Panel Biter Podcasts

Monday, September 26, 2016

Marvel Medieval #3

Marvel Medieval is a tabletop RPG of my own design. Myself and The Comic Buffet Crew are playing this game on a new podcast series over on The Panel Biter Podbean! So if you want to follow along or learn some lore, this is the post for you!

Character Focus: The Forest Guardian
Race: Beast-Person
Class: Spiritual
Gear: Light Armor, Slingshot Pistol, Cleaver, Gear Kit, Big Bag.
Skill Chart:
Forceful -1, Careful +0, Flash +0, Sneak +1, Clever +2
Character Specials:
 Forest Friend: While in an area with plant-life, the user can summon a Tree Giant. All of the Tree Giant's actions depend on the user's D6 rolls without modifiers and the Tree Giant can be destroyed by harsh attacks.
Animal Nest: The user builds a bunker out of nearby scraps. The bunker is above ground and can contain two human-sized characters. While inside, the characters heal slowly from damage and are protected by attacks. The bunker will be destroyed after heavy damage.
Rocard was once part of a traveling circus, but he escaped the group after his ringleader became more demanding. He spent many years in the forest studying magic. He eventually learned how to create small tree-men and use them to steal from wanderers. Using the stolen goods and his magic expertise he formed a camp in the forest where travelers can rest. For a price, that is.

Non-Playable Race: Puppets
"Puppets" were created by King Anthony Stark, Royal Scientist Henry Pym, and Sorcerer Supreme Stephan Strange four years before The Infinity War. After the War, The Great Kings shared Puppet technology to make their citizens believe everyone was on solid ground. Puppets can be purchased for house service, child care, food preparation, and basically any task that is non-violent. Most Puppet Manufacturer Labs are in Starktropolis. A Puppet is created in a Pinocchio-like fashion: a craftsman will use metal to craft a "person" and a sorcerer will use a special spell to give it life. In order to keep Puppets from going rogue, the spells used are incomplete until orders are put into the Puppet. While it is alive it will not move until it is told it's name, it's purpose, and it's owner. Some notable Puppets include Vis (the servant of King Erik and The House of Magnus), Jocasta (servant of Henry Pym), and Herbie (servant of King Richards). Puppets are currently unplayable and pose no threat to players. However, more expensive and important Puppets carry weapons solely for self-defense. Players cannot own a Puppet, but can be given one.

Class: Heavy
The Heavy is perfect for defensive players. As a Heavy, the player will take the blunt of most damage and-while not having too be tall-they will be bulky and hard to knock down. Heavies are a class that are not too distant from Knights, though Heavies do not belong to a specific Kingdom and are more often hired for protection. Either for good or for evil. As a Heavy players will have their choice of the following weapons: A Long Sword & Big Shield (two handed), A Ball & Chain (two handed), A Long Hammer (two handed) or No Weapon (hands-free). The Heavy has the Class Ability called Meat Shield. This ability is only active when the player is protecting an ally. While protecting an ally or allies from oncoming damage, the Heavy is immune to the damage it is hit with. When the opposing enemy starts aiming at The Heavy specifically the ability is deactivated. Heavies are a solid and easy class to play. What they lack in agility and talent they make up for with resilience and strength. As long as your team has a Heavy, you'll know who to stand behind while you plan your course of attack.

How To Play: 20-Sided Dice
While D6's are the primary Dice used in Marvel Medieval, D20's also play a part. Like most roleplaying games the D20 is used for Perception and Turns. When a player wants to observe using sight, smell, hearing or whatever other senses, they need to roll a D20. If they role above a 10 they will be given a description of what they are looking for/at. But if they roll a 10 or under they will fail to observe. As for Turns, when a battle is about to ensue between a player or party and an enemy or enemy party each character involved has to roll a D20. While players roll for their character, the DM (Dungeon Master) or GM (Game Master) will roll for the enemy characters. The numbers each character rolls will determine which of them gets to perform an Action. Say Justin rolls a 15, Shae rolls a 7, and an enemy Goblin rolls a 16. The order of Turns goes Justin, Goblin, and Shae until either side wins. D20's are your one-roll destinations to get learning or get battling!
Enough said!

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