Panel Biter Podcasts

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Duck Facts

Are you a fan of that Duck guy? Well, we got One Dozen Howard The Duck Facts for ya!
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1. Howard The Duck comes from a universe of anthropomorphic ducks. His world seems to be similar to our own, as he has been characterized with the opinions and beliefs of a modern adult. Most versions of Howard are very pessimistic and critical towards society. His world also lacked superheroes. His coming to our universe was described as a cosmic mistake, a mistake that left him a "Nexus of all realities".

2. Howard's creator was Steve Gerber in 1973, he created Howard to be a gag character with political satire. However, in 1978 Gerber was arguing with Marvel Comics over creative rights to Howard and left the company only returning a few times.

3. While he has flirted with the idea, Howard has never had sex with a human. The closest thing to a romantic relationship he had with a human was a close friendship to an actress named Beverly.

4. After leaving Marvel Comics, Gerber would go on to create Destroyer Duck for Eclipse Comics-later named Image Comics-as a means of sticking it to Marvel Comics. Destroyer Duck was a parody of all the testosterone-pumped anti-heroes of that era.

5. In 1997 Gerber was hired by Marvel to write an issue of "Spider-Man Team Up" which featured Howard The Duck. At the same time he was to write a crossover between The Savage Dragon and Destroyer Duck for Image. After learning Marvel's plans for Howard later in the year, he decided to make an unofficial crossover between the two books to get back at Marvel. In the Marvel book Spidey and Howard battle The Elf with a Gun while Savage Dragon and Destroyer Duck are hidden in shadow. But in the Image comic Dragon and Destroyer battle The Elf With a Gun and the Elf creates magic clones of Howard to fluster them. During the chaos, Dragon and Destroyer grab the real Howard and Bev and bring them into a portal back to the Image Universe. Meanwhile, Spider-Man defeats the Elf and the only Howard clone left believes himself to be the real one. In Image, Howard and Bev change their identities. According to Gerber, he now owns the real Howard and Marvel's Howard is an empty shell.

6. In 2001, Steve Gerber returned yet again to Marvel to write "Howard The Duck MAX" as part of the MAX Imprint, this was a line of comics that were made for adults exclusively. They had vulgarity, nudity, sexual situations, and intense violence. It was this imprint that gave birth to cult classic comics like Punisher MAX and Alias. In this six-issue series Howard was transformed into a mouse (like Mickey Mouse), was turned into a large-breasted warrior woman mouse, went to Hell and talked to God.

7. The first three villains Howard The Duck had ever fought included Thog The Nether-Spawn, Garko The Man-Frog, and a Vampiric Cow named Bessie/Hellcow. The latter would reappear several times until 2011. Howard's archenemy is Doctor Bong, a former effects specialist who lost his hand in a concert riot. Using his supreme intelligence he designed a bell and metal ball-point hand to paralyze his enemies. Doctor Bong is also obsessed with genetic mutation on animals and falls in love with any women he's near in less then five minutes.

8. In the Amalgam Universe Howard was fused with the DC Comics character Lobo and became Lobo The Duck. In some comic and animated universes Howard is a cartoon character. In "Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe" Deadpool cooks Howard into a fried duck meal. And in the Spider-Gwen universe Howard T. Duck is a human and is President of The United States.

9. Up until 2006, Howard The Duck didn't exist in U.S. records. This meant Howard could park anywhere, didn't have to pay taxes or be on a Jury list or receive bills or vote. This was amazing for Howard, but after he somehow defeated a supervillain his friend and lawyer Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk got him American citizenship.

10. Howard The Duck appears in the background of the event Secret Invasion fighting Skrulls, however the writer of the story claims he hadn't written Howard The Duck down in the script once, meaning artist Leinil Yu snuck him in there. In his 2016 series Howard met a girl who ate a duck when was a child that was actually a brainwashed Skrull disguised as a duck. She gained shapeshifting powers as a result, but rather than be horrified about her eating a Skrull, Howard is more upset by her eating a duck.

11. Howard and the X-Men known as Doop fought back an invasion of robot barbarians with nothing but a broken sword, a rubber chicken with nails in it, and a gun that shot bees. In the "Marvel Zombies 5", Howard was part of a multiversal zombie hunting team with Machine Man. Howard once fused with Deadpool into Deadpool The Duck. Howard is a trained martial artist in the ways of Quack Fu. Howard has used both mech suits and his own Iron Duck armor. Doctor Strange has also taught Howard a few spells and offered to train him as his connection to the Nexus gave him enate magic potential. Speaking of potential, when one of The Watcher's eyes exploded and revealed hidden knowledge to Marvel heroes, Howard learned he could have become the smartest person on his Duck homeworld. He is a trained detective, he's worked as a ninja-for-rent and a receptionist.

12. Ever since he came to the Marvel Universe, Howard's life has been recorded and aired on television in the Mojoverse by Mojo, an alien who rules another dimension who's society revolves around entertainment like commercials, television, movies, and fights. Most TV shows there are based off of the heroes of Earth. When Howard learned his life was a reality show he was told by Mojo that during the boring stints of Howard's life (which means the times he didn't have his own comic book) Mojo would kidnap actress Lea Thompson to play Beverly and hire a small alien in a duck costume to be Howard and they'd film original content. Lea Thompson is a real life actress and she played Bev in the infamous 1986 Steven Spielberg "Howard The Duck" film, and the alien in the duck suit looked exactly like the duck-suited actor from the mentioned film. Meaning when people in the Mojoverse aren't seeing the real adventures of Howard The Duck they are watching a spin-off of our real-life Howard The Duck film.
Thanks for reading. 

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