Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Nightmare on Yancy Street

For all the wonderful characters we've met in comic books, there are a slew of characters who's existence would be terrifying in the real world, then there are characters who are just as frightening on the panels. This isn't a list of scary characters, that'd be too easy. This is a list of absolutely terrifying characters. This is The Panel Biter's Top 5 Most Terrifying Characters!

#5. Ant-Man (Eric O'Grady)
Sometimes the scariest things can be the smallest things. You know, like an ant-sized sociopath! Eric O'Grady was the third Ant-Man, and when he got his suit what did he do? First he killed a man by accidentally punching through his neck, then he burnt half of a man's face off with his jetpack, then he knocked up his dead friend's girlfriend, and, his signature MO, he shrunk really tiny and watched random girls shower. Seriously he does that like nine times. O'Grady isn't just scary because he's a sexual deviant with low morals, but he's scary because he's the last person in the world you want to have so much power. He is just as likely to accidentally kill you than he is to kill you on purpose. Having the "Ant-Man" title also gives him some amount of crime-immunity. And the worst part is: you'd never know where he is.

#4. Reverse-Flash
Roa help you if you ever piss off The Reverse-Flash. Because he's a habitual time travel, Eobard Thawn's backstory is a mess, but all you need to know is that he has the speed power of The Flash with the obsessive madness of a mental patient. When The Reverse-Flash found out killing The Flash would be destroying himself, he dedicated his existence to torturing The Flash and killing his loved ones. The pure spite and power of The Reverse-Flash is an impossible evil to overcome, as a time traveller you'd never know if he truly died or not. He can be anywhere, he can phase through any object, he can even alter his face and voice so you'd never know him out of costume. His knowledge of the future could allow him to plan your death at any vulnerable moment. He'd catch up every time you'd run, and he'd always know where you would hide.

#3. The Joker
Well, this is just a given. The Joker is a unpredictable manifestation of chaos. There is no way out of his gaze. Every time you think he might be dead-BAM-he's in your front door ready to put a bullet through your spine. Will he beat you with a crowbar and leave you to burn? Or will he fake your death and torture you for years? You'd have no way of knowing. If you so much as accidentally cut him off in traffic, he'd find you three years later and make your life a living hell. All The Joker has to do is acknowledge you and you'd pray for death. What makes it even more terrifying is that you know he's just a man with bleached skin. He's as mortal as you are, right? So why does he feel like something beyond understanding? Why is The Joker a more haunting character than those villains with superpowers and armies of criminals. The Joker is just one guy. But he's the last guy you ever want to hear laugh in the dead of night. The scariest part of the Joker is how mortal he is. To comprehend that one man is capable of so much evil.

#2. Venom & Carnage
Symbiots. I counted both of them because I couldn't decide which was worse. I mean, Venom is a vengeful monster who's skewed sense of right and wrong has made him a debatable hero and a horrific villain. Plus, he eats people. Carnage is just as bad! A psychopathic serial killer with a suit that generates weapons and is nearly indestructible? Why not give a pyromaniac a flamethrower and bulletproof armor? These two are scary just from a mere glance, as their piercing white eyes, razor sharp teeth and drooling jaws signify their craving for destruction. Consider the fact that their webbing can pull you closer, consider that while their bodies may die the suits can find new hosts, maybe even you. The insanity and mayhem these two monsters have brought onto the comic book world is by far one of the most horrific bloodsheds in fictional history, and their amusement of human suffering is proof of their limitless violence.

#1. Galactus
Galactus isn't a villain. Galactus is a force of nature. Any of the characters mentioned can be killed, but Galactus cannot be killed. In fact, without Galactus the universe the world explode with the overpopulation of life, as such Galactus-the cosmic entity that devours entire planets-is immortal. Galactus feels no emotions, has no alternative goals, he simply feeds. Fighting him is like fighting a hurricane or an earthquake, its pointless. His arrival signifies the end of the world. Every time he's been defeated he hasn't been killed, he has simply been pushed back. Then he starts his walk back. Galactus may not be always watching you or eat your brains out, but Galactus can not be stopped. You can't run, hide, or fight back. All you have is hope. The only thing scarier than villains and criminals, is an uncontrollable force threatening your life and the lives of others. There is nothing more terrifying than The End. Except my ex. She is scarier than The End.
Thanks for reading and Happy Celebration September!
-Rest In Peace, Wes Craven-

Facebook: The Panel Biter
Twitter: @ThePanelBiter

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