Panel Biter Podcasts

Monday, October 10, 2016

Marvel Medieval #5

Marvel Medieval is a tabletop RPG of my own design. Myself and The Comic Buffet Crew are playing this game on a new podcast series over on The Panel Biter Podbean! So if you want to follow along or learn some lore, this is the post for you!

Character Focus: The Spider
Race: Human
Class: Acrobat
Gear: Light Armor, Pouch Belt, Gear Kit, Special Lenses.
Skill Chart:
Forceful +0, Careful +1, Flashy -1, Quick +2, Sneak +0, Clever +1
Character Specials:
Spider Sense: When activated, Peter becomes immune to Sneak Attacks and traps.
Webbing: Peter creates magic webbing from his hands, these webs can be used to grab objects/targets, stun/trap targets, grapple onto targets, and create quick barricades.
Peter lived in a small village outside of Yorkshire where he was the apprentice to an inventor named Benjamin. He learned much about engineering from his mentor, but one day ignored his advice about traveling into a series of catacombs under Yorkshire. Down there he discovered a giant spider that ate him whole. When Peter woke up he had new magical abilities granted by the giant spider. Using his newfound powers he spent weeks fighting petty criminals. When he finally returned to his village he saw that Benjamin and his mistress May had been murdered on the behest of organized crime. To avenge his fallen mentor and make up for his selfishness, Peter used his knowledge to advance the villages' defenses and protect it from the villains of Yorkshire.

Class: Spiritual
Spirituals are a nomadic Class that specialize in defensive magic. Spirituals feel at home in any environment and will use their surroundings in their spell casting. While Sorcerers use their magic for a variety of purposes, Spirituals have no desired goals because in order to master the magic they use they must be clear of mind and pure of heart. They only respond to violence for survival and to protect others, and even then their magic is meant to protect and aid others. Many Spirituals will simply be wandering healers or guides across harsh areas. As a Spiritual players will have this selection of weapons: Slingshot (one handed), Bow (two handed), Long Staff (two handed), or Twin Blades (two handed). All Spirituals have the Class Ability "Life Giver" which allows them to heal one party member of Minor or Decent Damage. This ability cannot be used twice in a row during a Battle. Spirituals support all allies, no matter their personal opinions. As to a Spiritual, all life is sacred and any death is a sacrifice.

Beware: The Bamfs
During The Infinity War, a Knight by the name of Azazel had killed the mistress of a powerful Sorcerer known as Strange. As punishment, Strange used a forbidden spell to divide Azazel's body into individual pieces which would never be whole again. To save his father, the Acrobat Kurt leaped in the way of the spell. However, this caused both of them to be hit and give creation to a new race of creatures called The Bamfs. The Bamfs have no specified homeland nor do they speak any language. They only know how to say "bamf". Scholars have reasoned that "bamf" is in reference to the sound of "Necro's Instant Vanishing Spell". "Necro's Instant Vanishing Spell" is the most potent and difficult vanishing spell to use. While it has no limit to it's reach, it also causes the user to become trapped in a Hellish dimension between their vanishes, this causes novices to be trapped forever. Bamfs use this spell with ease as did Azazel and Kurt, but these creatures are more mischievous than anything. Blue Bamfs enjoying stealing, mimicking, stalking, and playing pranks, but are not violent. Red Bamfs will scare people, ruin property, start fires, and sometimes kill children or adults when in a pack. Not much is known about what these Bamfs do when they aren't seen by people, but some believe the souls of Azazel and Kurt to still reside inside them.

How To Play: The Ghost System
Dying. It is the worst thing that can happen to a player during a campaign of any roleplaying game. Marvel Medieval is a game that strives on teamwork, creativity, and fun for all players. And nothing is more of a bummer than having to sit on the sidelines while your friends bury your body. Thus we introduce the Ghost System.
When a player dies during a session of Marvel Medieval, they have one of two choices: Sit the rest of the session out (or even the rest of the game) or become a Ghost. By becoming a Ghost, the player's character becomes invisible, can phase through solid objects and fly, but they cannot interact with the world around them. They can, however, communicate with their party members and act as an informant. They can tell players things they wouldn't be able to discover otherwise. The player may be a Ghost for Three Sessions maximum (roughly three hours of gameplay) until they vanish forever. While they are a Ghost, players can begin crafting a new character for their campaign. If players are lucky, they may be able to find a special kind of Sorcerer who can place the Ghost inside a dead body. But if a Ghost is placed within a dead body (their own or a new body) they will have no Skill Modifiers.
By using The Ghost System, any player who dies during the adventure can still play a part in the story. This way nobody feels left out for long!
Enough said!

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