Panel Biter Podcasts

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Before You Watch Infinity War

So, you want to see Infinity War, but just don't feel caught up on everything in the MCU. It's cool. I understand how hard it can be to watch two Marvel movies a week and then be done catching up. You want something easy. A required viewing list perhaps? Well, The Panel Biter has got you covered with this! The Panel Biter's Required Viewing for Avengers: Infinity War!

Ahem. "Duh". You get all your main characters introduced with quick and simple explanations. Tony is a rich guy who built an armored suit, Thor and Loki are Norse Gods, Hulk is Hulk, Cap is a WWII super-soldier in the modern day, and everyone else is a secret agent. Boom. You get the establishment of The Avengers, two Infinity Stones, SHIELD being a thing, and half of Thanos' face at the end. And if there's time travel in A4, this film is even more important.

Captain America: Winter Soldier
This film comes in handy because you might find yourself saying "Boy, SHIELD sure wraps up a lot of things in this universe" or maybe "Wow, SHIELD must be ran by jerks if they were gonna nuke New York". This film explains the awful truth about SHIELD and removes it from the table. It also introduces The Winter Soldier and sets up his importance in this universe. You also get to see the beginning of Captain America's more rebellious side that's further explored in A3.

Guardians of The Galaxy
If The Avengers are main course, The Guardians of The Galaxy is like the fun side dish. This film introduces the weird and wild cosmic side of the MCU, has another Infinity Stone along with a full explanation behind them. An explanation given in two other films as well. Plus, Thanos makes a freaking appearance in this film WAY before Infinity War. Now I didn't include this film's sequel because aside from Groot being a baby and Mantis being introduced it really didn't have any lasting effects on the universe. If Adam Warlock ends up being in A4 than we can talk about the sequel.

Avengers: Age of Ultron
This film introduces Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and The Vision. Two of whom are important in A3. Like Avengers, and Winter Soldier it gives some clout to stuff in Civil War regarding superhero battles causing disasters. We see Klaw who appears in "Black Panther". The whole Ultron/Vision/Mind Stone thing is set up here. Another Infinity Stone info dump. Hulk flying off into space and The Newish Avengers being formed.

Captain America: Civil War
Literally a better Avengers 2 than Avengers 2. Has almost every hero in the MCU. Explains the Avengers breaking up and reveals a shocking revelation about The Winter Soldier and why he unintentionally kicks off the title event. Introduces Black Panther, introduces the MCU version of Spider-Man, and it gives you of Ant-Man and how he works. Ends with where we find a lot of Infinity War's characters left off.

Thor: Ragnarok
Tells you where The Hulk has been, what happened in "Thor: The Dark World", and we revisit Marvel's version of space. Mjolnir is destroyed which is resolved in A3. Thor loses an eye, his father, and his sister he never knew about. Tells you how Thor and friends got in a space ship before Thanos finds them. Clears up some Infinity Stone related information. We get to meet Doctor Strange for a quick minute and we learn as much as we need to know about him. In fact, Doc's cameo in this film and his role in A3 are probably a better watch than his solo film. Oh, and we meet The Collector's brother The Grandmaster. So that's fun.

Black Panther
This is the most "Maybe" part of the list because unless you want to see Wakanda before the final act of A3, or you wanna know what happened to Klaw, or how Bucky is doing, or who Shuri, M'Baku, and Okoye are, you don't necessarily need to see this movie. It's probably the best made and best written Marvel movie to date. Even more so than Infinity War. But other than what I mentioned it doesn't have a huge impact on Infinity War. Like, the war rhinos don't even return. 5/10 Infinity War. Because no war rhinos.
Thanks for reading!
What Marvel Movies do you think are required to see Infinity War?

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