Monday, April 18, 2016

The Crisis Begins

"Justice League: Crisis Part 1"
"Apokolips is mine. The Omega Force is mine. And soon..." we see Darkseid standing over an army of Parademons, his minions wait on their bowing knees. "Soon...The Anti-Life Equation will be mine". Darkseid waves his hand over each of minions, one by one, until walking into his throne room. Darkseid's minion Desaad informs him that the reconstructed Master Box can only teleport a small group at one once and to further the power of the Master Box they need an expert. The only person who knows how to construct a Mother Box is on Earth. Luckily for Darkseid, Earth has been under his watchful eye.
We open at the home of Charley Hall (Hawkman II) as he is having dinner with his wife Kendra and his infant children Hank and Dawn. Their dinner is interrupted by a knock at the door. When answered, Batman (Dick Grayson) stands at the door. "I need to talk with Hawkman". Meanwhile in New Mexico, Captain Atom (Nate Adams) interrogates some cartel members on the whereabouts of "a giant monster". With the information given, Cap finds his way to a chasm in the ground. Meeting him there is Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner). Cap claims this "giant monster" has a connection to the whereabouts of four US agents called The Challengers of The Unknown who went missing during their search for it. This is a government matter, but Green Lantern claims this "giant monster" isn't from Earth and anything from space is under The Green Lantern Corps' jurisdiction. As they argue, the giant monster slowly rises from the chasm. It claims to be "Devilance The Pursuer" and that until it is called on it must not be disturbed. Back at Charley's, Batman waits on the roof as Charley-dressed as Hawkman-shows up. Batman tells him that he's putting a new Justice League together, one with newer heroes. Just like Superman and himself, Batman regards on how this Hawkman has taken the mantle of the original. Charley explains his life is too busy to be on The League, both of his kids are apparently reincarnations of the original Hawkman and Hawkgirl so odds are his life will only complicate further. Captain Atom and Green Lantern begrudgingly work together to defeat Devilance, but argue over who takes him. Before they can decide the monster yells "For Darkseid" and disintegrates himself with his staff. The conversation between Batman and Hawkman is interrupted when Lantern calls him and tells him what happened. In the ashes of Devilance's body, Cap asks "What the hell is a Darkseid".
In Metropolis, Superman (Connor Kent) and Amazing Man (Markus Everett) are helping inner city kids build a new playground. The two heroes form a friendship over their concern of the community, but are surprised by a Boom Tube (portal) opening above them. From the portal a man in a red suit who's riding a flying harness comes out and challenges Superman. Amazing Man clears out the area as Superman pushes the red man far beyond the city and into the mountains. The red man-named Orion-fights Superman, clearly testing his strength. Orion flaunts on how he thought Superman was the strongest hero on Earth and how even he won't be enough. Before Orion can go on, Superman delivers a punch so strong is sends sound waves out as it knocks Orion stories deep into the ground. Captain Atom reluctantly joins Green Lantern at Mount Justice (one of The JL's old bases) to meet Batman and Hawkman. Although Lantern's ring can't find any information on Devilance, Batman can use the computer to track energy signatures similar to Devilance's. Hawkman starts talking about how he's starting to like the idea of forming a new League, but Cap is quick to point out that he's only here to on business and how the last League that was formed got out of control. Before he and Lantern can snap at each other again, Batman finds similar energy readings from Metropolis and calls Superman. Superman explains what happened as Orion-knocked out-is taken by The Department of Meta-Human Affairs. Batman picks up another signature in Greece, so Superman goes to check it out while Amazing Man stays with the DMA to interrogate Orion when he wakes up. Batman thinks he should help the interrogation, it's kind of his specialty. Cap and Lantern follow Superman and Hawkman follows Batman. While they fly, Cap demands to know what Lantern's problem is. He and Lantern are both soldiers in their own regard, so he doesn't understand why Lantern is jumpy around him. They stop in midair and Kyle tells Cap that the villain Major Force-another US agent who received powers like Captain Atom-killed his girlfriend a while ago (in the events of the "Takion" mini-series). Cap gives his condolences, but swears he and Lantern are on the same side.
