Sunday, November 6, 2016

Thor Facts

Let's see how much of a Thor Fan you really are! Here are One Dozen Thor Facts!
1. Thor and most of his supporting cast are directly based on Norse Mythology with obvious differences. The most trivial being that Thor-in Norse Myth-was depicted as having red hair whereas Marvel's Thor is blonde.

2. Thor's adopted brother/arch-enemy Loki has turned himself into a woman, a child, and even Scarlet Witch in the past. Loki has also used his powers to turn Thor into a frog.

3. Thor's hammer-Mjolnir-is thought to be his source of power. Initially, this was correct. Thor began as Donald Blake, a handicapped doctor who would tap his cane and become Thor, while his cane became Mjolnir. The Donald Blake aspect was later removed.

4. As The Norse God of Thunder, Thor has the innate ability to summon any manner of storms. It is through Mjolnir that he can focus and aim these abilities. He also can achieve flight by swinging his hammer and throwing it, allowing momentum to carry him across the sky.

5. After he was deemed unworthy in "Original Sin", Thor's hammer fell into the possession of his former human lover Jane Foster. Jane had also been diagnosed with cancer at that time. This created a sad irony as-like Donald Blake-Jane Foster could be a superhero, but could not escape her illness. Becoming Thor cures Jane of all external poisons, which means every time she becomes Thor the chemo in her body is whipped out and her cancer can develop without end.

6. Before Jane Foster the hammer had also been used by Beta Ray Bill, Steve Rogers/Captain America, Eric Masterson/Thunderstrike, Loki, Squirrel Girl, Future Rick Jones, Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man 2099, Conan The Barbarian, The Awesome Android, Ultimate Magneto, Wonder Woman, and Superman. To name a few.

7. In the short-lived Amalgam Comics, Thor was fused with DC Comic's Orion into "Thorion".

8. While Jane Foster would not become Thor until 2014, there exists a "What If" story from 1978 in which we see what it would be like if Jane Foster had discovered Mjolnir before Domald Blake. After lifting it, this version of Jane became Thortis The Goddess of Thunder.

9. Mjolnir was crafted by Uru metal by Norse Dwarves. Copies of Mjolnir have been crafted under different designs and given to characters like Thunderstrike, Beta Ray Bill, and Thor Girl. Thor himself has wielded Ultimate Mjolnir which comes from a universe where the wielder of the hammer does not have to be worthy.

10. Mjolnir is etched with a message reading "Whosoever Holds This Hammer, If He Be Worthy, Shall Possess The Power Of Thor". Mjolnir is actually conscious and capable of judging worthiness. When Thor sets Mjolnir atop someone who is unworthy, they are pinned to the ground under the hammer's unlimited weight, but they are not crushed to death by it. If Thor leaves the hammer on an elevator, the elevator will still go up as if there is no weight inside. It is possible Mjolnir's own consciousness allows this inconsistency in weight properties.

11. There exist a series of stones called The Norn Stones that were kept hidden in Asgard. These stones can empower wielders, revive the dead, and boost magic potential. These stones were used by Odin to make The Avengers strong enough to defeat The Sentry during "Fear Itself". These stones, however, are not to be confused with The Infinity Gems.

12. Following an event known as "Ragnarok" and during the event "Civil War" Thor had gone into hiding while Iron Man, Mister Fantastic, and Hank Pym built a robotic clone of Thor matching his every Asgardian feature. This clone was used by Iron Man during "Civil War" to enforce his Pro-Registration side, the clone also killed a superhero named Black Goliath. Hercules and Storm would eventually destroy the clone, but it would be rebuilt several times.
Thanks for reading!
Are you worthy enough to pick up Mjolnir? Comment below!

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