Monday, October 5, 2015

The Man of Tomorrow

"Booster Gold"
"Citizens of America! Behold, Booster Gold! Traveling back in time from the year 2562 AD, he's come back in time to protect his past and ensure your future! Get ready, superhero fans! Because a shining new knight has come to save the universe from those who threaten your safety! Representing all that is good, victorious, and promising, this gold-clad crusader will take the world by storm! So raise your heads high and you just might catch him flying by, it's Booster Gold! Trademark".
The movie would begin in the 30th Century and show us a character named Michael Jon Carter get fired from job after job until getting work as a night guard at The Hall of Justice Museum. After learning about the hundreds of superheroes of the yesteryears from his assigned helper robot Skeets, Carter decides to steal superhero equipment from the museum, go back in time and use his resources to become the richest, most famous superhero in history. The stolen goods include a Flight Ring used by members of The Legion of Superheroes- a hero organization in the future-and the time traveling belt of a hero named Chronos. Before time traveling, Carter is met by a future version of himself. The version of Booster Gold from "Superman: Doom" pops in and dies from his injuries against Doomsday, he warns present Carter not to do what he did. Carter doesn't know his future self is warning him not to time travel, he instead takes it as a tip to go back after Superman died.
Upon traveling to Metropolis (after Superman's death) Carter gains attention as Booster Gold. Lex Luthor's three Superman Robots chase Booster out of the city and he relocates to Hub City. After tricking his socially inept descendent Daniel Carter into letting him crash at his place, Booster starts getting sponsorship offers and is especially interested in an offer from Kord Industries. When he visits Kord Ind., he meets Professor Tracy Simmons and K.I. President Ted Kord. After learning from Skeets how rich and successful Kord Ind. is in the future, Booster befriends Ted and agrees to sponsor his company. This is good because as Ted explains, after the death of Kord Ind.'s representative and his mentor Dan Garrett the company has been failing and constantly offered buyout by Michael Holt, the CEO of Terrific Tech (who would appear in HBO's "Static" tie-in to this movie universe pitch). Ted would later reveal that Dan Garrett used an alien artifact called The Scarab to fight crime as "The Blue Beetle" and that some of his enemies found out Dan's secret identity. After Dan gave his life to stop the criminals and save Kord Ind., he died giving The Scarab to Ted. Ted could never learn how to work it, so he stashed it away and focused on building his company, but lacked the confidence to improve. Booster relates, explaining how he used to be a football star, but started betting on his games to help get medical treatment for his sick mother. After she recovered, Booster's abusive father forced Booster to keep betting on games. After he was found out, Booster was kicked off the football team, lost his scholarship, and was disowned by his family for cheating. Booster and Ted become good friends, and Tracy begins developing mutual feelings for Booster.
Booster's time travel belt was found in a garbage can-it was tossed out by a man who's wife was caught sleeping with Booster-by David Clinton. Upon tinkering with the belt, David discovers he can hop backwards and forwards in time and uses this technology to toss his nagging wife into the prehistoric era. He reads the name on the belt "Chronos" and grabs equipment from throughout history to become "Lord Chronos". We learn David was partially responsible for Dan Garrett's death and he was fired from Kord Ind., so the confrontation begins between Booster Gold and Lord Chronos, taking place in different eras. The future of the 30th Century (featuring The Legion), the future of fifty years later (featuring Batman Beyond), the medieval days (featuring Etrigan The Demon), the wild west (featuring Jonah Hex), and a dystopian future (featuring Kamandi) are used as play-sets for this battle. Ted Kord gets involved by using an air-pressure gun of his own design to malfunction the time belt and toss the three of them back to the present. Booster and Ted are applauded by the Hub City citizens and sponsors offer funds to Kord Ind., but nobody knows where David Clinton went. David appears in the prehistoric era with his wife. David sees a meteor and just wants to spend his last moments loving his wife, but his wife berates him as the meteor hits. With Booster Gold's help, Ted uses technology (including the exoskeleton hinted in "The Deadliest Shadow") to become the new Blue Beetle and together they become media-adored superheroes, stopping crime and advertising their butts off. Even Daniel Carter gets a job at Kord Ind. as a night guard while Tracy is moved up to second-in-charge of the company. Buyout invites are still sent in, but now not only from Terrific Tech, but also from Queen International, Wayne Industries, Lexcorp and StarLabs.
Booster Gold drops Tracy off after a date and flies over Hub City with Skeets, looking at a family photo and missing his era. Skeets convinces Booster that he should make the best out of the mess he started and Booster Gold laughs off his sadness and makes a call to his new manager Maxwell Lord about getting a spot on The Justice League.
After the credits, we see large room full of time travel memorabilia, a chalkboard referencing events in the DC Universe that have and/or will happen, and a spherical time travel vehicle. On a computer screen there are red dots appearing on multiple lines, each red dot blinking in synch with a profile page of Michael Jon Carter. The computer is tossed off the table by a time traveller-who'd appear on "The Flash" show beforehand-named Rip Hunter. Rip mentions all the anomalies created and turns to Carter's page, Rip asks "What have you done now, Dad".
Thank you for reading!
Come back next week to venture into the cosmos with "Adam Strange"!

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