Wednesday, August 9, 2017

What If The DC Universe...

You know, with all the split-opinions surrounding DC Comic's films recently, and all the upcoming film news like a "Flashpoint" film and Ben Affleck possibly leaving the Batman role and all that crap, I take a lot of pride in knowing this blog isn't all about "THE STATE OF THE SUPERHERO GENRE". Sometimes, to forget our favorite DC heroes are in jeopardy, we need to lay back and ask: What If The DC Universe Was Part of Dragonball Super's Universe Survival Arc.
I guess now is a good a time as any to admit to you readers that I-the guy who bites panels-loves Dragonball. The original, Z, and Super. GT is digestible, I guess. This past year alone I've been trying to up by DB fandom by buying the new Xenoverse game and "Dragonball Fusions". I haven't been watching the anime religiously, but I read about it and watch reviews when I have time and-by far-the most interesting thing to happen to the franchise is the newest arc in Super. The premise is that Goku and his friends have to form a ten-man team to compete in a tournament for the fate of their universe. Eight universe, ten fighters each, last universe standing is the only universe. I don't cross the comic and manga/anime streams often, but the concept of The Universal Survival Arc had me thinking. If the DC Universe was to put together the strongest fighters they have for the survival of everything, who would be on there?
A few rules: The selected characters can be good, evil, or indifferent, but they need to be convinced to participate. We're looking at power so don't expect to see Batman on this list. The characters involved cannot use weapons, so no Lanterns. And finally if you're a diehard DC fan and you think I missed an obvious choice, well, that's what the comment section is for. Now then, my ten fighters for the DCU!

10. Plastic Man
Definitely the least likely of universal saviors. Plastic Man isn't exactly a born fighter, or a strategist, or even intimidating, but if he is anything he is persistent. Plastic Man is almost invincible. You punch him, he bounces back. You shoot him, he bounces back. You try to melt his brain? He moves his brain. His entire body is elastic, malleable, and self-recovering. All the times he's been melted, frozen, shattered or split, he comes back from it with only mild trauma. While any Green Lantern is respectable for their creativity in battle, Plastic Man can shapeshift into various shapes and tools without a power source. His sense of humor and potential destructive abilities make Plastic Man a wild card that plays well with other cards.

9. Etrigan The Demon
While Jason Blood is an immortal knight, his alter ego Etrigan The Demon is a beast to behold. With strength and endurance comparable to Superman, Etrigan also carries hell-fire, demonic spells, and a sexual thrill from pain. Guys like Superman and Batman have noted how dangerous Etrigan is, and any time the Demon becomes too dangerous it's usually up to the Earth's mightiest heroes to stop him. Having roots in magic and the supernatural makes Etrigan very veritable and unpredictable. His only weakness would be getting tricked into reverting into Jason Blood, and even then all he needs is his mouth. He can even spell out the magic poem to become The Demon again.

8. Captain Atom
Captain Atom is a soldier, so points to the whole "modern warrior" thing. His skin is actually an alien metal that is almost unbreakable. And his ability to manipulate any form of energy known to man is godlike. He can time travel, fly, enhance his strength, blast radioactivity, nuclear energy, he can alter temperatures, and rearrange atoms. Remember Doctor Manhattan from "Watchman"? Well, he was based off Captain Atom. If Cap could reach those levels of power, his chances among the fighters would skyrocket.

7. The Martian Manhunter
Underappreciated? Yes. Overpowered? Hell, yeah! The Martian Manhunter is veteran Justice Leaguer, a cultivation of Superman's power and Batman's intelligence, and a vessel of untapped rage over the loss of his people. Super strength and speed, flight, shapeshifting, invisibility, intangibility, heat vision, telekinesis, telepathy, and more psychic abilities. Thanks to his ability to alter his body he can adapt to any fight or location, he can recover from any blow, and with his telepathy he can predict every movement. Even in the face of death he had the forethought to split himself into five people, make the other four people believe themselves to be other people and have lives unrelated to himself, erase his own memory, and then fuse the four people together to recreate himself. Crazy, I know! With only fire being his big weakness, I think it's a small price to pay for this powerhouse.

