Thursday, September 21, 2017

TOT: Joker Hates Nazis

Remember that one time The Joker attacked The Red Skull for being a Nazi?
Back in 1997, both DC Comics and Marvel Comics were a bit more friendly with one another. Ever since their crossover between Spider-Man and Superman in the 70's, the companies have crossed over multiple times. Batman and The Hulk, Superman and The Fantastic Four, The Teen Titans and The X-Men. There were even two whole events based on the prospect of both universe's characters fighting and then merging into one universe. One such crossover from that era was Batman and Captain America, two characters who couldn't be more different. One was a brave American charged up by super-steroids to fight for his country with a glorified Frisbee, and the other was a traumatized billionaire who spent his money on gadgets, vehicles, and a cool-looking bat costume to punch the mentally unstable. The only thing they had in common was an unyielding faith in the youth of the era wearing colorful costumes.
In John Byrne's "Batman & Captain America" we see the iconic heroes team up during the 1940's during World War II. Cap and Bucky are brought back to the states to investigate Nazi activity in Gotham City and Batman and Robin-who probably dodged the draft-are following The Joker's newest crime-helping The Red Skull. Cap and Bats have the obvious battle and eventual team-up, but the moment we're exploring today is the confrontation between The Joker and The Red Skull. You see, The Joker didn't know The Red Skull was a Nazi and was trading weapons to his Nazi allies overseas. The Joker figured it was some kind of disguise to avoid the jack-booted terrors and upon learning the truth proudly exclaims he may be a lunatic, but he's an American lunatic. The two try to fight, but their respective chemical weapons have no effect of each other. But-seeing as how The Red Skull is blow for blow stronger than The Joker-the clown is apprehended while The Red Skull hijacks the book.
This unexpected expression of patriotism from The Joker is one that left a lot of readers with shock. The Joker is often seen as an entity of pure chaos, he doesn't really care who gets hurt during all his fun. He's killed children, women, the elderly, the obese, the handicapped, and everyone in between. I'm sure The Joker may have killed The Red Skull eventually, but the fact that The Red Skull discriminates against a certain set of races out of some racial bias seems to push The Joker past his usual showmanship. The idea of working with a Nazi makes The Joker drop the act and go straight for the kill. In no incarnations has The Joker been shown to be racist in any way. Not because he's better than that, but because he doesn't care. He doesn't care what race, gender, or religion you may be. All that matters is whether you're fun or not.
In this instance we see something rare from The Joker. Not impossible, but rare. As I mentioned in my post about The Joker's final joke from "The Killing Joke", The Joker's most commonly believed origin painted him as an unsuccessful comedian and when he uttered his last joke towards the end of the book it was as unfunny as his jokes before he became The Joker. Perhaps some other elements from the man The Joker used to be blended through his insanity, for as much as he's changed some lessons engraved into him remain. That's why-for as f$%ked up as he is-The Joker doesn't rape, he doesn't discriminate, and he doesn't perform acts of national terrorism out of some religious passion. The Joker kills people, all people equally. So when someone comes along and changes his preferred form of anarchy, you better believe they'll be first in line for the fun-house of pain.
Thanks for reading!

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