Panel Biter Podcasts

Monday, August 15, 2016

Frank Facts

Lets see how much of a Punisher fan you really are. Here are One Dozen Punisher Facts!
1. In his first appearance in 1974 The Punisher attempts to hunt down and kill Spider-Man because The Daily Bugle reported Spider-Man was responsible for the murder of Norman Osborn.

2. The Punisher idolized Captain America when he was a kid. Part of why Frank joined the military was due to this hero worship. In one story Frank is forced to kill Captain America, stating "You were always my hero" before shooting him in the head.

3. When Frank was first created he was a Vietnam veteran, but later Marvel updated him into being a veteran of the Iraq War.

4. In 1998 Capcom made a beat-em-up arcade game based on The Punisher where "Player 2" was Director Nick Fury of SHIELD and the final boss was Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin.

5. The Punisher has one of the smallest villain galleries in all of comic books. This is because so many villains who attack him end up dead.

6. The Punisher often makes use of the weapons of other Marvel characters. He's used The Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs and Goblin Glider and one of Doctor Octopus' tentacles. Frank has even used stolen Pym Particles (the main tool of Ant-Man) to carry an entire warehouse of weapons on him.

7. Despite how terrifying and psychologically bent Frank is, he's a surprisingly good neighbor.

8. In 2010 Frank was sliced to pieces by Wolverine's son Daken and rebuilt as a Frankenstein-like monster. He then teamed up a vampire, a werewolf, a mummy, a sea monster, and a swamp monster (all of whom were pre-established Marvel characters) to stop a group of monster-slayers from killing all deformed humans on Earth.

9. Ironic given his repeated battles with The Mafia, Frank is primarily Italian in heritage. His birth name is Francis Castiglione.

10. He's wasn't much of a team player after becoming The Punisher, but Frank has been a member of The Secret Defenders, The Heroes For Hire, and The Thunderbolts.

11. In various "What If" stories, The Punisher has been a cowboy, the new Captain America, a World War 1 veteran, a female Japanese devil slayer, a vampire, and the new Venom.

12. After he killed himself in 1998, The Punisher was forbidden from Heaven and made into Heaven's demon killer. In 2011-many years when this story was long forgotten-The Punisher died while on a mission with The Thunderbolts. However, an angel's feather brought him back to life. When Deadpool asked about the feather, Punisher preferred not to talk about it.
Thanks for reading!
Would you be afraid to live next to The Punisher? Comment below!

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