Monday, June 1, 2015

The Last Man of Mars

To have incredible powers, but lack the ability to keep the only world you've ever known from vanishing is the greatest pain any man could fathom. But in times of hardship, strong warriors must arise from the ashes they weep within and protect the new world they call home. Here it is, the only prequel in The Panel Biter's DC Cinematic Universe, "The Martian Manhunter".
1955, the idea of extraterrestrials living on the neighboring planet of Mars is the dreams of science fiction and nothing more, but one scientist-Doctor Saul Erdel-believes otherwise. On planet Mars there exists a race of Green Martians, telepathic beings who's utopia was founded on the idea of universal togetherness. One Martian was an officer of justice named J'ohn J'onzz who had a wife, twin boys and an adopted daughter. All was perfect for J'onzz, in contrast to his brother Ma'alefa'ak. The only Martian born without telepathy, Ma'al was often avoided. In his spite towards his well-loved brother, Ma'al used the martian power of shapeshifting to spark a war between the Green Martians and the White Martians, resulting in the imprisonment of J'onzz's adoptive daughter as she was a White Martian J'onzz had taken in and hid from the Green Supremacists. With the race war distracting the people of Mars, Ma'al unleashed a curse that would cause all Martians capable of telepathy to die of seizures which were represented by the illusion of flames. As every Martian on Mars began to die, J'onzz's final sight was his family burning to death as he was transported off the planet. Brought to Earth by Dr. Erdel, J'onzz accidentally gave the man a heart attack with his sheer appearance. Now a stranger on a new world with no family and a whole lot of anger, J'onzz decided to become the defender of this new world as The Martian Manhunter. Good thing too, because another visiter has landed on Earth, and he's not so righteous.
Twenty to twenty-five minutes would be given to the society of Mars, with J'onzz's narration filling the audience in. J'onzz's White Martian adopted daughter is the PBDC version of Ms. Martian, but her place here is to represent J'onzz as a man without prejudice, unlike the Green Martians who view the White Martians as savages. After J'onzz is brought to Earth, his brother Ma'al walks Mars in rejoice only to find his brother missing. J'onzz tries adapting to Earth society by taking the guise of New York detective John Jones. While in his apartment, J'onzz would watch TV every night to fill himself in on Earth culture, replicating the appearances of Elvis Presley, President Eisenhower and Bugs Bunny. While in New York he works with a cop named Slam Bradley and befriends a gypsy girl named Cynthia Reynolds. These characters help J'onzz fill the void of loneliness, but the sight of fire would cause him to panic over frightening memories. He'd eventually get caught by the newly formed US organization ARGUS and Agent King Faraday. Rather than rip him open and see what he's made of, Faraday sees J'onzz isn't hostile and wants his help in finding another invader on Earth. This alien is named Despero and he's been using his telepathic powers to trick humans into praising him as a God. J'onzz would initially look stalky and long-headed, only adjusting to a strongman-like appearance when in martian form on Earth. Despero would also have a humanoid figure with dark purple skin, only showing his more savage appearance during his final battle with The Martian Manhunter, a title given to J'onzz because the police on Mars were referred to as "Manhunters". Their battle concludes with J'onzz reluctantly killing Despero and releasing his mind-slaves, but because of the danger aliens pose to the American public ARGUS requests for J'onzz to be held in ARGUS HQ until they need his services again. Faraday sees to it J'onzz gets food, water and entertainment, but he also allows John Jones to say his goodbyes to Slam and Cynthia. While we know Martian Manhunter would reappear in "Justice League" circa 2015, J'onzz would be able to rest easy in his cell knowing that while he may not have saved Mars, he can still protect Earth. At the end of the movie we see John Jones in the year 2015 following the events of "Superman: Invasion". He's moved back to New York with a new human form and a new detective job among the NYPD. In the after credits scene, we see J'onzz take the old John Jones persona one more time to time to visit the now-elderly Cynthia and meet her daughter Megan Reynolds Morse.
J'onzz origin is laced with loneliness, adversity and survivor's guilt. Despero represents what kind of visitor J'onzz could've become if the memory of his people didn't blanket him from corruption. He is a broken man in a new world with only a few people to call his friends, this story strongly precedes his later adventures and personifies The Martian Manhunter with respect and admiration. As with great loss, there always comes rebirth. Thanks for reading.
Next week we return to the streets of Gotham with "The Dynamic Duo".

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