Panel Biter Podcasts

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Alias Facts

Are you a fan of Jessica Jones? Well, we got One Dozen Jessica Jones Facts for you!
1. Jessica debuted in "Alias" written by Brian Micheal Bendis. The title was the first series to fall under Marvel's new imprint "MAX". Created to suite stories with mature content, uncensored dialog, and adult situations, the MAX Imprint was universally recognized for it's large logo. The logo was made large so that young readers and their parents wouldn't accidentally buy an adult book. Stan Lee was once quoted with disliking the idea of the MAX Imprint, simply because he himself would never write a story to be mature.

2. Brian Michael Bendis intended on using Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman as the main character of "Alias", but Marvel Editorial refused to let him use her. Spider-Woman had been a reappearing member of The Avengers and-due to her name-was associated with Spider-Man. Marvel didn't feel she was a wise selection for a book so adult. So Bendis created Jessica Jones. This was ultimately a good decision as most of Jones' important stories were written by Bendis, giving him almost complete control of the character's history.

3. Jessica attended high school with Peter Parker, having a crush on him back then. After the accident that gave her superpowers and killed her parents, Peter tried to befriend her as he sensed she was a kindred spirit, but Jess took this as pity. When the two of them were part of The New Avengers, Jessica revealed the high school crush after Spider-Man revealed his identity to his teammates. Jess claims it was only an old crush, but her husband Luke Cage still felt some resentment.

4. In "Alias", the character Carol Danvers/Ms. Marvel appears as a friend of Jessica. Daredevil is also briefly featured, and, as previously stated, Spider-Woman was the original character Bendis was going to use. Luke Cage is also involved in the story. This is all relevant because when Bendis went on to write New Avengers, Jessica, Luke, Carol, Daredevil, and Spider-Woman were all part of his initial run on the series.

5. Jessica Jones and Luke Cage do not have the traditional romance. The first time the two met they ended up having sex. "The butt-f&%$ heard around the world" as the narration put it. Later Jess learns Luke got her pregnant. At first, Luke offers to stick around and help her support their child, but the two do end up falling in love. After their daughter is born, the two get married in Doctor Strange's basement during "Civil War".

6. Danielle Cage was named after Luke Cage's best friend Danny Rand/The Iron Fist. In the alternate future of "Old Man Logan", Danielle is one of the only remaining superpowered people. And in another alternate future, Danielle is twice as strong as her parents and has become Captain America.

7. Jessica's primary enemy is Zebediah Killgrave/The Purple Man. Back when she was a superhero, Jessica tried to fight The Purple Man only for him to use his mind control powers to turn her into his sex slave. She remained under his control for eight months before-in a fit of rage-he sent her to kill Daredevil at Avengers Mansion. She accidentally knocked-out The Scarlet Witch and The Avengers attacked her, putting her into a coma. When she woke up, The Avengers and SHIELD offered her membership to make it up to her, but she refused and became an alcoholic private detective.

8. Jessica has had a few superhero identities. Her first was "Jewel", she wore a white and blue costume and wore a pink wig. She left this identity after the Purple Man incident. She had a brief stint as "Knightress" during a sequel series to "Alias" called "The Pulse". She almost used the name "Power Woman" at the request of Luke Cage, but denied it when Luke got too excited about it.

9. At the end of "Alias" we are treated to a "What If" in where Jessica accepts The Avengers' offer to join them. In this alternate universe she becomes a respected member of The Avengers and marries Captain America.

10. During "Alias", Carol tries to hook Jessica up with Scott Lang/Ant-Man. The two of them are written as broken, desperate, afraid people and the relationship ultimately doesn't work. The two do consider each other as "work friends" at the time being.

11. During an X-Men story in which The X-Men have to travel within Wolverine's mind to save him, Magik finds a room in Logan's mind labelled "Sexual Fantasies". Behind this door is a red-lit bedroom full of sex paraphernalia and occupied by Mystique, Emma Frost, Spiral, and Jessica Jones in her Jewel costume. Presumably Logan got these feelings during the time he and Jess were on The New Avengers together. Also in this sex room was Squirrel Girl, who was confirmed to be twenty until 2014.

12. Among the superheroes considered by Jessica Jones and Luke Cage to babysit their daughter there was Hellcat, Mantis, Demotion Man (three times), Firebird, Machine Man, Echo, Maggie from The Runaways, Ultra Girl, Groot, Howard The Duck's human girlfriend Beverly, Deadpool, Sepulchre, Stature/Cassy Lang, She-Hulk, Nighthawk, Tigra, and Squirrel Girl. Squirrel Girl got the job, despite Wolverine offering to watch the baby first.
Thanks for reading.

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