Panel Biter Podcasts

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Force & The Factorous (My X-Men Sequel Spin-Off Pitch)

Following the events of my X-Men MCU sequel pitch, we have these new entrees and continuations of my previously establishes spin-off properties.

X-Factor Investigations
Slap this on a streaming service! Leaving their lives of mutant terrorism behind, Alex Summers and Lorna Dane hang up their costumes and try to live a normal life together. But their retirement is short-lived when a runaway mutant needs their help. Through this series we'd see our two main characters grow as a couple and as private investigators. They would recruit runaway teen Boom-Boom, dim-witted enforced Strong Guy, and a body-cloning mutant named Madrox. The overall plot would explore Madrox's various clones running about, one of them known as The Dupe is the first copy and he's trying to ruin Madrox's life by framing him for a murder. This show could easily crossover with "New Mutants" and Havok and Polaris would have shades of Cyclops and Magneto respectively. By the end of the first season we'd see a new street level X-Men team.

Wolverine III
Coming off of her debut in "New Mutants" season two, X-23 joins her genetic relative Wolverine on a rescue mission to The Savage Land, making it's own debut in the MCU. There they stand between warring tribes, battle an assortment of once-extinct jurassic creatures, and meet the heroes of The Savage Land: Ka-Zar (Marvel's Tarzan), Zabu (his faithful sabertooth tiger), Shanna (Ka-Zar's wife/female Tarzan), and Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur (a monkey boy and a T-Rex). Garokk-leader of The Sun People-is revealed to have The Juggernaut in his employ. Despite the elements of The Savage Land, The Wolverine Duo take this war into their own hands with the goal of killing Garokk and stripping The Sun People of their God.

Psylocke Season Two
Psylocke travels to the crime-ridden island of Mandripoor to rescue an old M13 agent, only to find her murdered and The Hand ready to attack. The agent's kidnapping was all a ploy to lure Psylocke to the island so that a Hand ninja named Revanche can undergo a magic spell to switch bodies with Betsy. It's a race against the clock as Betsy-in this new body-has to reach the upper town of Madripoor and stop Madame Tiger from sending Revanche-in Psylocke's body-to America to assassinate several political figures under the guise of an X-Man. Psylocke will have to master her new abilities, avoid the mysterious ninja-killer known as Ronin, and escape Revanche's bad reputation.

The New Mutants Season Three
School, work, and social interactions are the least of The New Mutants problems now that they've been kidnapped and sent to Mojoverse, a planet that lives and breaths off of televised entertainment. Ever since season one, the overlord Mojo has had his eyes on these teens and is ready to put them on his channel for the universe to see. Here we'd see the first step into aliens crossing over into X-Men. This whole season would be shot like a reality show with shaky cams and private interviews, but also features several challenges for The New Mutants. By the way, Mojo only grabs the most interesting of young X-Men like Kitty, Jubilee, Armor, X-23, Gentle, Hellion, Sunfire II, and Magik. While participating in fights against the likes of Longshot and Spiral, races across planetoids, and menial chore-based tasks, the kids also make an escape plan just as there teachers of The Xavier School search for them. However, the teachers are busy fighting back The Danger Room's new murderous AI, "Danger". If you were bored of the teenage drama stuff, Mojo has the season for you!

X-Force Film
Weapon X may be destroyed, but their leftovers have killed Wolverine. Well, the wrong Wolverine. Logan's estranged son is killed in his place so Logan and Laura investigate a series of murders connected to former Weapon X subjects. To counter this new superpowered threat, Logan assembles a team of his own X-Men, but these ones are a little darker. Psylocke, Archangel, Domino, Warpath, and-making his MCU debut-Deadpool. Who mistakes this film for "Deadpool 3". With the killer revealed to be a healing-factor-poisoning super-soldier named Omega Red, the new X-Force has to snuff him out and find his handler. Not to save the world, or to save a life, but to make sure when Weapon X is killed it stays dead.

Gambit Season Three
Gambit's on the road again! This time he's running from Rogue's complicated mind-trauma from "X-Men: Utopia" and working a job in which he has to steal a severed hand from Worthington Pharmacies and return it to an underground group of mutants. After betraying the trust of Angel and breaking into his families business, Gambit returns the hand to-his surprise-The Morlocks. Gambit is taken prisoner and blamed for the massacre of these deformed mutants. He is scarred and forced to live as their servant, which is easy with the power-cancelling effect of Leech. Gambit plays the long-con by gaining the trust of the Morlocks and sending an SOS to Rogue. But could Remy get too close to the leader of the Morlocks? Perhaps too close to leave?
And that's that!
Thanks for reading and look forward to "X-Men: Decimation".

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