Thursday, March 2, 2017

Mamma Maya!

Yo, some girls be cool like water, right? But then-then they be like-BAM-and then they hot, right? Yo, get a girl who can be cool like water and hot like fire. Ya feel me? Ahem. Today's Z-Lister is Maya from DC Comics. Please forgive my awful intro.
Created by Gerard Jones and Ron Randall in 1993, in the pages of "Justice League Europe #47", Maya's birth name is Chandi Gupta. When she grew into a teenager, Chandi began demonstrating superpowers. She could manifest a bow out of thin air that could enhance her strength and speed. Additionally, she could project mystical fire and enchanted water from this bow. Her parents-unsure of what to do-handed her over to a cult who were convinced Chandi was the reincarnation of the Goddess Shiva. When she learned the cult were planning on sacrificing her, Chandi ran off and escaped to London where she used the alias Maya.
While in London, Maya found herself near a battle between the supervillain Sonar and Justice League Europe. After braving herself and using her powers to help the JLE, they offered her a membership on the team. Which she happily accepted. While on a mission in India, a mysterious man calling himself The Mahayogi tried to capture Maya in order to keep her safe. Maya was able to defend herself and escape. While in Nepal, Maya meets a boy with powers similar to her own. This boy is killed by The Overmaster, the leader of the cult that tried to sacrifice Maya. During the fight against The Overmaster, the villain uses mind control to make Maya fight her own teammates. The Mahayogi reappears and gives his own life to release Maya from The Overmaster's control. After they defeat The Overmaster, Justice League Europe decides to disband.
Maya travels back to India and reunites with her parents. After she had left, her parents cut off communication with the cult and felt regret for ever letting them take her. Their reunion is interrupted by the villain Vox Humana who followed Maya and planned on killing her because she is a JLE member. The rest of the JLE show up to help, but it is actually Maya's parents who-through a magic amulet and the blessing of Shiva-scare off the villain with magical flames. Maya decides to give her parents a second chance and stays in India with them. Maya does not do much else after this point, but was considered for Teen Titans membership by Tim Drake/Robin when his team needed new members. Though, Maya did not make the final cut.
Getting the obvious out of the way, the control over water and fire is pretty cool. It's also interesting that her powers-which are magical-are not given to her or granted by a magic tool or a magical being like the way Doctor Fate and Shazam. She was simply born with these magical powers. With her being an Indian teenager I am also reminded of the Teen Titan known as Solstice. Solstice also had powers magical in nature, so part of me thinks some notes could have been taken from Maya here. Internationally, she's a good character to feature on a team. Though it would have been ahead of their time if DC Comics allowed Maya her own solo book. The character doesn't seem to have much of a following-I was going to say "cult following", but I felt it would be in bad taste-but despite that I think she'd be a good character revamp for the modern day. Characters of foreign descent are pretty popular now. One thing is for sure, Maya might have been the best thing to come out of "Justice League Europe". Then again when you're competition is The Crimson Fox, it's not much of a contest.
Thanks for reading!

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