Friday, May 15, 2015

Wow, You Are Everywhere!

You know what, loyal readers? You've been so supportive and friendly this month that I think you deserve to be spoiled, so your delusional and power-hungry host is bringing you a back-to-back double feature of Top 5 Lists! Let's address the various elephants in the room and call out the most attention hungry superheroes there are! This is The Panel Biter's Top 5 Overrated Characters!

#5. Deadpool
Don't get me wrong, I like chimichangas and ultra-violance just as much as the next sociopath, but if I have to see one more episode of "Ultimate Spider-Man" with the meme-tastic Deadpool I might just combust. Ever since his appearance in "Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2" Deadpool has become an internet sensation. He's even got his own clothing/accessory kiosk at Spencer's! It wouldn't be such a big deal to see The Merc With The Mouth all over my socks and sippy cups if most people didn't think Deadpool is all laughs and no character. Hopefully his upcoming movie takes notice from DP's comic presentation instead of jamming LOL faces down our throats.

#4. Loki
Please lock all the doors and windows in your home before reading this out loud, odds are the fangirls will hear you and snap your neck for badmouthing their favorite Asgardian. It was really after his appearance in "The Avengers" that Loki got his following, mainly because of his stereotypical bad-boy persona and tragically Shakespearian backstory. In fact, Loki's support as a lovable trickster was so apparent that Marvel Comics dropped his position on The Young Avengers, aged him back to adulthood, and gave him a solo series where he was the mischievous anti-hero of Asgard. That's when you know a character's popularity has gone too far, when the fan outcry decides their illustrated fate.

#3. Wolverine
Hugh Jackman I love ya buddy, but it's time to hang up your claws. Why else do you think Marvel killed off Wolverine in the comics? It''s because his popularity among the X-Men movie franchise grew too powerful, he started becoming the face of every movie and drawing away any potential for other X-Men characters. Diverting to the comics, Wolverine has been everywhere from The X-Men to The Avengers to three solo books. If that isn't enough popularity for you "Wolverines" and "Spider-Man & The X-Men" were both spun out of Wolverine's death. Tell you what Wolvy, do a movie where you wear your yellow suit and maybe I'll shut my mug, bub.

#2. The Joker/Harley Quinn
This one might be a bit of a cheat, but I'm really tired of seeing these characters everywhere. I love them both in the comics, The Joker had a good run in the recent "Endgame" arc and Harley Quinn's solo book is an absolute gem, but maybe it's just the misunderstanding of the characters that upsets me. Just because you've seen "The Dark Knight" ten times doesn't mean your a Joker fan, just because Harley Quinn's irrational and obsessive personality makes you relate to her and gives you an outlet to be obnoxious doesn't make you a Harley Quinn fan. Tell you what, sit down and read a comic or play an Arkham game or watch The Batman Animated Series and maybe, just maybe, I'll believe your obsession with these two is legit, otherwise you just seem like a dustpan collecting whatever bits of these character you can collect. Ha.

#1. Batman
Full discloser: I love Batman. And I'm not one of those Batman fans who's seen all the movies or wrote "BATMAN" on my license plate, no I mean it. I know every Batman sidekick back-to-front, can recall Batman villains people have never even heard of, tell you how he planned on fighting The Justice League, what superheroes he trained under, how many Batmobiles he's had, how many times he's died and just how naked he was when fought Ra's al Ghul with a sword. Yeah, I'm a real Batman fan, the kind people claim to be, but lack the interest to fully become. All that being said, Batman needs to take a break, let the other DC characters take the spotlight. I mean, did you even notice he's the only DC hero on this list? It's because he's sucked all the potential away from his fellow heroes! Instead of LEGO DC Comics we have "LEGO Batman", "Injustice: Gods Among Us" had more Batman characters than any other superhero series, instead of a "Man of Snore" sequel we're getting "Batman v. Superman"! He's so inflated he even took the first spot in that movie's title! Again, I agree Batman is an awesome, industry changing character, but he should never be the backbone of any DC property because there are so many other characters who can help bare that weight. By the way, Batman can't win every fight solely on "because he's Batman". And I swear to Rao, if I have to hear another Batman impression through a nicotine-poisoned tone of voice I'm going to take Christopher Nolan, Frank Millar and Christian Bale over my knee and go all "Knightfall" on them. Kevin Conroy, you have my sincerest thanks.

Phew! That was a lot of venting, glad you stuck around through to the end. Like I said I love all these characters just as much as their fans do, but determining the problems and faults with these characters only proves your more interested in them than the people who claim they're perfect. Don't worry though, this is a double feature for sure as the next list will highlight some characters who are severely underrated. Thanks for reading!

Facebook: The Panel Biter
Twitter: @ThePanelBiter

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