Panel Biter Podcasts

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Clark is Good, Clark is Great

I know some people may think he's boring or overpowered or hard to relate to, but I'm of the mindset that not only is Superman the most important superhero ever created, but that he is the greatest hero ever created. A few days ago Superman turned 80 and Action Comics reached 1000 issues. So, today we say Happy Birthday to The Man of Steel.
 I thought about doing this big, long, detailed post about various elements of Superman's stories. How his villains are equal part wacky and threatening, how much his powers have changed over the years, his costume, his supporting cast, all that stuff. But I thought it would be more appropriate to talk about what Superman means to me.
Superman represents all that is righteous. He is always good, always true, always loyal. For those reasons I've seen a lot of people dismiss him. People find him boring because he's so clean cut, silly because he wears his underwear on the outside, and not relatable because of his powers. And I disagree with that. Superman being overpowered isn't a problem, it's a challenge. It makes us worry about Superman when he's fighting someone stronger than him because "wow, how could anyone be stronger than Superman". He can relate to Superman because while he doesn't have to worry about breaking his arm, he has to worry about his job at The Daily Planet, he has to worry about the wellbeing of his family and friends, and he has to worry about the world around him in regards to the things he can't fix like hate or poverty or war. And Superman can't go punching terrorists because if Superman fights one war, he'll be expected to fight every war, he'll be expected to pick sides and Superman doesn't do that. He fights for his planet and it's people, not for one people. Because of his alien nature I don't find Superman stories boring. Sure, dealing with 5th Dimensional Imps and Bizarro Clones can get silly, but you read it knowing you're going to see stories like this anywhere else. You're not expecting Superman to freak out because this is just his life, if anyone is accustomed to crazy, stupid, dangerous situations it's Superman. He's not emotionless, he's just used to it.
I mean, to make an honest comparison, compare him to Deadpool. Both are nearly immortal, both have broken powers, both have people in their lives they'd sacrifice everything for, both deal with incredibly outrageous situations, and both are iconic even within their own universes. The big difference is outlook. Deadpool act like a clown because he's sad inside, he's in pain inside, and he's become numb to the horrors of the world and the people who produce it. Deadpool looks at the world and asks "Why should I care". Superman acts like a straight-laced Boy Scout because he sees the world and it's horrors and says "It can be saved. And we can save it". Superman believes in people, he believes people can change, he believes people are strong and can endure. That's why Lex Luthor is his greatest villain, because Luthor has no powers. He got rich, got fit, got smart, and became a powerful man through force of will. Lex Luthor is Superman's dream turned nightmare. And even still, Superman has refused to kill Luthor. Not because he's a coward or he's irresponsible, but because Superman sticks by his beliefs as much as a killer does, until his death.
Your preference between Superman and Deadpool really comes down to your outlook. And unlike a lot of people I went to high school with, I believe humanity is worth a second chance. I believe for every animal beater, baby killer, and political trophy hunter, there is a charity worker, a teacher, a doctor, a fireman, a nurse, a leader, a worker, and others who commit themselves to their world and their people. Good people are capable of horrible things, I know. But it works the other way around. I've seen bad people become good, I've seen addicts recover, I've seen punks become soldiers. I know people are better than they know. All it takes is the right push. The choice to listen, to help, to support. Everybody talks about how strong Superman is and all the fights he's been in, but nobody talks about how he prevents suicides, how he saves lives, how he converts criminals, and how he inspires the bitterest people into becoming something more.
I've never been a very religious person, but I know God-in all his shapes-is supposed to be the voice that drives us to be better people and do good things. I've never known a messiah that didn't have some dumb limitations and rules. I can love thy neighbor, but not if they're gay. I can believe in the good of all men, unless they're Jewish. And I'm not going to live a life without ham. But as silly as it sounds, sometimes the only fictional symbol of goodness I need to look to is Superman. A man who doesn't owe humanity anything, but protects them anyway. A man who has dealt with the scum of the Earth, but accepts them anyway. A man who is a modern God with white skin, and loves all people. That sounds like a man worth believing in.
Whether you love him or put up with him, Superman is a symbol of Hope, Truth, and Justice. He lifts us up higher than we can find ourselves and shows us, no matter who we are, we can be someone's inspiration. Superman shows us how we can be someone else's hero.
And that's why Superman is good, and Superman is great.
And why Zack Snyder sucks.
Thank you for reading & Happy Superman Day.

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