Panel Biter Podcasts

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Heroes Always Die

"Avengers: Infinity War/Infinity Gauntlet"! The Avengers! The Guardians of The Galaxy! Versus Thanos, The Mad Titan! With Infinity Stones on the line and the universe at risk, who will fall in the battle with the purple demon!? Here's The Panel Biter's Top 10 Most Likely Avengers 3 Deaths.

10. Drax The Destroyer
Drax is the least likely due to The Guardians of The Galaxy still having a third movie after Avengers 3. However, one of the most likable features regarding the Guardians is their small roster, a roster we've seen develop greatly. So imagine the impact on both the characters and the viewers if Drax were to die. While all the Guardians want a piece of Thanos, Drax has the largest bone to pick (metaphorically) with The Mad Titan, as it was Thanos that ordered for Drax's family to be killed. If Drax were to die in combat with Thanos it would take everyone by surprise, it would also allow Drax to join his family in death as he mentioned in the first Guardians film. Again, pretty unlikely, but if you know Drax in the comics you know his hatred of Thanos and just what comes from his death.

9. The Vision
This was a complaint by my friend The Fantastic David, if The Vision has an Infinity Gem is his head it means Thanos will definitely fight him and possibly kill him. We know the Gem gave The Vision sentience, but Ultron would have brought him to life regardless of the Gem being used. My point is that I think The Vision could live without the Gem, it's not his power source it's the thing that gave him his powers and his freedom. However, that does not mean Thanos won't kill The Vision in the process of getting the Gem. It's also likely that battle will be the thing that draws Thanos to Earth. While it makes sense with the narrative, The Vision's death also signifies the end of Ultron's effect on the Marvel Universe, as well as allowing The Scarlet Witch to possibly use the extent of her powers "House of M" style. Without the Mind Gem, The Vision could still live, he could still die, but the death of The Vision would be a foreboding one especially after we've seen him develop as a human.

8. Tony Stark/Iron Man
RDJ is getting old, guys. His contract is running it's course too. And imagine the message of ending an era of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the death of it's first hero. After his near-death in the first Avengers film, Tony Stark's death has been alluded to here and there. The panic attacks, the invention of Ultron, the Civil War. Tony has a lot of regrettable things on his back, and in death he'd prove his worth as a hero. Again, the impact of the MCU's first superhero dying to save the Earth would be heart-breaking for film fans. We would see the beginning and end of Iron Man. In his death, Tony could leave his technology, his money, and his legacy to upcoming heroes around the world. Then again, RDJ brings in fans so I'm not sure if he's the Avenger to kill off. It's more likely Stark will retire and help heroes from the background, maybe do for other heroes what he's doing for Spider-Man.

7. Clint Barton/Hawkeye
Another hero who's death has been teased is the more likely casualty; Hawkeye. After learning Clint had a secret wife and kids on a farm, many of us assumed he'd die during the fight with Ultron only for Quicksilver to take the bullet for him. Literally. Anyone else remember that one time Quicksilver was in these movies? Hawkeye's death would hit home because he's most human of the Avengers, and yet he still tries. He tried to fight The Vision, he tried to fight Black Panther, human as he may be he always tries when he's asked to. The imagery of a broken bow and a fallen hero-nay, a fallen father-would bring an upset for our heroes. It may even be a motivation, a new friend to Avenge. With Hawkeye's death you get development from other heroes, you can use Kate Bishop from the comics, you fake his death and bring him back as Ronin. It would just give more respect to Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye to know his "average, underwhelming, but brave every-man" got one last hurrah. Maybe he'll shoot an arrow at an Infinity Gem the same way he shot an arrow into our hearts. Ow.

6. Nick Fury
Speaking of guys who started it all. Nick "Motherfucking" Fury is the man who started the post-credits trope for Marvel, he's the man who brought The Avengers together, and the man who ripped Shield apart. Nobody knows where he is, or how alive he may be. But Samuel L. Jackson's character is well-known as the grand-daddy of Marvel's heroes. And to see the man behind The Avengers die would be a grim reminder of how human these characters are. It could give Phil Coulson and his Agents of Shield some stake in the fight, it could motivate all evil organizations across the planet like Hydra or AIM to strike while the iron is hot, knowing the Spy of all Spies has died. But really, I don't know if the Russo Brothers could drag Sam Jackson off the set. He's having too much fun.

