Sunday, May 21, 2017

Ant Facts

Are you a fan of Ant-Man? Good, because we got One Dozen Ant-Man Facts for you!
1. There have been three men to take up the mantle of Ant-Man: Hank Pym in 1962, Scott Lang in 1979, and Eric O'Grady in 2006.

2. In 1963, Hank Pym reverse engineered his Pym Particles which caused him to grow. Using them in this way allowed Pym to create the identity of Giant-Man. In 1966, the growth effects of the particles retained and Hank was stuck as a giant, he then used the name Goliath. After a botched experiment, Hank develops a second personality that takes the name Yellowjacket. After the death of Janet Van Dyne, Hank took her superhero mantle of The Wasp in 2009. In 2015, Hank merged with his creation Ultron and left into space.

3. Hank Pym has suffered several mental breakdowns surrounding his insecurity, lack of self-confidence, guilt for dragging down his friends, obsession, suicide attempts, schizophrenia, and multiple personality disorder. Hank once tried to create a robot to attack The Avengers so he could defeat it and earn his peer's respect, but when his wife Janet/The Wasp tried to stop him he slapped her across the face. This infamous slap would plague the character for years to come. Several writers have tried to bookend this instance by having Hank apologize to her and having Janet move on from it and even having the two of them try dating again. Readers often misinterpret that single strike with the Hank and Janet from Marvel's "Ultimates". In the Ultimate Universe, Hank Pym regularly beat Janet, while in the comics Hank hit her once and immediately felt ashamed of it.

4. Hank Pym was once told by the Cosmic Entity known as Eternity-a being who is the literal body of the universe-that Hank is the "Scientist Supreme", a scientific counterpart to the Sorcerer Supreme. This was later revealed to be a trick by the Norse God Loki in an attempt to manipulate Hank Pym.

5. Hank was a founding member of The Avengers, advisor to The West Coast Avengers, a member of The Illuminati, leader of Avengers A.I., and a teacher at both Avengers Academy and at Camp Hammond's Initiative Program.

6. Before Scott Lang was Ant-Man, he was an electrical engineer who left his career to pursue a life of crime. Originally, he claimed his took up robbery for the thrill, but writers would clean the origin up by instead claiming his job wasn't enough to support his family. In Marvel's "Ant-Man" film, the theft was changed again, this time Scott had stolen from a company he worked for because the company had secretly cut it's employees paychecks. This established Scott as more of a "Robin Hood" type of thief.

7. After his time in prison, Scott was hired by Tony Stark to set up a security system in Avengers Mansion. This led Scott closer to the heroes he'd eventually join and allow him direct access to Pym's Ant-Man suit when he needed to steal it and save a doctor from Cross Enterprises. Coincidentally, Scott almost ended up working for Stark again in 2014, but turned the job down to move to Miami with his daughter and ex-wife. Following them is more accurate.

8. Scott Lang and Mr. Fantastic once cured Bruce Banner of Lou Gehrig's disease. They did this by extracting healthy DNA samples from Banner's dead father and using them as replacements for Banner's damaged samples. Ally by hand, courtesy of Scott.

9. In "Avengers Disassembled", Scott Lang was killed by the actions of Scarlet Witch. He was revived in "The Children's Crusade" by Iron Lad, but his daughter Cassandra Lang (who was the hero Stature) was killed by Doctor Doom in the same story. Scott later defeated Doctor Doom (the real one) and tricked him into believing he had killed the daughter of Mr. Fantastic, much to Doom's displeasure. Doctor Doom-in "AXIS"-revived Cassandra in an attempt to atone for his actions.

10. Scott has been a member of The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, The Future Foundation, Doctor Strange's Defenders, and Luke Cage's Heroes For Hire.

11. Eric O'Grady was a Shield Agent who stole Hank's newest Ant-Man suit with his fellow agent McCarthy. McCarthy is shot and killed by a Hydra Agent and Eric peels the suit off his friend's corpse. As the new Ant-Man, Eric uses his powers to spy on women in the showers, steal stuff, and accidentally murder people. He also used McCarthy's death as an excuse to get close to McCarthy's girlfriend, they make out on top of McCarthy's grave and later sleep together. After impregnating her, Eric stops seeing McCarthy's girlfriend and begins dating a woman named Abigail. She eventually reveals herself to a single mother with a son and Eric leaves her too. Much later, Eric tells the criminal Taskmaster that all the lewd things he did were actually Scott Lang (who was dead at the time). Overhearing this slander, Cassy Lang attacks Eric only for Eric to beat her half to death and proclaim "who's your daddy now".

12. Eric was later killed by a villain known as The Father and his body was used to create a Life Model Decoy. Currently, the robot copy of Eric-going by Black Ant-is a member of Hydra's Avengers.
Thanks for reading.

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