Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Panel Biter: Year Three

This year has been heavy. Not bad, not difficult, but heavy. As I write this, my girlfriend and I have just gotten ourselves an apartment. I have boxes packed, I'm putting the deposit in tomorrow. Big changes. The new move means I won't be as active here, but I should be putting out podcasts as usual. There are some topics I wanted to get into, I figure cutting them up would make it easier to read. So, here we go:

Thank You
Thank you so much for reading this. For reading any of my posts. Just the idea of someone taking the time to sit and read something that I wrote shakes my heart every time I think about it. I've had this site for many years and for those of you who have been checking the site out for a long time I appreciate it. And I see you readers. I see you in Brazil, and Germany, and Europe, and Canada, I see views all the time on my articles. It's amazing to me that I can think openly about comic books and get so many people reading. But I will admit, and this is something I mentioned last year, I'd really love more comments. If you use Facebook, The Panel Biter is on there. If you use Twitter, it's @ThePanelBiter. If you use Youtube we have a channel. And-the most direct way of commenting-every post on this website can be commented on. If you disagree with me or have your own opinion or just want to say hello you can comment below. If your English is bad I can translate, I don't mind. I just want to know what you readers think. And if even one of you comments, other readers might to. So give me some feedback so this can feel like a real community.

Speaking of which. I see a lot of people reading my posts, at the very least clicking on them and looking at the pictures, but my question is: Where are you guys when I upload a podcast? A podcast is like radio, but online, if you've never heard of one. And as far as what you can listen to? "The Comic Buffet" is a show where I explain a comic book story to my friends who didn't read it. "The Weekly Flip" is a news show we do where we cover all the recent comic book, comic book movie, and comic book TV news. "Raf's Stack" is a show where I review a few comic books I pick up every week. Then we have commentary shows like "Movie Biter" and "Cinecide Squad", a show called "Panel Pitch" where I pitch a full comic book movie to my friends, and a few other shows here and there. We have a lot of fun recording and it's super-easy to listen to, we even have segments of shows on our Youtube. So if you're cleaning or doing homework or just need some noise we have your back! So please, click the link at the bottom and check out an episode. Any episode you want!

Like I said, I'm in the process of moving and until Tax season I won't be able to get a computer in the new place. I can still come home and use the computer to write and upload stuff and I can try to use my iPad, but I'd like to have a new computer, a new place to record, and the free time to upload more things on Youtube. Maybe full episodes of the Comic Buffet and The Weekly Flip, segments from our shows, older episodes, and some original content. One example of a new Youtube show I'd like to do is called "Failure To Launch" a show where I talk about a comic book character created for an event that was supposed to be "the new thing", but didn't become popular and why that is. And I'd love to do live stuff soon too, we've done a few live shows on Youtube and even a Granite State ComicCon show. Sadly, we didn't get another one this year, but I'll try to make up for it in the future. So, yeah, please subscribe to my channel by clicking the link below and you'll be first to receive our new content!

So this is one of those things I'd like to do, but cannot do until I have a large enough following to do so. We have many jokes here at The Panel Biter: Interpretive Dance Moon Knight, Hijack Stealing The Silver Surfer's Board, and plenty more. We want to make shirts. But that takes time, money, a T-Public account. So, if the Youtube gets more attention and the podcasts do to maybe we can work something out. I have friends in the podcasting/video department who can link me to a advertisement company so maybe I can ask them. Basically if I'm going to be supporting myself and my girlfriend it wouldn't hurt to make some money off of what I love to do and if that helps stylize you guys that's a big bonus.

Marvel Medieval
One project I'd love to bring back from the dead is Marvel Medieval. Basically, I've been doing multiple D&D campaigns with my friends over the last few years and one campaign was one of my own design called Marvel Medieval. It was the Marvel Universe in a medieval setting, like "1602". You can choose a variety of races and classes and fight huge Marvel monsters. I had a whole thing written out. For a while I even released articles about the game so readers who enjoyed the podcasted games could play themselves. The problem with doing the show-like many podcasts and roleplaying games-was getting people on a regular schedule. It also didn't help that we did the whole thing on Skype, which had it's own issues. Currently, I'm active in two roleplaying games with my friends Seth, Corinthia, David, and Connor, so in the near future I'd love to attempt this kind of series again. Maybe not in a weekly fashion, but monthly at least. And of course I'd do more posts about it too. But that's in the air for now.

The Future
By next year the Youtube should be legit. Maybe an upload between every week and every other day. the podcasts should stay the same, if not come faster and more frequent. Having my own place means having more freedom to record and upload and maybe have people over to record without having to worry about curfews and driving. You might even see live recordings. As far as money goes, that's up in the air too. I wanted to start merchandising a year ago and I've gotten no where. You might hear some new voices too. I have plenty of friends, contrary to popular belief. And I'd love to collaborate with other people. I have a cousin in New York who runs a comic book store and website so I could get him. There are a handful on Youtube comic book people I'd like to work with. But as far as me and The Panel Biter, there will be small dip in content, but slowly you'll see this build and build. I'm not certain all my goals will be met, but I know I'll still have the drive to do this. Write and record. The Panel Biter isn't going anywhere.
So thank you all for reading and staying with me for the past year. Every reader is dear to my heart and I promise you're time and interest will be rewarded!

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