, I'm just speculating. Voice your opinions on what might happen next! Thanks for reading!

Facebook: The Panel Biter
Twitter: @ThePanelBiter

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