Panel Biter Podcasts

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Marvel Gemology

The Soul Gem isn't in Wakanda. And, yes, I'm calling it a Gem. Marvel wants you to think their stones because gems sound girly. They've even gone out of their way to destroy The Infinity Gems in the comics and fully replace them with a new set of Infinity Stones, complete with colors that match their MCU counterparts. You know what? Screw The Infinity Pebbles! Let me educate your readers on some seriously awesome rocks that don't come in the "Thanos Jewelers Collection".

Found on the surface of the moon by John Jameson-astronaut and proud of J. Jonah Jameson-the Godstone. At first, the stone borrowed into his body and turned him into a superpowered werewolf when he was hit with moonlight (because 70's) and Spider-Man has to fight him. The stone came from another dimension John visited for a while, eventually becoming it's protector. Over the years John has been both Man-Wolf and Stargod, but rarely uses his powers for crime-fighting anymore. So God is a werewolf? Cool.

Crimson Gem of Cyttorak
This large ruby was found by Charles Xavier's step-brother Cain Marko while the two were station in Korea. Cain was stuck in a cave where he found the gem and a temple honoring the god Cyttorak. In exchange for being the mad god's avatar of destruction, Cyttorak channeled his powers into the stone and gave Cain the power of a human Juggernaut. As a result, Juggernaut is incredibly strong and nearly indestructible. It has been shown that the Gem can be removed and used by other people who are willing to give their souls to Cyttorak. Doctor Strange has even tapped into the god's power by casting "The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak". Because when I think Sorcerer Supreme I think jumprope.

As the name implies, this stone was found on the moon. Specifically the Blue Area of The Moon, a spot on the moon created by The Kree that has oxygen. The Moonstone is charged with an unknown energy and gives it's wielder super strength, durability, and flight. After therapist Karla Sofen convinced the villain Nefarius to give her the stone, she developed more powers like intangibility, gravity manipulation, light manipulation, and energy blasts. It can also be used to evolve Jigglypuff, Clafairy, Nidorina, and Nidorino into their final evolutions.

Like most things, it came as a meteor. During the Hyborian Age, there was a simple hunter who found the meteor and an alien trying to take it. Their battle broke the stone and jammed into his chest. This man became Ulysses Bloodstone, the most renowned monster hunter in the Marvel Universe, only followed by his daughter Elsa Bloodstone, who had a fragment of the rock too. Whoever has the Bloodstone lodged into their body gains a boost in speed, strength, and endurance, they also become immune to age and don't need food or water to live. The icing on the cake is a healing factor like Deadpool's, but smarter. Basically, the smaller the injury the quicker the regeneration. So getting some skin torn off will heal in an hour, getting an arm ripped off will repair itself in a day or so. Fun fact, The Punisher once defeated Daken-Son of Wolverine-by shoving the Bloodstone inside of him and then shooting him until the mutant healing factor + Bloodstone healing magic turned Daken into a giant mound of unneeded flesh.

Norn Stones
No one knows where they originate, but The Norn Stones are eight stones usually kept by the Sorceress Queen of Nornhiem, Karnilla. Each stone is connected to one of the eight realms and grant their wielders great power. How much power? Well, Morgan Le Fay used the Norn Stones to restructure reality, they revived both mortal and immortal heroes during "Siege", and then were used to defeat The Void-the dark entity inside The Sentry. And The Sentry is like Superman, but f#$king insane. Somebody remind me why The Avengers don't carries these things in their pockets? Or them on the end of sticks and whack people with them?

Forever Crystal
So this is gonna get complicated. There's this guy named Kang, okay. He's an Avengers villain who can travel through time and does so to take over various time periods. When Kang gets older he becomes Immortal, condenses his futuristic city into a crystal, and-by the command of Time Masters-uses it's power to manipulate events in several timelines. He prevents one version of Earth from achieving space travel centuries early. He splits the original Human Torch in half so that one can be an android superhero and the other can be the base for The Vision, who in turn will prevent The Scarlet Witch from having reality-shaping children. The Avengers try to stop this awful story and Captain America shatters the Forever Crystal. My main reason for even including this one is that it technically counts as a "Doomlock". A "Doomlock" is a device implanted into inorganic entities, like The Vision for example-that vibrates in such a way that if the machine were travel through time it would not create other timelines by doing so. Just that it was neat Marvel had a legit reason some characters don't F-up the timeline.

M'Kraan Crystal
The granddaddy of all Marvel gems, The M'Krann Crystal is also known as "The End of That Is", "The Nexus of All Realities" and "The Master Emerald's Bi-Dimensional Sister". This big, pink rock is really important and is guarded on planet Sh'ar. It's older than time itself and inside it holds another realm. A city immune to time that houses something called The White Hot Room, a type of afterlife and the rumored birthplace of The Phoenix Force. In the center of the city is a Nexus that is linked to all realities. If that Nexus is destroyed it is not only the end of the world, but every world. Ever. Forever ever? Forever ever. So, yeah, it's pretty damn important. Kinda surprised this thing isn't brought up more often, being the preverbal on/off switch for everything. Well, it came from an X-Men book, so that checks out. Can you imagine if everything just vanished? You, your world, your universe, your reality, and then everything outside of that? That would suck!

So don't worry, movie-goers! Just because big, bad, raisin face has all those pretty jewels doesn't mean we won't see more shiny things in the future!
Thanks for reading!

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