Sunday, May 14, 2017

Lobo Facts

Are you a fan of The Main Man!? Then you'll love these One Dozen Lobo Facts!
1. Lobo was originally the main antagonist of The Omega Men in 1983. Back then he was a Velorpian who's entire race was killed by Psions.

2. In 1990, the character was heavily redesigned to be a parody of characters like Wolverine, The Punisher, Cable, and other gruff characters of the 80's and 90's. Ironically, Lobo was ripped off by several other comic book series. "Bloodwulf" was a rip-off by Image Comics, "Bolo" at Topps Comics, and "Dirty Wolff" over at Marvel Comics.

3. Lobo is currently a member of Batman's Justice League of America and has a great deal of respects for Batman. This is because when Lobo was under mind control, Batman voluntarily used an explosive to destroy Lobo's brain, knowing it would reform without any mind control still in effect. Lobo then realizes how "badass" Batman is.

4. Lobo's ethical code as a bounty hunter boils down to, "My word is law". If Lobo is hired for a job, he will finish that job even if it risks his own life. If someone he's contracted to kill or someone objecting to the assassination tries to hire him for more money, he will take the offer.

5. As an intergalactic bounty hunter, Lobo makes use of various firearms, a chain-linked hook called The Garrote, explosives, a Red Lantern Ring, an outfitted space motorcycle called The Space Hog, and his bulldog Dawg-who he claims isn't his dog when they get into trouble.

6. Lobo knows 17, 879 alien languages. Some key slang words used by Lobo include "Bastitch" which means bitch or bastard, "Fraggin" which means freaking or f%&king, and "Keezy Fem" which is a slur referring to a woman.

7. Lobo has a great love for dolphins. From his home in space, Lobo can feed space dolphins from his porch. He once teamed up with "fellow Dolphin lover" Aquaman to defeat some murderous fishermen. Lobo is also a good friend of Guy Gardner-The Green Lantern-and often shares drinks with him at Guy's bar "Warriors".

8. Lobo was reworked into a Czarnian and his new origin was that he slaughtered his entire planet. For the murder of his entire peaceful race Lobo was sent to Hell, but he had caused so much trouble both Heaven and Hell restricted him from returning to the afterlife. Lobo was granted a healing factor that would assure he'd never die so that he wouldn't come to Heaven or Hell. This cartoon-like healing factor makes Lobo immortal.

9. In the 2000's, Lobo had the ability to clone himself from a drop of blood. Each clone had equal strength and intelligence to the original Lobo. During one adventure Lobo was turned into a teenager by Klarion The Witch-Boy. Now as Lil' Lobo, he joined Young Justice and followed them to planet Apokolips. It was there Lobo was destroyed by Klarion, but from his blood a million Lobos are reformed. These Lobos fight each other until only one remains. This one regrows to adulthood, loses his memories of Young Justice, and becomes the true Lobo. One botched clone named Slo-Bo retains his teenaged body and remained on Young Justice until his body degraded, revealing Lobo's cloning ability had expired.

10. Lobo was once hired to kill a version of himself from one month in the past, this version of Lobo had battled and fused with Big Head from Dark Horse Comic's "The Mask". In Amalgam Comics, Lobo was fused with Marvel Comic's Howard The Duck into "Lobo The Duck".

11. In 2011, a new version of Lobo was created by Rob Liefeld. This new Lobo was based off "modern day badasses" who were slimmer, sexier, and morally gray. This new Lobo also claimed the old Lobo was an imposter and sought to kill him. After heavy criticism by fans, DC Comics brought the old Lobo back in "Justice League vs Suicide Squad" and the "new" Lobo was trapped in a bottle by Brainiac and held on the Green Lantern HQ planet Oa.

12. Lobo was once hired by The Easter Bunny to kill Santa Claus in a story called "The Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special". In 2002, a live-action, non-theatrical, short-film adaptation of this story was made by Scott Leberecht and starred Andrew Bryniarski as Lobo. The film is roughly thirteen minutes and was made on a budget of $2,400, it was part of The American Film Institutes director's studies program and can be found online. Link below:
Thanks for reading!

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