In Greece, Superman goes to the coordinates Batman gave and enters a Vila where a struggle was clearly held. A woman walks in and demands an answer as to what Superman did with her husband. Before Superman can explain, the woman introduces herself as Big Barda, dons her armor and attacks him. Between the scenes of Superman and Big Barda fighting we get scenes of Batman, Hawkman and Amazing Man interrogating Orion. Orion claims he came to Earth to challenge it's strongest warrior, to see if their strongest was strong enough for what's coming. Orion tells them that a long time ago (time works different in space) there was a battle between himself and a being known as Darkseid. Many died, but the day was saved when Darkseid was killed and his planet was sent far from Orion's. The problem was that when Planet Apokolips was sent away it was sent closer to Earth. Orion has learned in his travels that Darksied came back to life and discovered The Anti-Life Equation (a mathematical formula that robs freewill) is on Earth somewhere and will invade the planet to get it. "You should have opened with that" says Batman. Superman tells Big Barda about Batman questioning Orion and Barda believes that Superman isn't her enemy.
Superman, Batman, Big Barda, Hawkman, Green Lantern, Amazing Man, Captain Atom and Orion go to President Amanda Waller and tell her this news. Barda thinks if Orion could get to Earth, it is possible that someone from Darkseid's army kidnapped her husband Mister Miracle. Miracle is the only living soul who knows how to operate The Master Box on Apokolips, which explains his capture. On Apokolips, Mister Miracle is being tortured by Parademons, but refuses to fix The Master Box. That is until The Glorious Godfrey uses his powers of mind control to make Miracle begin fixing the device. Darkseid knows the heroes of Earth will find a way to chase Miracle, so he sends some agents to Earth to keep them busy. Kanto The Assassin, Kalibak The Cruel, Steppenwolf The Champion, and The Furies Knockout, Lashina, Mad Harriet, and Stompa are sent to Earth. Darkseid's warriors slaughter citizens of Washington until The New Justice League show up to fight them. Orion is ready to get involved, but Barda orders him to open a Boom Tube and get Mister Miracle back. Orion is hesitant as he doesn't think Earth's heroes will be enough, but he has faith in them. Each member of The League battles one of Darkseid's warriors. Orion finds Mister Miracle on Apokolips and he successfully kills The Glorious Godfrey with a special dagger. Miracle is freed from control briefly until Doctor Bedlam (a free-wandering mind) possesses Miracles' body and forces a battle between Miracle and Orion. While this is happening, Desaad finishes the repairs to the Master Box.
The League is losing their fight and-for a moment-have a flash of hope when Mister Miracle and Orion are tossed from a Boom Tube back to Earth. However, the Boom Tube gets wider as the rest of Darkseid's warriors and Parademons pour out, the Earth's invasion has fully begun. Batman gets to a computer and sends a message "If you're a hero, it's time to prove it". Heroes from across the planet are seen battling Darkseid's forces all over Earth. The League begins defeating Darkseid's seven warriors and Orion gets Kalibak to himself. Kalibak is Darkseid's first son, making him Orion's brother. After torturing him with the special dagger, Orion learns from Kalibak that Darkseid won't come to Earth until it's heroes are wiped out. Orion kills Kalibak and takes this as a sign of fear from Darkseid. Orion prepares to enter the portal and confront Darkseid, but The League won't let him go alone. As they walk into the portal, Hawkman considers backing out. Amazing Man tells him the truth about the situation, that-right now-the only hope the Earth has is with them. Normal men or not, Earth needs heroes like them.
