Monday, September 18, 2017

Kon Facts

Are you a fan of The Boy of Steel? Well, we got One Dozen Superboy Facts!
1. The original "Superboy" was Clark Kent himself. In 1938, one of Superman's creators Jerry Siegel pitched a "Superboy" series to DC Comics with the concept of Clark Kent being a superhero before his adulthood and being a bit of a prankster. DC Comics disliked the idea of sullying Superman's good nature, but liked having a Superman young readers could relate to. So, Superboy/Clark Kent premiered in "More Fun Comics #101" in 1944.

2. One of DC Comic's more obscure superhero teams-The Legion of Superheroes-first premiered in the original Superboy's series "Adventure Comics". The Legion were a group of teenage superheroes from the 30th Century who regard Superboy as a legend. The would constantly visit and team-up with Clark Kent, adding more members to their team each time. Ultimately, the Legion grew to the size of an army and got a long-running series of their own, and it had become canon that Superboy would have never gotten the experienced needed to be Superman without The Legion's visits.

3. Another Superboy to be relevant in DC Comic's history was Superboy-Prime. This version of Clark Kent came from a world like ours, where the characters of the DCU are comic book characters and Superboy-Prime (who still fell from space) was named after the character "Superman". Our Superman visited his world and was able to rescue him before it's demise. After being held within a pocket dimension for many years with alternate versions of Superman, Lois Lane, and Lex Luthor, Superboy-Prime became enraged by the remaining DC Universe and sought to kill it's version of Superboy. He would end up slaughtering many Teen Titans and becoming a Yellow Lantern, he was imprisoned by The Green Lantern Corps, but escaped. Last we saw of Superboy-Prime he was back in his recreated world, however, the whole world knew of the atrocities he committed.

4. From 1969 to 2013, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster's heirs had been in legal battle with Time Warner (owners of DC Comics) for the copyright to Superboy. While "Superman" was deep under DC Comic's belt by then, DC had published "Superboy" stories without Siegel or Shuster's consent. When he pitched the idea in the late 30's, Siegel was denied twice. However, by the time DC Comics wanted to publish Superboy comics both Siegel and Shuster were serving in World War II, meaning they could not sign-off on the rights to Superboy. In 2013, Time Warner and DC Comics won their court case against the heirs of Superboy's creators.

5. In "Superboy #171" in 1971, Superboy meets a young Aquaman/Arthur Curry and team-up. However, because it was a "Superboy" story the writers felt the need to introduce young Aquaman as "Aquaboy". The character has never been referred to as such again, nor have any other characters as the common name for a young Aquaman-related male character has been "Aqualad".

6. Many of Superman's most iconic villains have premiered in Superboy stories. General Zod (as well as The Phantom Zone itself), Bizarro Superman, The Kryptonite Kid, and a variant of Kryptonite called Red Kryptonite.

7. In 1993, following the death of Superman event, four new Superman characters were introduced to pick up his four series. "Superman" now starred Cyborg Superman, "Action Comics" starred The Eradicator, "Man of Steel" starred Steel, and "Adventure Comics" featured the new Superboy. This Superboy-Kon-El/Connor Kent-was a clone of Superman with altered powers and a rebellious attitude. He preferred the name "The Metropolis Kid" and wore a leather jacket that exclaimed "Don't Mess with The S". He enjoyed attractive women, being on television, and showing off his powers. Powers that were almost exactly like Superman's, but with some differences. While he could not use heat vision or fly, Superboy could project a telekinetic force from himself acting as a pushing or blocking ability.

8. While he was clearly a product of his time, Superboy/Connor eventually grew into a more likable character. He unlocked the rest of his Kryptonian powers, he was featured on teams like Young Justice and The Teen Titans, he died and came back, he teamed-up with Krypto The Superdog, and he discovered half of his DNA came from Lex Luthor-Superman's greatest foe-which gave him some weight on his shoulders.

9. Like his predecessor, Superboy would find an unlikely friendship in a Gotham vigilante known as Robin The Boy Wonder, Tim Drake to be exact. After Connor and Batman were believed dead, Tim would use Superboy's colors and Batman's costume design to create the moniker of "Red Robin". Superboy also has a long-standing relationship with Cassandra Sandsmark-the second Wonder Girl. A relationship shadowed by Superman in 2011's New 52 reboot which saw Superman and Wonder Woman hooking up. Superboy has also gone on exactly one date with another Cassandra, Cassandra Cain. Cass had rotated through many mantles, but at that time was the newest Batgirl.

10. In 2006, a "Legion of Super-Heroes" TV show was produced and starred a young Clark Kent. While it was stated to the press Superboy was in the show, the character of Clark Kent was never referred to as Superboy in any episode, instead being called Superman due to the legal disputes. In season two, Superman was replaced by "Superman-X" a clone of Superman with slightly altered powers. It is widely considered that Superman-X was this show's version of Connor Kent.

11. In the alternate future of "Titans Tomorrow", Connor has become Superman, remained with Wonder Girl (now Wonder Woman), and leads The Titans, who are considered the villains of this timeline. He and his corrupted teammates inherited resonsibility over the world after the Justice League was slaughtered and now exact a tight grip over the Earth. Unsurprisingly, this Connor's mentor is Lex Luthor.

12. The newest Superboy is the son of Superman and Lois Lane-Johnathan Samuel Kent. Like Connor, John is usually hanging out with Krypto The Superdog and is "best friends" with Robin-this time Damian Wayne. At only age eleven he has already teamed up with The Teen Titans and Batman's studies have indicated that John will soon be even stronger than his father. It is unknown where Connor is at the moment John first premiered as the new Superboy, but it is important to note that Superman-who dubbed his son the new Superboy-has made no mention of Connor.
Thanks for reading!

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