Sunday, December 31, 2017

Invisible Facts

Are you a fan of Susan Storm? Well, we got One Dozen Invisible Woman Facts!
Image result for marvel comics invisible woman art
1. Susan's original superpower was just turning herself invisible. This power was inspired by the story "The Invisible Man", to a point where Stan Lee and Jack Kirby almost wrote it so she'd have to remove her clothing first. This was replicated for the 2005 "Fantastic Four" film where Jessica Alba had to get undressed before turning invisible, for comedic effect.

2. It was not until #22 of "Fantastic Four" that Sue could cloak objects/people and create psionic invisible force fields. As time went on these fields became more and more elaborate. Going from basic walls and bubbles to platforms, stairs, and entire structures like a jungle gym. Sue can manipulate the placement of these objects as well, giving her the ability to fly by moving an invisible surface underneath her through the air.

3. Susan and Johnny Storm were the children of Franklin and Mary Storm. Franklin was a doctor, and one night he and his wife were out on a drive while Sue and Johnny were being babysat. On this drive a tire blew out and caused a car accident that injured Mary. Frank tried to operate on his wife to save her, but failed. Following this came an addiction to alcohol and gambling that landed Frank in prison. This left Susan to take a more parental role for her younger brother, establishing her as a natural caregiver. Frank would die trying to save the Fantastic Four from a Skrull attack.

4. It was not until the mid-1980's that Susan changed her name to "The Invisible Woman". During the 1990's-while her teammates remained the same-Susan got a redesigned costume revealing her thighs, midriff, and cleavage via a cut-out of the Fantastic Four logo.

5. Susan and Reed Richards' official wedding was in 1965, four years after their creation. Their wedding included people from across the superhero community like The X-Men, Iron Man, Nick Fury, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, Doctor Strange, Daredevil, and received news coverage by J. Jonah Jameson and Peter Parker. This was the first marriage published by Marvel Comics.

6. Susan is also the first female superhero to mother a child. Her first born was Franklin Richards-named after her father. Franklin was born as an Omega-Level Mutant, meaning his mutation is extremely powerful. Franklin can alter reality to his whim. He's changed the course of history and created pocket universe. In the 1990's after "The Onslaught Saga" he created a universe called "Heroes Reborn" which was Marvel's attempt at imitating Image Comic's style of superheroes using redesigned versions of classic Marvel heroes.

7. Susan's daughter Valeria was born under complicated circumstances. She first appeared as a grown woman from the future, claiming to be the daughter of Susan and Doctor Doom-one of the many villains who sought Susan's love. It was revealed Valeria was a miscarriage and that Franklin used his powers to save her life and transport her to a universe where Susan and a heroic Doctor Doom could raise her. After she gave her life to save the Earth, she was reconstituted as a fetus within Susan. With only minutes until her rebirth and with Reed busy with cosmic events, Johnny Storm had to call Doctor Doom to deliver the baby. In return for this he insisted on naming her after a woman he loved when he was young. He also used a spell to make her his Familiar Spirit.

8. Susan's third love interest was Namor The Sub-Mariner, Marvel Comic's earliest superpowered character. Throughout the years she and Namor have had relations, though she always chooses her family over a life as the queen of Atlantis. Their encounters have spun from Reed faking his death to marital disagreements, but eventually even Namor saw the seriousness of Reed and Sue's relationship. In the mid-2000's when Reed and Namor were part of The Illuminati, Namor would privately talk to Reed about Susan and how to make their relationship work.

9. During "Civil War", Johnny Storm was beaten in a nightclub with motivated Susan to join Captain America's side rejecting the government's control on superheroes. Her husband remained on Iron Man's side, but tried to end the conflict peacefully after she left him a heartfelt note. Following this event Susan and Reed took some time off to fix their relationship (again) while Black Panther and Storm took their place on The Fantastic Four.

10. Susan once developed an alternate personality after a battle with Psycho-Man. This personality was named Malice, as it was a cultivation of all of Sue's negative emotions. When Malice took over Susan's body and tried to kill her family, Franklin Richards aged himself into an adult hero named Psi-Lord and used his powers to seal Malice away in his own mind, and then seal her away in the mind of an evil alternate universe version of Reed who had died in The Negative Zone. An alternate future version of Susan from 500 years in the future had once came back to the present, used the name Tabitha, started a future-saving organization and managed to capture The Human Torch, Doctor Doom, and Galactus in attempt to siphon their energy to save the future. The Fantastic Four were able to find a solution for the alternate future, but upon releasing Doctor Doom the future Susan was electrocuted.

11. Along with being a founding member of The Fantastic Four, Susan has also been a member of their spin-off organization The Future Foundation, she was a member of The Avengers with her husband, she was part of Valkyrie's Lady Liberators and Carol Danver's A-Force, and she has been an operative on several SHIELD missions behind her husband's back.

12. Susan has used invisible bubbles to cut off The Hulk's oxygen, pop Deadpool's head like a balloon, stop The Thing and Doctor Doom mid-battle, rip Doom's armor from his body, she's destroyed a Celestial (which are basically cosmic Gods), threatened to cut off blood flow to give The Wizard a heart attack (which caused him to faint from fear), and murdered The Psycho-Man behind closed doors.
Thanks for reading.

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