When they get to Apokolips, Orion explains to the heroes that the special dagger he uses is made of Radion-the only element that can kill a New God. "Huh, so I'm not the only guy with a Kryptonite" says Superman. "What's Kryptonite" replies Orion. The nine heroes approach the throne room where only Darkseid stands. Batman, Hawkman, and Mister Miracle run to The Mother Box while Superman, Orion, Big Barda, Green Lantern, Amazing Man and Captain Atom fight Darkseid. Lantern's arm is broken and Atom's suit is ripped (meaning he has to fly away, explode, and then reconstitute), but Orion gets in with his dagger. Darkseid claims he won't be fooled the same way and knocks the dagger away. Superman and Barda get their shots in while Lantern forms an arm-brace out of light and Cap returns. Batman explains to Miracle that not too long ago Lex Luthor was able to reverse engineer a portal device to suck all of it's escapees back in, though that failed when he did it. Regardless, Batman and Hawkman help Miracle tinker with the Master Box to see if the same could be done here. Superman calls Batman on his communicator and claims Darkseid is on to them. Superman is then tossed into the Master Box room as Darkseid walks in. Darksied wipes the floor with Orion, Barda, Lantern and Cap, but Orion informs Hawkman about the dagger. Hawkman flies off and finds the dagger, he gets back just in time to spot Darksied choking both Miracle and Batman. Amazing Man calls for a pass and Hawkman tosses the dagger (Amazing Man's power is to replicate the properties of whatever surface he touches). Amazing Man turns his body into Radion and drives his fist into Darkseid's chest. Though Amazing Man's attack is killing Darkseid, the villain uses his Omega Beam's disintegrate Amazing Man. Hawkman-in his rage-drives the Radion dagger into Darkseid's skull. Darkseid tries to disintegrate him too, but Orion-who embraces the Astro Force-counters him. Barda helps Batman and Miracle back to the Master Box and then joins the others to beat up on Darkseid. Miracle is able to reverse the Master Box and turn the Boom Tube on Earth into a vacuum that sucks up all of Darkseid's minions. "Problem is" says Mister Miracle, "We're bringing them here. Good for Earth, not for us". Batman shows that he programmed a self-destruct program into The Master Box, set for a few minutes. Miracle opens a Boom Tube to Earth as Batman grabs the Radion dagger. Miracle guides the other heroes into the portal while Orion fights Darkseid, Batman uses a laser on his suit to craft a bullet out of the dagger, then he grabs an emergency gun from his suit. Before the eyes of Barda, Miracle, Superman and Batman, Darksied rips Orion's heart out of his body and disintegrates him. Darkseid is distracted when his army floods the room. "I'm sorry for this, Bruce" Batman says as he runs forward, gun ready. Darksied-head turned-shoots his Omega Beams that target Batman. Superman blocks the beams and-surprisingly-survives their effects. Darkseid is too shocked by this to notice as Batman shoots a Radion bullet into his head, killing him. Darkseid's army frantically rushes forward, but Superman grabs Batman and they fly through the portal. The portal closes and the Master Box explodes, causing Apokolips to explode with it. Superman and Batman land back on Earth, buildings are destroyed, but many people survived thanks to Earth's heroes. The rest of The League stand proud as people cheer for them. "Well, that's one way to start a club" Batman says as he hangs off Superman and waves to people. "Do me a favor, Grayson" says Superman, "Lose the sense of humor". "Do me a favor, Kent" says Batman, "Grow one". Hawkman looks down at the ashes of Amazing Man on his hands, Cap and Lantern put a hand on Hawkman. "He was right" Hawkman says, "Earth needs heroes like us".
Superman, Batman, Big Barda, Mister Miracle, Hawkman, Green Lantern, and Captain Atom stand with President Waller as she introduces the new Justice League. Many lives were lost, damage is immeasurable, but the world was saved. For the first time in a long time, Waller has heroes to look up to. The families and friends of the heroes watch in the crowd and on TV as the heroes are given Medals. Superman announces that The Justice League will operate out of The Hall of Justice and continue to keep Earth safe in memory of those they have lost. "The day may be saved, but the battle is never over. Not as long as one of us is willing to fight". From his jail cell Lex Luthor watches, "That's my boy".
After the credits, Hal Jordan/The White Lantern leaves flowers in the ruins of Central City. He opens a portal back to his private dimension, but he is grabbed by Darkseid. "I saw...saw you die" Hal says, "They killed you". "You mean The Justice League" Darkseid replies, "Not even they have control of Death, not like I will". Darkseid reaches into the portal and rips a Black Book out of Hal's dimension. Hal begs him not to take the book, but Darkseid opens a portal of his own and tosses the book in. He then crushes Hal's White Power Ring into pieces. Hal drops to the ground-his White Lantern suit disintegrating-as Darkseid enters the portal. "I'll stop you" Hal says, "I'll find them and I'll stop you, I'll kill you". Darkseid smiles, "Have you not learned, Hal Jordan? Death is no threat to me. If anything..." he enters the portal, "It is my tool".
Thanks for reading.
It all comes down to this, "Justice League: Crisis Part 2" comes up next.

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