Panel Biter Podcasts

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Clint Facts

Lets see how much of a Clint Barton fan you are! Here are One Dozen Hawkeye Facts!
1. Before he was a superhero, Clint Barton was an orphan from Iowa. He grew up in a circus and was forced by his circus-mates to be part of their criminal group. He fell in love and aided Black Widow in stealing Iron Man's technology. After saving Iron Man's butler Jarvis, Hawkeye was invited to join The Avengers where he worked alongside Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Captain America.

2. Hawkeye's martial arts experience began with Captain America. During a training session with heroes who use weapons like Clint or Tony, Captain America broke Hawkeye's bow and pinned him to the ground. He did this to prove to Hawkeye that he needed combat training in case his bow was ever unavailable.

3. In 1969, Clint Barton used the identity of Goliath. Goliath was a mantle used by Hank Pym for a time, but Clint too used Pym Particles to grow giant and use the mantle. Clint also wore the Captain America costume for a day when Tony Stark offered the shield and mantle to him. Steve was "dead" at the time and Clint had recently come back to life, so Tony figured Clint would be cut out for the role. After teaming up with the character Echo, Clint received the Ronin uniform. Echo used the Ronin identity as did Clint Barton during the "Dark Reign" era of Marvel.

4. Hawkeye died due to the actions of Scarlet Witch, he would later be revived due to the actions of Scarlet Witch, and then after coming back to life he would have sex with Scarlet Witch. Except-as he later found out-that wasn't Scarlet Witch he slept with, but a robot duplicate of her created by Doctor Doom.

5. Clint's replacement was a teenaged girl named Kate Bishop. After she was assaulted in Central Park, Kate went into intense combat training. During the first adventure of The Young Avengers, Kate broke into Avengers Mansion and stole the equipment of Mockingbird, Swordsman, Black Widow, and, most of all, Hawkeye. Even after Clint returned to the Hawkeye mantle he allowed Kate to use the codename too.

6. Among his many love interest, Clint Barton was married to the SHIELD agent/Avenger Bobbi Morse/Mockingbird. They are currently separated. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Clint was revealed to have a wife and three kids in "Avengers: Age of Ultron".

7. Hawkeye's first film appearance was not in "Avengers", but rather in "Thor". Agent Phil Coulson signaled Clint Barton to take a shot at Thor when The God of Thunder was trying to get his hammer back. However, Phil called it off at the last second. Jeremy Renner was uncredited in "Thor" for his cameo. Additionally, he was planned to revise the character in "Captain America: Winter Soldier", but the scene was scrapped.

8. One of the few signature team maneuvers in the history of Marvel Comics includes an unnamed move in which Ant-Man (either Hank Pym or Scott Lang) will shrink down and sit on the end of an arrow and Hawkeye will fire the arrow. Once fired, Ant-Man can hop off the flying arrow to get somewhere quick or grow giant-sized to ambush their target.

9. In the recent event "Civil War II", Clint Barton killed Bruce Banner with a Gamma Radiated arrow. Clint and Bruce had discussed how Clint "could" kill him during a time when The Hulk was dormant inside Bruce Banner. When Captain Marvel and her Avengers tracked down Bruce Banner because their future-seeing teammate predicted The Hulk would kill a lot of people, Clint followed Bruce's request by killing him with the arrow Bruce created for him. That way Bruce could keep The Hulk from hurting anyone else. As a result of this, the superhero community hates Clint Barton and the civilians love him.

10. Hawkeye's custom bow has a bowstring that takes 250 pounds of force to pull back. He designed this intentionally to keep criminals from using his bow and so he could exercise his strength while in combat. Hawkeye's use of a bow comes from his circus training under Trick Shot, but Clint also has a more personal reason. In his own words, he finds the use of a bow and arrow in an age of firearms to be "elegant". Like "sending a hand-written letter in an age of text messages".

11. Clint's superhero team memberships include: The Avengers, Avengers Academy, The New Avengers, The Secret Avengers, The West Coast Avengers, Avengers Ideas Mechanics, SHIELD, The Thunderbolts, and The Defenders.

12. In 1983, Hawkeye and Mockingbird were captured by a team called The Death Throws. Their leader Crossfire attempted to make the two them kill each other by using a brainwashing machine. During their fight, Clint slipped an arrowhead in his mouth that projected sonic waves. The sonic waves nullified the machine's control over him and he was able to save Mockingbird. As a result, Hawkeye has been deaf for years and requires hearing aids. He has learned both lip reading and sign language since that period of his life.
 Thanks for reading!

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