Thursday, December 15, 2016

Blizzard The Minister

If Jack Frost hasn't nipped at your nose yet, I am confident when I bet that this frozen fiend will make threat! So it's best not to forget Minister Blizzard! This week's chilly mastermind had a very brief time as an enemy to DC's concubine, Wonder Woman. So let us hesitate no more, and let this Z-Lister have his score, read on to meet this snow-man head on! This week's Z-Lister is Minister Blizzard from DC Comics!
You've met Freeze, and Cold, and Frost, and Snowman
Icicle, and Junior, and maybe The Dead King of Atlantis
But let me introduce you to another icy accomplice
His name is Minister Blizzard, created by Will M. Marston
And if you remember the name, it's the same
Who created Wonder Woman!
His name is Minister Blizzard, first seen in 1944
In "Wonder Woman #29" he made our lady sore
He was the Prime Minister of a kingdom of ice
Where his princess Snowina found
A scientist had created a tool
That could melt her home to the ground
While the scientist had no intention
Blizzard warned Snowina of this invention
And urged her to have him take it away
So Blizzard froze the scientist and his friends
But Wonder Woman put Blizzard to an end
By telling Snowina of Blizzard's true intentions!
Blizzard created an iceberg to crash into New York
But Wonder Woman met him with quick retort
By smashing the berg from one piece
And then locking Blizzard away with ease

His name was Minister Blizzard, and his tale wasn't over yet
As he reemerged with a new iceberg, and a dastardly plan
His name was Minister Blizzard, and he tied Wonder Woman tight
By using her own lasso against her, she couldn't put up a fight
But before The Minister could freeze Manhattan island
Wonder Woman escaped and sprung into action
Beating the blue boy red with no redaction
Saving New Yorkers in timely fashion
 By teaming up with Icicle Junior and Captain Cold
Minister Blizzard froze Ecuador and made The Justice League fold
While the heroes tried to thaw the land
The villain's employer had his hand
And took to Gotham, he went ham!
Robbing every store
And who was this badguy who got The Minister in heat?
Well it was a past Z-Lister, ain't that neat!?
And his name was The Shadow Thief!

His name was Minister Blizzard, and he didn't do much after that
He tried to wage another war in the city of The Bat
An old rich man opened a snow-park for the good children of Gotham City
But Minister Blizzard got real triggered and acted pretty shitty
He attacked the park and proclaimed loud
"You won't mock my kingdom, you old, rich clown"
"I warned you time and time again"
"If you besmirch my home with a fake park of your own I'll have your head"
But within three panels, Blizzard's reign went "ka-poot"
When he felt the exterior of The Batman's mighty boot
And everyone forget he existed!
So if you have learned anything it's to be careful with communications
Because one day you might make a mistake
And offend someone from another nation
He may have your face and know your language
But I assure to watch your tongue
Because if you're not smooth, or you make the wrong move
He might come back and freeze someone
His name was Minister Blizzard, I really hope that's the end of ice-guys
Because if I see snow just one more time
I might just boil my own eyes!

Thank you for reading.
Stay warm.

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