Panel Biter Podcasts

Monday, January 23, 2017

Demon Facts

Let's see how much of an Etrigan Fan you are! Here are One Dozen Etrigan The Demon Facts!
1. Jack Kirby's inspiration for Etrigan The Demon came from a long-running American comic strip called "Prince Valiant" where the main character dressed like a demon. This comic strip would inspire the origin of Etrigan, which is that he is a demon bonded to the soul of a knight named Jason Blood.

2. To become Etrigan, Jason Blood must speak a poem of Merlin's creation. "Gone! Gone! O' form of man! Release the might from fleshy mire! Boil the blood in the heart of fire! Gone! Gone! The form of man! Rise The Demon, Etrigan". This poem has been lessened to the last two lines for convenience.

3. In the 1970's, DC Comics was in high demand for horror characters given the rising maturity of comic book readers. However, Jack Kirby had no interest in the genre. Regardless, with his other books cancelled, he decided to create the character of Etrigan who could meet DC's demands while also being an interesting character for Kirby.

4. On Earth-17, Kamalot is an alternate version of Krypton and Etrigan is the last surviving member of the doomed planet. Merlin sent Etrigan to Earth minutes before the planet's destruction and Etrigan inhabited the body of a Kansas farm-boy named Jason Blood. That version of Jason/Etrigan protects his world as "Superdemon". In the expanded lore of "Injustice: Gods Among Us" it is revealed Etrigan has bonded to the soul of Bruce Wayne/Batman and helped him put Superman into a magic coma. In the Amalgam Universe (DC Comics and Marvel Comics combined) Etrigan was combined with Barry Allen and Wally West (The Flashes), and Danny Ketch and Johnny Blaze (The Ghost Riders) to become a character called The Speed Demon.

5. Etrigan's weaknesses include holy objects (like crosses and holy water), enchanted weaponry, and iron. Additionally, Green Arrow has shot a fire-extinguisher arrow into Etrigan's mouth and the only way to stop the pain was to revert back into Jason Blood. Jason himself is not helpless, being a former knight he has plenty of combat experience, proficiency with weapons, and an astounding understanding of magic-thought not to the extent of his demon counterpart. Additionally, if Jason were to be unable to speak he could also write out the poem to transform.

6. Etrigan is super strong, super fast, and can spout fire from his mouth. He is also highly skilled in all forms of magic, such as offensive spells, conjuring, teleportation, levitation, telepathy, and necromancy. Etrigan himself also has a large knowledge of both mystical and religious history. Because of these abilities, his immense healing factor and his sadomasochistic nature (pain makes him horny) he is strong enough to stand against beings such as Superman, Wonder Woman, The Phantom Stranger, and The Spectre.

7.  Jason and Etrigan have shared a girlfriend, Madame Xanadu. In the title "Demon Knights" Etrigan and Xanadu allied with The Shining Knight, an Amazon, and Vandal Savage back in the Dark Ages. Though Etrigan remained missing for centuries, Xanadu would be an active member of Justice League Dark.

8. It is a misconception that Etrigan can only speak in rhymes. Although the character is usually seen speaking in rhymes, he is not forced/limited to do so. He can speak normally. Etrigan's preference to speak in rhymes stems from a "promotion" he received in Hell.

9. Jason Blood once had a relationship with a woman named Glenda Mark. The two of them had a child together and Jason decided his connection to Etrigan might put the their daughter Kathryn in danger. So Jason hired a superhuman assassin named Tommy Monaghan to help steal Etrigan's literal heart from Hell. Once Tommy had the heart, Etrigan ceased to rhyme or have free will. Jason then left his wife and daughter knowing his past would still catch up to them. Because Jason didn't pay Tommy for his efforts and because Etrigan had something Tommy wanted, Tommy traded Etrigan his heart back and Etrigan returned to normal within the soul of Jason Blood.

10. Jason/Etrigan is one of the many magical patrons of The Oblivion Bar, a bar that exists on another plain of existence that is only accessible to magic-users. Other patrons include John Constantine, Zatanna, Deadman, and Detective Chimp.

11. Though it is not his usual tactic, Etrigan is not above eating his enemy whole. In the "Flashpoint" universe he battles Wonder Woman and her Female Furies. At one point in the fight Etrigan is seen eating The Cheetah.

12. In 1992, Etrigan The Demon ran for President of the United States of America. He promised more jobs, lower taxes, and an increase in military power. His campaign "America Rules" was highly successful until Superman spoke to the American public and insisted Etrigan's promises were evil in nature and that Etrigan was simply playing to the lowest sensibilities in all of us. After this, Etrigan revealed he was only running for president so he could run the country in self-destruction later.
Thanks for reading!

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