Panel Biter Podcasts

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Avengers vs X-Men: Raffi Edition (My X-Men Sequel)

Everybody out there doing their X-Men MCU pitch. And here I am on the sequel. This is "X-Men: Utopia".
So this would be loosely based on "Avengers/X-Men: Bloodties". Very loosely. Just all the stuff relating to Genosha, an island nation that has been using mutants for slave labor. Genosha is essentially fictional Australia, the same way Wakanda is fictional Africa and Sokovia is fictional Europe. The plot would begin with a Genoshan mutant coming to The Xavier School seeking refuge. This mutant is Nezhno (who's mutant name is Gentle) would later become part of the "New Mutants" TV show. The X-Men learn from him that the Genoshan government has been using mutants for farming and mining without any pay or rights. Nezhno was brought to the X-Men by NSA agent Everett Ross and his agents who specifically instruct the X-Men not to get involved with Genosha. Ross claims he will go to Genosha and scope it out, but unregistered vigilantes like The X-Men cannot invade another nation, in fact the only reason the government hasn't shut down the school is because Professor X is the only person who can monitor mutants. Charles asks to join Ross to be the U.S.'s "mutant professional" and Ross allows him and Beast to tag along since its a mutant matter. What Ross doesn't know is that Charles telepathically instructs his X-Men to follow them and investigate Genosha's secrets.
With Jean busy trying to psychically repair Angel/Archangel (stuff from Gambit Season Two), Cyclops brings Wolverine, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Storm, and their three new members Gambit, Rogue, and Psylocke. Eventually, the Genoshan government would learn of The X-Men's presence. They bring Ross and his men into another room and straight up torture Professor X and Beast for information. Ross calls the only people strong enough to arrest The X-Men, The New Avengers. Now, this is a rough estimation of what The Avengers will look like at this point considering the movies Marvel will have out by then. Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, The Wasp, and Sersi of The Eternals are called in. From their fight we'd see Black Panther and Storm meet again (I'd have Storm cameo in the Black Panther sequel), Doctor Strange battle three X-Men at once, and we'd witness Rogue absorbing Captain Marvel's powers. She drains Carol to the point where Carol is powerless and memory-damaged. When Psylocke uses her powers to make everyone sense Professor X's pain, the two teams of heroes search the council building and save their allies. It is then they learn Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants (Mystique, Sabretooth, Toad, The Blob, Pyro, Havok, and Polaris) have secretly taken over Genosha.
Magneto reveals he's been strong-arming the country's leaders and released their mutant slaves on purpose, knowing one of them would reach the X-Men. Magneto demands the USA ship all their mutants to Genosha in a matter of days or he'll kill the US officials and every other human in the capital city. However, Magneto didn't account on The Avengers being involved. It takes both teams to defeat the evil mutants and Magneto. During all this, Cyclops and Havok realize they’re brothers and Havok joins The X-Men, as does Magneto's daughter Polaris. After the whole ordeal, the Genoshan government asks Professor X to stay and help them fix their mutant relations. Black Panther stays to lend a ruler's hand, as does Storm to help Charles and spend some time with T'Challa. Things get tense with Rogue and Gambit because of her recent memory absorption from Carol, not to mention learning Mystique is her mother. Magneto and his allies are imprisoned in Genosha. Havok and Polaris decide to start their own little hero team called X-Factor Investigations.
My X-Men movies would focus on realistic issues applied to the X-Men. The first one was about the public response to mutants, so the sequel is about mutants being used as slaves by another country. Foreign relations are really dicey and complicated and for The X-Men to barge in and deal with it would cause a real uproar, it would put the heroes in hot water. But in the pursuit of mutant rights it makes sense The X-Men would involve themselves just as Magneto would assume control of a country that misused his people.
Stay tuned for the next couple of X-Men MCU projects!
Thanks for reading!

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