Sunday, June 11, 2017

Cyber Facts

Are you a fan of Cyborg? Because we got One Dozen Cyborg Facts for you!
1. In Cyborg's premier origin story in 1980, Victor Stone was the child of scientists Elinore and Silas Stone. The two of them used Vic as a test subject for various enhancement experiments that would result in his IQ being above average. Because of his forced intelligence, Vic rejected the field of science and chose to play football as a way to rebel against his parents. He was also an accomplice to a group of juvenile criminals. During an experiment, a monster from another dimension killed his mother and injured him severely. After his father sends the monster back, he has no choice to turn his son into a Cyborg to keep him alive. Cyborg would come to resent his father's decision, remark on how he should have let him die with his mother, but as he matured Victor make peace with his father.

2. In 2011, Victor's origin was updated. With his mother dying from a previous experiment and him choosing to be a football player simply to avoid his father's work, Vic is injured by the activation of a Mother Box during Darkseid's first invasion. Silas uses advanced cybernetics to fuse the Mother Box to Vic's body, creating a much more powerful version of Cyborg.

3. Originally, Cyborg was created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez to be a member of the "new" Teen Titans in 1980. Similarly, Geoff Johns and Jim Lee retooled Cyborg in 2011 to be a member of the "new" Justice League. The change of team association was brought upon due to the lack of diversity on the original Justice League roster and due to the roster lacking a technology-based character. While many may assume Cyborg's League membership was established in the 2011 DC Comics reboot, Cyborg had become an official member of The Justice League in 2009 when Donna Troy and Kimiyo Hoshi/Doctor Light II invited him to be on their newest roster. He was also considered a "potential member" by Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman in 2007.

4. Due to his fusion with The Mother Box, Cyborg's abilities are far more powerful than they once were. While he used to be capable of super strength, technokinesis, and sonic beam generation, he now can open teleportation portals called Boom Tubes, translate alien languages, manipulate any computer on the planet, integrate with various forms of technology and machinery, and regenerate parts of his robotic body.

5. Cyborg used to require constant modification from his father to suit certain situations like undersea missions and space travel, but in 2016 it was established that after absorbing alien technology he gained the ability to quickly evolve his machinery to suit any situation.

6. After being hit with a missile, a group of Russian scientists repaired Cyborg, albeit with more machinery than before. Cyborg-feeling even more distant from humanity-was found by a cybernetic entity called Technis. Technis was the consciousness of an alien planet, made completely from machinery. It came into existence after Swamp Thing-who was lost in space-formed a "sexual union" with the machine planet, giving it one instance of actual life. Technis offered to repair Cyborg, and in return Cyborg would teach Technis about humanity. His own humanity started to disappear and Cyborg eventually fused with Technis and became Cyberion. As Cyberion he created a base on Earth's moon and subconsciously began kidnapping his former friends. It took The Teen Titans and The Justice League to fight Cyberion and restore Vic to his former self.

7. After that past digression, Nightwing created a clone body for Vic's mind. This body was human, but could also change into a robot form, meaning he was a "cyborg" in a different way. His new Cyborg form was simply a gold-colored version of his human body. He remained a mentor on The Teen Titans when the older members began recruited newer, younger heroes as students.

8. Cyborg was once possessed by Jericho-the resurrected son of Deathstroke. Mentally unstable, Jericho tried to use Cyborg to kill The Titans. However, Teen Titans member Static used Titans Tower's systems to overload Cyborg and force Jericho. Unfortunately, Jericho was being hunted by the murderous Vigilante, and in trying to pretend to still be Jericho and lure Vigilante out, Cyborg is shot in the head.

9. After "Infinite Crisis", Cyborg was damaged and in need of repairs for a whole year. He was kept under Titans Tower and was unaware of the events the team had experienced. When he awoke, he found Robin (Tim Drake) as the only member he was familiar with left. The rest of the roster was new to him and Vic's prior experiences left him dissatisfied with Robin's new team. This was until he discovered that while he was in a coma, all the Teen Titans would visit him and talk to him and dish out their issues to him. In finding he was useful even in a comatose state, Cyborg gave these new Titans a chance and remained the second-in-command of the team.

10. Cyborg has encountered two teams specifically organized to destroy him. First was "The Phantom Limbs", a group of elite soldiers who were crippled in the Middle East and given pieces of Cyborg's old parts to repair themselves. The second was "The Cyborg Revenge Squad" made up of Magenta, Girder, The Thinker, Cyborgirl, and The Fearsome Five's Psimon, Jinx, Gizmo, Mammoth, and Girder. His most recent foe was referred to as The Grid. When Cyborg began connecting to all computers on Earth he developed a type of A.I. system to help filter information. This system-The Grid-started to become smarter and more independent, even learning how to self-operate from hackers online. When the villain Atomica betrayed The Justice League, she uploaded a virus onto Cyborg that allowed The Grid to split off of him and become its own robotic being. Victor was left as a nearly-dead torso and The Grid became a member of The Crime Syndicate. Cyborg teamed up with The Metal Men to defeat The Grid shortly after.

11. In the world of "Kingdom Come", Cyborg has taken up the mantle of Robotman and is made from liquid metal. In the universe of "Injustice", Cyborg is part of Superman's world-conquering Regime and uses him connection to technology to be Superman's eyes around the planet. In the alternate future of "Titans Tomorrow", Cyborg 2.0 is the founder and leader of Titans East and has a physical appearance similar to the "Teen Titans" animated series version. And in the "Flashpoint" universe, Cyborg is America's greatest superhero. Dependable, home-grown, and completely malleable by his superiors.

12. In the original pitch for "Justice League" the animated series, there were supposed to be three teenaged characters who would be proteges to The Justice League. These were include Robin (Tim Drake), Impulse (Bart Allen), and a "female version of Cyborg". While the show was picked up by Kid's WB, the concept of the three teen heroes was dropped. Like the other Teen Titans featured on their own animated series, Cyborg was not allowed to appear in The Justice League-and "Justice League Unlimited"-cartoons due to an embargo stating the network did not want kids to think The Teen Titans and The Justice League were in the same animated universe.
Thanks for reading.

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