Monday, May 18, 2015

An All-New WWII

With The Panel Biter's DC Cinematic Universe's Phase One we saw a slew of heroes establish their place in this fan-desired movie universe, now in the beginning of Phase Two these heroes will adapt to new challenges. And if it's a challenge, you better believe The Princess of the Amazons is interested. Here it is, the first entree into PBDC Phase Two, "Wonder Woman II".
Following her part in Starro's defeat, Princess Diana has fully been accepted by the citizens of the USA. She's in magazines, on the news, her image sold to millions of girls who aspire to be just like Wonder Woman. With her boyfriend Agent Steve Trevor, media agent Maxwell Lord, and "number-one fan" Donna Troy helping her adjust to modern society, Diana has become America's sweetheart. But from the heights of Mount Olympus, the Throne of Zeus remains empty as the God of Gods has disappeared. Only Hera-the wife of Zeus-remains to run the world of Gods. The power-hungry god Apollo seeks to rule the throne, so he strikes a bargain with Hera: if Apollo can orchestrate the death of Wonder Woman-who broke the Amazon's exile when she left Themyscira-Hera will give the throne to Apollo. Apollo uses an ancient artifact to transform Professor Barbara Minerva into "The Cheetah" and take on Wonder Woman, but this plan backfires and The Cheetah directs her attention to Mount Olympus itself. Now as Diana slowly becomes mortal, she must unite her allies to stop The Cheetah and protect the realm of Gods from the vain God Apollo.
By placing the majority of the story in Washington, DC, you vastly split the themes between this and the previous "Wonder Woman" movie. Diana's dialog would be more modern because of her exposer to mortal society. Because of the public's criticism of her revealing costume, Diana would change costumes at the request of Maxwell Lord. After shuffling through her blue 90's outfit and her 2007 Agent Prince outfit, Diana would settle on a look similar to her Odyssey outfit (with parts of her previous costume included). Professor Barbara Minerva is an archeologist in DC who's studies of Wonder Woman have peaked her interest in a Greek myth revolved around The Cheetah Tribe; a group of beastly warriors from ancient Greece who were sealed under Mount Olympus for their acts of violence. Apollo uses her curiosity to transform her into a member of The Cheetah Tribe. After her failure to kill Diana, Apollo has The Cheetah poison Diana with water from The River Styx to slowly turn her into a mortal. When The Cheetah dupes Apollo to go destroy Mount Olympus, Diana would have to show her capability as a mortal woman to battle her. Doing this shows Diana as an even stronger female role model because even without powers she can save the day. ARGUS-the government organization-would be on the hunt for both The Cheetah, Diana and Trevor because of Trevor's refusal to pull Diana off her mission after she loses her powers. Near the end of the movie, the audience would learn that Donna Troy was actually Circe the Goddess of Chaos in disguise, feeding information to Apollo. While he wouldn't fight Diana directly, Apollo would lash out against Hera while Wonder Woman battles The Cheetah Tribe. As a reward for saving Mount Olympus, Hera would lift Diana's crimes of breaking exile off her and remove the water of Styx from Diana's body, giving her back her powers. The Cheetah would be taken by ARGUS, with Amanda Waller taking special interest in her. After the end credits, Hera-disguised as a human-would enter a bar and sit next to a shrouded old man. Hera reports Apollo's actions and warns the man that the time for a new heir is soon. We learn this man is Zeus and that he has a successor, but that an old mistake may return to take the his place.
Instilling a modern style to Wonder Woman while keeping her enemies in the Greek Epic setting would better balance the reality and the fantasy of the PBDC. Characters like Steve Trevor, Amanda Waller, and Maxwell Lord would gain more character as they reflect off Wonder Woman. The choice to make Diana mortal halfway into the movies' plot would not only pose a challenge, but show audiences a kind of Wonder Woman they've never seen through television or movies. Finally, this movie would break the barrier between Wonder Woman's life and the legend of the Greek pantheon, leading way for future battles against the Gods and Goddesses.
I'm excited to move further into the PBDC, especially with Wonder Woman after seeing how liked the first movie pitch was. Well, it's time to get the mightiest man involved in this post-JL world. "Superman: Invasion" is coming next!

Facebook: The Panel Biter
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