Panel Biter Podcasts

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Marvel Medieval #1

Marvel Medieval is a tabletop RPG of my own design. Myself and The Comic Buffet Crew are playing this game on a new podcast series over on The Panel Biter Podbean! So if you want to follow along or learn some lore, this is the post for you!

Character Focus: The Phantom Queen
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Gear: Medium Armor, Long Sword, Royal Ring, Side Bag.
Skill Chart: Forceful +1, Careful +1, Flashy +0, Quick -1, Sneak +2, Clever +0
Character Specials:
Mother's Cloak: User, allies, and/or object becomes invisible. Effect lasts longer when used on the user.
Imagine Shapes: Creates an invisible object of any size, shape and weight.
After The Great Infinity War, King Richards of Baxterria tried to use the power of The Space Gem to travel beyond Earth and into the stars. At his side was his half-brother Johnathan, his bodyguard Grimm, and his beloved wife Queen Susan. With a ship of his own design, Richards and his party used The Space Gem to warp into space. However, it is said they were cursed by The Gods for their abandonment of Earth and were sent flying back to their kingdom. Susan found herself lost in the forest and her skin had become invisible. Susan spent the next five years in anguish until finally learning to control her abilities. When Susan heard that her brother and guard died in the crash and Richards locked himself away in solitude, she abandoned her family and kingdom. As the mythical Phantom Queen, Susan defended innocent travelers and buried her shame with bloodshed.

Special Item: Infinity Gem Clovers
It is said that the Six Great Kings gained superiority over Franrich by acquiring The Infinity Gems. Rumored to be the hearts of Gods, the Infinity Gems are kept concealed in each of the Great King's castles. Around the time of The Infinity War, a curse was cast that caused each Gem to shed pieces of their power across the land. If found, these Infinity Gem Clovers can aid their users. However, these rare items can only be used once before they vanish.
The Time Clover (Orange) will allow a player to undo one Action.
The Space Clover (Purple) can teleport a target to any location within short distance.
The Soul Clover (Green) will turn one enemy into an ally.
The Reality Clover (Yellow) will completely heal a target of all harm and illness.
The Power Clover (Red) will double the damage dealt by it's user.
The Mind Gem (Blue) will allow the user to read the mind of one target.

Beware: The Goblins
Goblins are a common race in Franrich, but not held in high regard. Passive Goblins are usually greedy merchants or selfish builders, but feistier Goblins have a habit of stealing and killing. Goblins come in all shapes and sizes and all share an affinity for craftsmanship and simple magic. Goblins travel in packs and-if they are well equip-will craft a platform out of planks of wood and use levitation magic to fly through the night sky. Mostly nocturnal, Goblins are thought to hide in caverns under trees and hills. They don't often ally with other races without personal gain, but all Goblins believe in a legend that one Goblin became powerful enough to turn himself into a man. If you ever come across a Goblin pack, make sure you have friends with you. A Goblin is at his deadliest when he has his pack and at his weakest when he's singled out.

How To Play: Dice
In the game of Marvel Medieval, all Actions revolve around one six-sided dice. Anytime a roll of a D6 is required, the number will determine if you succeed or fail:
1=Fail with casualty
3=Fail with bonus
4=Success with casualty
6=Success with bonus
Use this chart and you'll be succeeding and failing in no time! Important note: this roll system applies to Actions, but not perception checks. Details on those and more on Actions to be released soon.
Enough said!

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