Panel Biter Podcasts

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Okay, But WTF Happened To Terra?

Who is The Red X? I don't know. Had a theory, but I missed an obvious detail. Luckily, I have one more Teen Titans theory up my sleeve!
In episode three of season two we're introduced to Terra, a new hero and love interest for Beast Boy. But her membership is short lived when she believes The Teen Titans don't trust her with her earth-shaking powers. Believing Beast Boy warned them she ran off only to return midway through the season with more control of her powers. But just like in the comics, Terra had been swayed by Slade to betray her friends and help him take over Jump City. And yes, the city in Teen Titans is called Jump City. The finale of season two has Terra unleash her full power, killing Slade and turning herself into a stone statue. That's where her story should have ended. Should have.
The last episode of "Teen Titans" has the team return from a long-fought battle against The Brotherhood of Evil. They see many places in Jump City have changed, but a new villain still ravages the neighborhood. Beast Boy finds a blonde girl he once knew too well. Terra, alive and attending a private school. Seemingly with no memory of Beast Boy or her lifer as a Titan. She has no powers either, and when Beast Boy takes her to places they've gone to remind her, she shows disinterest. No powers, no desire to sleep outside, no liking of her old foods, no memory. We even see that the statue of Terra is gone from it's old spot. We aren't given anymore answers, but I think I can answer a few.
First, how did Terra return from stone? Did she will it to happen or did her powers just wear off? Both are likely, but not proof positive. The season finally of season four was The Teen Titans battling Raven's father Trigon. When Trigon comes to Earth he turns every living being on the planet into stone. Not including Slade or Raven's teammates. By the end of the arc Raven is able to restore the Earth and turn everyone back to normal. And that's happened to Terra. Terra was already turned to stone before Trigon appeared, but Raven's spell to reverse Trigon's stone spell could have effected Terra as well.
Second question, is she lying to Beast Boy or does she really have no memory of her old life? Both have legitimate stances. We don't really see a lot of civilian reactions to The Teen Titans, but one would think they'd be a bit more hostile towards them if they knew Raven was the cause of literal Hell on Earth. Further more, I don't think being turned to stone and then being cured leaves you the same. Something like that could traumatize you. And, again, nobody brings it up to Raven later, not even villains. So maybe being turned to stone erases memories and that's why nobody on Earth hates Raven for what Trigon did, because they were "stoned" for such a short amount of time they just don't remember the experience. And after realizing she'd had been manipulated by Slade and that The Titans were truly her friends all along, it wouldn't be likely she'd lie to them and hide away. Then again it was a bit coincidental that she didn't like the food she used to and hated sleeping outdoors like she used to. Like she's trying too hard to not be the girl she was before.
So, if I were to build a theory as to what happened to Terra I would say she was brought back to life by Raven reversing the stone curse her father created and came back with repressed memories of her old life. Geokinesis is described as a psychic ability, so if you have no memory of how to do it that could mean Terra really lost her memories and just developed as her own person over the course of season five, the season where The Titans weren't near Jump City and couldn't check on her statue. You gotta imagine too to get amnesia, develop a new personality and get a new life, to be told you were someone else, someone who's life was kinda lonely and dangerous you'd try your best to deny that.
If "Teen Titans" got a season six we might have seen a true ending to Terra's story. Raven could recover her memories, or she could just be a supporting civilian character. There's no telling what the writers had planned for her or if they just left it up to the viewers. But I'm certain that's what happened to Terra. Hope you believe it too!
Thanks for reading.


  1. The writers of the show confirmed back then that it is the same Terra, she was brought back to life by Raven after she defeated Trigon. The reasons they never give us answers it's because it's obviously in front of us all this time.
