Wednesday, November 2, 2016

What If Marvel...

Marvel Studios has tapped on a couple of movie genres to great success. "Guardians of The Galaxy" was a space opera, "Captain America: The First Avenger" is a war movie, "Thor" was a fantasy movie. Well, he was on Earth for most of that film. Now Kat Dennings, she was a fantasy. But there is still land less traveled for Marvel Studios. So let me as this, What if Marvel Tried Different Movie Genres?

What If Marvel Did a Western?
Directors like Steven Spielberg have been quoted as saying that "these superhero movies will die out like the Westerns". Yeah. About that? "Django Unchained", "Hateful 8", "Magnificent Seven", "True Grit", and that's just a few of the modern Westerns. All that being said how awesome would it be if Marvel Studios did a Western film? Just to spit in the face of the naysayers who compare Marvel movies to a genre that isn't as dead as people think. Setting it in the Wild West means you don't have to ask "Well where's The Avengers in all this" because-duh-it's before any of that stuff! As far as your focus, Marvel has gunslinger characters like The Rawhide Kid, Kid Colt, and The Two-Gun Kid you could pair up into a classic "cowboys versus outlaws" kind of group film, or there is The Phantom Rider/Original Ghost Rider Carter Slade who rode a horse and looked more like a ghost than a flaming skeleton. Although, we already have my #1 Marvel Hero Robbie Reyes on TV right now. Oh, how about Red Wolf!? There have been a few versions, but Red Wolf is a Native American (Cheyenne) superhero trained in archery and wrestling and other forms of combat. He was also blessed by a Cheyenne God and one version has a pet wolf named "Lobo". He'd be a fun character to follow as most Westerns don't solely follow a Native American character.

What If Marvel Did a Horror?
The Horror Genre would be easy and hard at the same time. Sure Marvel has characters fit for it, but with Disney looming overhead they may not have "permission" to make a Horror movie. "Blade" was pretty close, but not really a traditional Horror. Venom would work pretty well if Sony wasn't biting the hand that feeds them. Orrgo is a giant monster so he'd work for a Godzilla type of film. The Legion of Monsters (Werewolf by Night, Morbius The Living Vampire, N'Kantu The Living Mummy, Frankenstein's Monster, and Manphibian) are your basic Hollywood monster squad, but I can see them being a comedic/spy romp team more than a traditional Horror. Still that would be an awesome team to revive. Figuratively revive. Man-Thing would probably be the best character to use. In short, Man-Thing is this monster that used to be a scientist, but due to another failed Super Soldier Serum he was changed. Man-Thing lives in the swamps of Louisiana and is driven by emotions, no thoughts. Man-Thing is empathetic so if you are afraid of him he will be afraid of you and use his acidic hands to burn your face off. Also his body is a portal into the Marvel Multiverse, but anyway you send some loud, disrespectful teenagers into his swamp and you got a Horror film with a Horror monster. Oh, wait. They did that already. Let's ignore that.

What If Marvel Did a Swords & Sorcery?
Like I said with "Thor" it seems Marvel's lacking on fantasy movies, though "Thor: Ragnarok" could be changing that. I really enjoy the aspect of multiple mythologies existing in the MCU so a film to explore more magical, mythic and fantastic parts of the universe would be great. Valkyrie could spin-off of Thor and have Asgardian adventures, or Marvel could use Angela just to piss Todd McFarlene off. If they wanted to go the other direction I'm all for a movie based on Marvel's Hercules. He could have a buddy film with Amadeus Cho. Namor could count as an underwater fantasy film, or maybe The Son of Satan if Ghost Rider really appeals to people. More than any other character to take the Fantasy film spot I'd love to see a Black Knight fantasy film. Or rather, a "Swords & Sorcery" film. Black Knight was running around in Medieval Times with a cursed sword, what could make it more interesting would be if Black Knight's modern day descendant Dave Whitman found the sword and had visions of his ancestor's life whenever he touched it. Essentially the whole film would be a flashback to the Dark Ages starring a tragic hero and end on a bit of downer as Dave becomes so inspired/obsessed with his family legacy he becomes the modern day Black Knight. Or you could send Dave/Black Knight to Weirdworld. What's Weirdworld? Another day, children.

What If Marvel Did a Psychological Thriller?
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is an insane place to live. You have Norse Gods being real, aliens attacking New York, secret ninja clans, and people who get superpowers from eating fish oil. It's bonkers! A psychological thriller of a character dealing with a world like this could be just the shake-up Marvel needs. They could take Phil Sheldon from Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross' "Marvels" and make him a modern day photographer who's been watching the superheroes since "Iron Man" and basically follow his life as he's forced to be part of the superhero craze. This would get us an in-depth look at how the public lives in a world like this. Although, an idea as artsy and low-budget as that doesn't seem like it would come to be unless the main character was a superhero. Enter The Sentry. I've talked about The Sentry a lot, but to put him simply he's like Superman with multiple personality disorder, memory loss, and schizophrenia. Robert Reynolds is the strongest hero there is as The Sentry, but every time he does something good as The Sentry he has to do something evil as The Void, his alter ego. In a movie, you could have The Sentry be a new superhero who appears, and The Void could be a villain who challenges him. At the same time you have Robert Reynolds who has been a civilian up to this point, but he discovers he has The Sentry's powers and he has The Sentry's memories. So the film follows this guy who thinks he is this superhero, but doesn't recall being this hero and how that struggle effects his family life. And if it is true that Robert and The Sentry are one-in-the-same, the public could hound him on why he didn't help in New York and who The Void is and how does he have powers. And finally, the film could end with him flying into the sun. Seemingly dead, but simply waiting until he can help the world again. Or asking if he can even help anyone anymore.

So, that was a lot of fun ideas! I can't wait to see what kind of movie Marvel comes up with next!
Thanks for reading!
What type of movie do you want Marvel to make? Comment below!

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