Panel Biter Podcasts

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Beast Facts

Are you a fan of Beast Boy? Well, we got One Dozen Beast Boy Facts!
1. Garfield Logan's parents were scientists living in West Africa. His parents were abusive and neglecting, but when Gar contracted a disease called Sakutia they used reverse evolutionary technology and the DNA of the West African Green Monkey-an animal immune to the disease-they were able to transform their son into a monkey. After the effects wore off, Gar found he was completely green and could transform into any animal on Earth.

2. Despite being a well-known Teen Titan, Garfield was originally a member of The Doom Patrol. It is on this team that he invents the identity of "Beast Boy". He would return to The Doom Patrol many times in the future, and was even legally adopted by the leaders of the team Mento and Elasti-Girl.

3. When Beast Boy joined The New Teen Titans in the 1980's, he began using the name "Changling". He kept the name up until the 2000's when he went back to Beast Boy. It is assumed he uses the name Changling when he wants people to see him as an adult. He also dejected the Beast Boy name due to teasing by his previous guardian.

4. In his early days, Beast Boy wore a red and white suit with a black and purple mask to hide his identity. In the years that passed he was given a full black and purple face mask that would hide his green skin, as his skin would obviously tip people off to his secret identity. The black part of the mask would be swapped with yellow, the purple would be removed in favor for his green skin, the mask would be purple with green skin, and the black mask would have a red visor, among other changes over the years. When Marv Wolfman and George Perez enlisted Beast Boy onto The Teen Titans they removed the mask completely and made his identity public.

5. While on The Teen Titans, Gar fell in love with teammate Terra. Terra was revealed to be the lover/partner of their archenemy Deathstroke. Terra died in the final confrontation between Deathstroke, HIVE, and The Teen Titans. Despite her pure evil nature and betrayal, The Teen Titans still built a monument of her and Beast Boy's love for her did not vanish.

6. When he was not a member of The Teen Titans or The Doom Patrol, Garfield was an actor. He had  lead role on a "Star Trek" ripoff called Space Trek. In the "Teen Titans" episode "Episode 257-494" or "Don't Touch That Dial", a television program/film called "Clash of The Planets" has an all-day marathon. Beast Boy shows proficient knowledge in the themes, story, and cultural importance of the program and his knowledge ultimately saves the day. "Clash of The Planets" takes cues from Star Trek, Star Wars, and Gatchaman.

7. In 2000, Beast Boy got a four-issue miniseries in where the daughter of a Doom Patrol villain hired two mercenaries to murder Beast Boy's costars from Space Trek. Beast Boy was framed for their murder and had to clash with Nightwing, Raven, and many of his fellow Titans. This series helped Beast Boy find himself and resume a celebrity/superhero career.

8. In the "Teen Titans" animated series, it was established Beast Boy was a vegetarian. His explanation was that he had transformed into most of the animals people eat and found it uncomfortable. He shares his vegetarianism with his voice actor Greg Cipes. This characteristic was migrated into the comics shortly after the shows airing.

9. Also established in both the cartoon and around the 2000's was a romance between Beast Boy and Raven. A classic case of opposites attracting, Beast Boy and Raven had an on-and-off romance in the comics. Either coming together out of love and forgiveness or splitting up over Raven's instability and parentage.

10. In 2006, Superboy, Robin (Tim Drake), and Wonder Girl (Cassandra Sandsmark) died, and Cyborg and Starfire quit. Beast Boy-with the remaining Titans and any teenaged heroes who cared enough-formed a new Teen Titans and became their leader. The team roster was constantly changing and dissolving, but when Robin and Wonder Girl returned to life there was enough stability to salvage and Beast Boy got the credit he deserved. In the past. Beast Boy had tried to spin-off a team called Titans West. Titans West were a group of wannabe Titans who were not recruited back in the 80's and Beast Boy was one of them. He would later recreate the team, but watch it break up numerous times. This team should not be confused with The Titans East. In the season finally of "Teen Titans", Beast Boy and a ragtag team of reserve Titans band together to save the rest of the captured Teen Titans from The Brotherhood of Evil.

11. Beast Boy's powers allow him to transform into any animal on Earth. This includes tigers, lions, bears, various birds and fish, but it also extends to extinct and endangered animals, as well as dinosaurs and fossilized creatures. At some stages he has also been able to use the abilities of an animal without transforming. In the comics Beast Boy can communicate while in animal form, but this was changed for the cartoon. In "Young Justice", these abilities are granted to him via Martian DNA and his animal powers can be activated halfway, allowing him to be a hybrid of human and animal. In both cartoons he also shows the ability to transform into alien animals, while in the comics he once transformed into an alien slave of Darksied. With the seed of Trigon within him he could transform into demonic creatures. In "Teen Titans" he was laced with psychological-altering chemicals which made him develop a werewolf-like form. While only doing this once in the present, in possible future stories Beast Boy shows the ability to turn into mythical beasts like chimera, dragons, and a phoenix. This was in the future of "Kingdom Come" where was known as "Menagerie". As "Animal Man" in the future of "Titans Tomorrow", Gar was able to split himself in copies like an amoeba and create an army of shapeshifting heroes.

12. In 2011, the New 52 version of Beast Boy appeared as a minion of "Harvest". This version was now red instead of green. This is because "The Red" is established as a mystical force shared between all animals on Earth. DC/Vertigo character Animal Man taps into this power to use the powers of animals, so for the New 52 Beast Boy was made red to match that force as well. In 2014's "Teen Titans" title he was made green again with no explanation or reference to The Red.
Thanks for reading.

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