Panel Biter Podcasts

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Saint Dumas Facts

Are you a fan of the other Dark Knight? Well, we got One Dozen Azrael Facts!
1. Jean Paul Valley was a brainwashed soldier of The Order of Saint Dumas, a successor group to The Knights Templar. He was psychologically and physically designed to take up the mantle of The Order's warrior known as "Azrael", a mantle once used by his father. While his mind has been freed from The Order, Valley remains a devout Christian.

2. After Batman freed him from The Order, Azrael became an apprentice of Batman and Robin and helped them fight crime. He received a job at WayneTech as well. In the story "Knightfall" and it's sequels, Valley takes up the mantle of Batman after Bane breaks Bruce's back. However, Valley takes his role as Batman further by using lethal force, weaponized battle armor, and merciless fighting tactics Batman would deem wrong. Valley even murdered a criminal which forced Bruce to confront him. It is revealed Valley's violent spiral was a side-effect from his past conditioning from The Order and that taking on Batman's mantle only reverted him.

3. Valley is a test tube baby with unspecified animal DNA spliced into him by The Order.

4. Valley once lived among the homeless people of Gotham City. He has also worked at soup kitchens and community outreach centers.

5. After being killed by the woman who killed his father, Azrael briefly returned during "Blackest Night" as a Black Lantern Zombie.

6. There was a second Azrael created by Grant Morrison in 2008 named Michael Washington Lane. Lane was a former cop who learned another of The Order's Azrael knights killed a police officer. He underwent experimentation from Doctor Hurt to become the new Azrael and track this new Order down. In issue #2 of The New 52's "Batwoman" series, Lane can be seen in the background of a panel. However, when the issue was released he was edited out of the panel.

7. The Order of Saint Dumas also owned a robot called The Ascalon. This robot was programmed with the same ethical beliefs and combat experience as Azrael battled the Batman Family by overriding Batwing's various armors. In order to defeat him, Azrael donned an updated version of his Batman armor, programmed with Batman's martial arts and personality.

8. When Batman stopped using the drug Venom, he had to lock himself away in the Batcave for a month with only water and a little food. When Bane stopped using Venom he suffered from exhaustion, hysteria, and a desire to use Venom again in fear of not being strong enough. Jean Paul Valley has broken an addiction to Venom in one night. This was a potent, concentrated dose of Venom as well.

9. Valley's flaming sword has remained a mystery since his conception, however in The New 52 it was revealed the sword's name is Murasame. Murasame is also a sword in many forms of Japanese fiction. The word translates to "village rain" or "autumn rain" and refers to a type of rain that falls hard, then gently, and hard again. In the Justice League/Power Ranger crossover, when The Rangers are without their powers, The JL let them borrow the weapons and costumes of other DC heroes. Jason-The Red Ranger-carries Azrael's fire sword into battle. He has also used "The Sword of Sin" and "The Sword of Salvation", the former forces the sword's target to remember every sin they've ever committed, and the later forces it's target to relive every tragedy they've ever experienced at once. His gauntlet blades were stolen by another vigilante named Manhunter. His armor is called "The Suit of Sorrows" and is programmed with The Order's data which Valley can tap into.

10. Azrael had a self-titled series in 1995 that was retitled "Azrael: Agent of The Bat" and started featuring Robin and Batgirl in an attempt to boost sales.

11. Azrael has worked alongside Batman, Batwoman, and the rest of "The Knights" up until Batwoman's murder of Clayface. This split the team and put Azrael with Batwoman and Batwing on General Kane's Colony. Following the corruption and downfall of The Colony and the event "Justice League: No Justice", Azrael will be added to a new team called Justice League Odyssey led by Cyborg.

12. There have been two crossovers between Batman and Marvel Comic's The Punisher. The first crossover "Batman/Punisher: Lake of Fire" took place during Valley's stint as Batman. During that crossover Valley was defeated by The Punisher. Punisher was defeated by Bruce Wayne/Batman in the following crossover.
Thanks for reading.
Which sword of Azrael is your favorite sword?

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