5. Nebula
More likely than Drax, Nebula has an interesting stake in all this. Thanos is her adoptive father, but he's also the man who made her and her adoptive sister Gamora fight as children. And every time Nebula would lose, Thanos would rip a part of her body off and replace it with machinery. So Nebula being psychotic makes total sense. Without spoiling too much, Nebula and Gamora do have some small amount of bonding in GotGv2, so having Nebula die would spark the inner rage inside Gamora. Gamora would become more violent and closed off from her friends. More than that, if Thanos killed Nebula it would show us-the audience-that Thanos really doesn't care about anyone. Not even his own children. Not even the child he ripped and fixed over and over. And no offense to Nebula, but she's not the most important person on screen. When I go to see a Guardians movie, Nebula is never the reason I'm going. Granted, this death could invoke some rare love for Nebula we may all have, and signify the change for the Guardians favorite green girl.

4. The Collector
The Collector-as well as The Grandmaster-is an Elder of The Universe. One being from a race as old as the universe. Possessing great power and influence, The Collector is likely to die because he has an Infinity Gem and is probably the easiest person to kill. For Thanos, at least. To see Thanos kill an Elder, a being so old and so wise and so regarded, would show how powerful Thanos is. Add to that the potential surprise of seeing The Collector fight and maybe use his Infinity Gem and you have a rare scene. The death of The Collector would also shatter the notion that any character is safe. Main characters, supporting characters, and even background characters as up for grabs. The Collector is just a safe bet, and I doubt a man with collecting would just allow someone to take what is theirs.

3. Odin
If Thanos is truly to show how powerful he is, killing the God of all Norse Gods would be a great start. Odin is one of the most powerful beings in existence, he began the Norse lineage, and he has the power to defeat even his own son Thor. With Asgard falling in Ragnarok, and Odin apparently on Earth now, he doesn't exactly have much to do. Killing him off would motivate Thor, maybe even make Thor king of whatever is left of Asgard. That way Thor doesn't have to die, but he can't be a hero anymore. And again, if Thanos killed Odin it could show how serious of a threat he is. Killing Gods is one thing, but killing the father of Gods shows how screwed our heroes are. And again, it's a chance for a supporting character to get a sick fight scene. If Thor is so powerful, imagine Odin going full force.

2. Loki
The thing that gives Loki the slight edge over Odin is the impact of his death. If Loki dies, Thor goes through some emotions. Odin goes through some emotions. We go through some emotions. And remember, Loki was the first global threat. Before Thanos, before Ultron, before Hydra, there was Loki invading the Earth with the Chitari and controlling minds. Loki is a complex villain, and a likable one too. If Thanos killed Loki it would signify "the new villain killing the old threat". It's like Dragonball Z, right? Goku just barely defeated Frieza in the Namek Saga. But then, in the Android Saga, Frieza comes back (which means Goku didn't even kill him) and the new character of Trunks shows up from the future and kills Frieza no problem. That shows us how powerful this new guy is because he destroyed the be-all-end-all villain in one move. Same applies to Loki and Thanos. Not to mention that it would make Loki's last appearance significant. One could assume by his staff having an Infinity Gem and him working with the Chitari that Loki was working with Thanos, but by Thor 2 we can tell Thanos wasn't coming back for him. So having Loki be like, "See? I didn't need your help to become King" and then Thanos wipes the floor with him would be totally within character for the both of them. Pretty sure Loki still has a Gem, so Thanos is coming for him one way or another.

1. Steve Rogers/Captain America
Well, duh! What is more impacting than the human personification of America dying? I know I talked a lot about Iron Man being the MCU's first superhero, but chronologically Steve Rogers holds that title. We've seen Captain America have important effects on his country; he spearheaded the Allies winning World War II, he led a team of Gods, mortals, and monsters against an alien invasion, he brought Hydra out of hiding, he caused a divide in the superhero community. With every step Cap takes, waves ripple across these films. Cap's days are written in the sand, he gave up the shield and went into hiding, now we don't know where he is or what he's doing. But we know Bucky is still around, we know Bucky might be the next Captain America. And if that's the case we need Steve to go somewhere. The other indication is Chris Evans' contract with Marvel Studios. He's almost done being in these films, and he's expressed an interest in directing. It's all the more likely he'll be the Avenger to die. And imagine the power of that scene. Captain America punches Thanos (kinda like that cover where he punched Hitler), and Thanos breaks the shield in one slap and beats Cap to death, with Cap "doing this" all day. From his death, Tony finally puts his smarts before his ego and leads The Avengers and The Guardians and every other righteous son of a bitch against The Mad Titan. More than anyone else, Cap represents an era for this Cinematic Universe. Hope, achievement, acceptance, and adaptability. Steve Rogers was willing to die for his country when he was 5' feet tall and 90 pounds, so dying in a war no soldier could prepare for would be a fitting end to The First Avenger. An end that will have us all saying, "Assemble".
Thanks for reading.

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