Sunday, November 19, 2017

Vixen Facts

Are you a fan of Vixen? Good. Glad. Oh, and we have One Dozen Vixen Facts!
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1. In the mid-70's, Vixen was to be DC Comic's first African American female character and was to get own solo series, but was cancelled before the first issue came out. The issue was later reprinted in a series called "Cancelled Comic Cavalcade".

2. Vixen's actual premier was in "Action Comics #521" in 1981 where she met Superman. Subsequent appearances were in the pages of Justice League and Suicide Squad.

3. Mari McCabe originally lived a duel-life of superhero and wealthy fashion model, but later dropped the pretenses and let her identity go public. She also used her fashion lifestyle to help design costumes for fellow female heroes.

4. Vixen has the ability to use the abilities of any animal on Earth. This means being as fast as a cheetah, as strong as a rhino, as quick as a tick, and as healthy as a racehorse. She can also generate electricity like an eel, regenerate limbs like a starfish, excrete venom like a snake, submerge like a fish, and fly like a bird. Vixen's powers leave her in a small group of animal-based heroes including Beast Boy, Animal Man, and B'wana Man to name a few. Notably, she is the only hero among these to gain her powers through magic.

5. In the video game "Injustice 2", an alternate skin for the character Cheetah is a Vixen skin complete with it's own sound files.

6. The first Justice League to include Vixen was the 1980's Justice League of America-later named The Justice League of Detroit-is considered one of worst Justice League teams. It's powerhouses included Martian Manhunter, Zatanna, and Aquaman, new faces like Gypsy and Vibe, and obscure heroes like Elongated Man and Commander Steel. When Dwayne McDuffie wrote a JLA book in the mid-2000's Vixen was brought on to a more respectable JL roster also featuring the African American hero Black Lightning. Currently she is a member of Batman's JLA which is a more public-grounded superhero team.

7. After she lost control of her animal instincts, Vixen agreed to join Amanda Waller's Task Force X to regain control of herself. On this team she attempted a romance with Bronze Tiger, but it went nowhere.

8. In 2008, "Vixen: Return of The Lion" came out as a miniseries written by G. Willow Wilson. In 2013 Wilson would create Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel for Marvel Comics.

9. According to writer James Robinson, Vixen was supposed to leave the JLA in 2008 and lead her own team of superheroes in Africa under the title of Justice League of Africa, but the idea never came to came to light. She did, however, team up with the former villain Tattooed Man and asked if he'd like to build a team with her. However, she had trust issues and the two parted ways.

10. In the New 52, Vixen was made the African representative for The Justice League International and after being comatosed she was replaced by her old friend David Zavimbe, the original Batwing.

11. Vixen used to tap into the powers of animals through a magic amulet she wore. Later these powers imprinted on her and the amulet became part of her. Currently, Vixen can tap directly into The Red, a magical force that connects all animals on Earth. It is a force stacked next to The Green from Swamp Thing, The Clear from Aquaman, The Black which is associated with death, and a few more.

12. In the Flashpoint universe Vixen is a member of Wonder Woman's Furies and a former lover of Oliver Queen, they have a daughter who attempted to murder him. In the Bombshells universe she is a lesbian and is dating Hawkgirl. In the DC Animated Universe's expanded comic universe she had married John Stewart/The Green Lantern, but was murdered by The Shadow Thief. This resulted in John killing the Thief, being kicked out of the Green Lantern Corps, and marrying Hawkgirl.
Thanks for reading.

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