6. Swamp Thing
Protector of The Green and Earth itself. Swamp Thing is not good or evil, he just wants to protect nature, man. So for the benefit of nature he'd quickly involve himself. Swamp Thing can create doubles of himself, manipulate the land around him even if it's an alien landscape, he can regenerate and create pollen, vines, thorns, and roots to grasp his foes. He can alter his size and appearance and his mystical ties give him an advantage against science-based enemies. More than anything, Swamp Thing's ability to integrate with any form of vegetation gives him the home field advantage wherever he ends up.

5. Black Adam
Imbued with the stamina of Shu, the swiftness of Heru, the strength of Amon, the wisdom of Zehuti, the power of Aton, and the courage of Mehen, Black Adam is a tyrant to be feared. Once a weak slave, Adam was given power by the wizard Shazam and quickly freed his people and ruled over then shortly after. If Adam's god-infused powers and sheer devastating strength isn't enough, his powers give him enhanced intellect and his own experience of being alive since ancient Egypt gives him an unmatched sense of "being around the block a few times". His position as a leader and imposer certainly gives him the edge one-on-one, but in a group setting he'd find it easier to delegate.

4. Shazam
Billy Batson is but a mere boy, but as Captain Mar-err, I mean-as Shazam he is the mightiest mortal on Earth! Matching Black Adam, Superman, The Martian Manhunter and many other heavy hitters, Shazam comes packing a can-do attitude and a sense of righteousness that even a villain can admire. With the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury, Shazam has the entire Greek/Roman pantheon on his side. Shazam-like Black Adam-can manipulate lightning and make use of magic, even being able to conjure items from thin air! Whereas Black Adam's role as a leader makes him a physical and mental threat, Shazam's edge is his ability to predict people. Black Adam sees himself as a God, but Billy knows he's only human and being able to predict someone's behavior based on a few words here and there could give Shazam a peek into his opponent's psyche.

3. The Flash
Barry Allen, The Fastest Man Alive. Of all The Flashes, Barry is the fastest, the most experienced, and is more in tune with The Speed Force. Now, the Speed Force is a power source specific to the DC Universe so if this hypothetical tournament were to be outside the DCU, The Flash would be basically running on a battery. In-universe The Speed Force is unlimited, out-of-universe The Flash only has so long until the connection is cut. It's a risky move, but when you have a man who can create thunder blasts and whirlwinds, alter the movement of objects in a nanosecond, vibrate through solid objects, rearrange molecules, think faster than a super computer, move faster than anything in existence, rewind time, and outrun Death!? That's a risk worth taking.

2. Wonder Woman
The greatest fighter on Earth. No joke. Batman can learn all the Judo he wants and Wonder Woman, Princess Diana of Themyscira will always best the best there is. Having fought Gods, monsters, and the evilest of mankind, Wonder Woman's resume is well documented. A member of The Justice League and The Trinity, occasional leader of her people The Amazons, and an idol for women everywhere, Wonder Woman is a symbol of truth and strength. Even without her signature weapons, she has her strength, speed, flight, and fighting experience to aid her. Not to mention her status as a Demigod, with that she can tap into the power of her father Zeus and become even stronger. As if that were enough she has one last superpower: She never gives up. Never!

1. Superman
Duh. Strong enough to break planets, fast enough to tap Barry on the shoulder, died and came back in three weeks, incinerated an army of Doomsdays, lobotomized man, monster, and alien with heat vision, blew comets out of the sky, froze burning buildings in a breath, flew fast enough to destroy hurricanes, built an exact replica of a machine a century in the future all by using x-ray vision, super speed, enhanced memory, and super-smarts. Superman has created suns and fed them to Sun-Eaters. Superman isn't just a hero, he's a legend. The legend. And if anyone can save the day it's him. He was designed to. After all, he is the world's first superhero.

So, that's my team. If the DCU needed a group of powerful people to save it from destruction, it would be these men and women. Oh, woman. My bad.
Thanks for reading!
Did I miss anyone? Comment below!

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