Sunday, May 6, 2018

Sub-Mariner Facts

Are you a fan of The King of Atlantis? Well, we got One Dozen Namor The Sub-Mariner Facts!
1. Namor is credited as the first Marvel Comic's character created. He first appeared in "Marvel Comics #1" in 1940. The issue was published by Funnies Inc., a client of Timely Comics which would evolve into Marvel Comics in the 1960's.

2. Despite his arrogant attitude, Namor has featured on an impressive amount of teams. With Captain America and the original Human Torch he formed The Invaders in WWII, as well as The All-Winners Squad. He has been an Avenger, and a founding member of The Defenders with Silver Surfer and The Hulk. He was made a member of The X-Men in 2011, narratively he was rewritten to be a mutant, but internally it was so he could be involved in "Avengers vs X-Men". Namor was also a member of Marvel's Illuminati alongside Black Bolt, Mister Fantastic, Professor X, Doctor Strange, and Iron Man. He was also part of Norman Osborn's Illuminati known as The Cabal during Osborn's ownership of SHIELD.

3. During "Avengers vs X-Men", Namor held 1/5's of The Phoenix Force and helped Cyclops take over the world. During this time he waged war on Wakanda, a grudge Black Panther has with him still today.

4. Namor is often associated with The Fantastic Four and has pursued a relationship with Susan Storm Richards/The Invisible Woman for many years, but has always been spurned due to her commitment to Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic. Sue even took over Atlantas once after he kidnapped her.

5. Namor began as an anti-hero, attacking mankind in rebellion against pollution and invasion of the seas. He has since retained his dubious nature, participating in saving the world, but not helping humans directly. Namor himself is half-human and half-Atlantean, making him the only white-skinned Atlantean as the pure ones are blue-skinned.

6. Namor's battle cry is "Imperious Rex". "Imperious" means assuming power or authority without justification, and it called arrogant and domineering. And "Rex" in Latin means "King". So, when Namor yells "Imperious Rex" he is claiming being King of Atlantis gives him power and authority without question. Namor's name-in Atlantean-translates to "Avenging Son".

7. Namor's family includes his cousin Dorma who he was once arranged to be his wife before her death, his other cousin (not by blood)  Namora who also has a romantic relationship with him, and a clone of Namor's mother named Namorita who had become a member of The New Avengers. Faira Sar Namora/Water Snake was another member of The New Warriors formally being a member of Namora's Handmaiden Warriors. Namor was also briefly married to Marrina Smallwood from the Canadian superhero team Alpha Flight. After Emma Frost left Scott Summer/Cyclops, she began a sexual relationship with Namor who had recently joined The X-Men.

8. The newest version of The Squadron Supreme-heroes based on The Justice League-destroyed Atlantis and killed Namor after deeming them a threat to the world. By the end of that series a time-travel mishap undoes Atlantis' destruction and Namor's death. At the time, The Squad did not have an Aquaman allegorical character.

9. From his Atlantean roots Namor has incredible strength, speed, and invulnerability enough to battle the likes of The Hulk and Thor. Namor's mutation takes the form of small wings on his ankles that allow him to fly. While other characters like Iron Man and The Punisher change ages based on the year of the current series, Namor is well-over 90 years old and does not show it physically. Namor has a condition where too much exposure to oxygen can cause manic mood swings, but in the ocean he is in complete control. In the Ultimate Universe, he used a magic trident to form Poseidon out of the ocean to attack New York.

10. Using pirate treasure found on the ocean floor, Namor started up his own company that was committed to protecting and restoring Earth's environment which has been rotted by so many corporations over the years. Her named the company Oracle Inc., named after his human father's ship "The Oracle".

11. Namor is the first comic book character with the ability to fly, because Superman couldn't fly until  his cartoons in 1941, a year after Namor's creation.

12. In the 90's "Marvel vs DC" miniseries event by both publishers, Namor was set to battle Aquaman. Aquaman wins the fight by making a whale to fall on Namor.
Thanks for reading!
Which team should Namor stay on?

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