Panel Biter Podcasts

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Betsy Facts

Are you a fan of Elizabeth Braddock? Well, we got One Dozen Psylocke Facts!
Image result for psylocke
1. Elizabeth first appeared in 1976 in "Captain Britain #8". This series was the staple series of Marvel UK-an imprint written by British writers and focused towards a British readership. Such famous talents to work on Marvel UK include Alan Moore, Grant Morrison, and Dave Gibbons.

2. Chris Claremont created Elizabeth Braddock to be the sister and supporting character to the original Captain Britain-Brian Braddock. She had minor psychic powers and was a pilot. After an attack by the villain Slaymaster Betsy's eyes were removed and she relied on her psychic abilities to sense her way around. Later she received cybernetic eyes and her full psychic powers came to blossom. Since Claremont was writing X-Men by this point he established Betsy was a mutant and gave her the name Psylocke.

3. During the time she was brainwashed by The Hand, Psylocke learned how to channel her psychic energy into a blade of varying length. This ability remains her standout power that separates her from other psychic mutants. Much later she learning how to create bows and arrows, a grappling ling, a crossbow, and a flail.

4. Psylocke was kidnapped by a Japanese crime lord and had her mind swapped with the crime lord's dying lover Kwannon/Revanch. With their bodies swapped and powers rewritten, the lasting effect was that Elizabeth became physically Japanese.

5. During her time on The Exiles, Betsy had to battle Slaymaster from Earth-1720 who killed multiple versions of Betsy in multiple realities.

6. Betsy's twin brother Brian Braddock is usually the hero Captain Britain. In Marvel Comics, The Captain Britain Corps is an army of heroes imbued with powers by Merlin The Wizard to protect the multiverse and Brian guards Earth-616's reality. In 1986, Betsy subbed as Captain Britain for her brother. Their older brother Jamie was a corrupt genius who was tortured to a point where his latent mutation activated and gave him the ability to warp reality, making him a villain for his siblings.

7. Psylocke's relationships include Warren Worthington/Archangel, an alternate version of Sabretooth, Cable, the second Thunderbird, and Fantomex to name a few. When Fantomex was split into three people Psylocke also hooked up with his female counterpart named Cluster. When Kwannon pretended to be Psylocke she managed to seduce Cyclops. While at the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning she kept a virtual reality boyfriend in The Danger Room.

8. Along with the X-Men, Betsy is also a constant member of X-Force; a covert-ops assassin team of X-Men. The Exiles are a team of reality-jumping heroes who have to prevent other reality-hoppers from changing the multiverse, Betsy was a member of this team as well. Betsy was also a member of Excalibur which is an X-Men spin-off team based out of The United Kingdom with European mutants.

9. Elizabeth was temporarily a teacher at The Jean Grey School of Higher Learning, however Wolverine had to fire her for being too aggressive towards the students.

10. After being gutted by Sabretooth, Wolverine, Angel, and Doctor Strange retrieve a magic liquid from a dimension called Crimson Dawn to heal Betsy, this liquid also gave her a red tattoo and the ability to teleport. Sometime later she aided Storm in battling The Shadow King and used her telepathy to seal Shadow King away, as a result she lost her telepathy, but gained the ability to transform into a shadow.

11. During the body swap adventure with Kwannon, Psylocke got half of her face blasted off by Dazzler, who's power is converting sound into light energy. Fortunately, Kwannon got the scar after the body swap.

12. Psylocke has admitted to Cable that she is addicted to killing people.
Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

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