Panel Biter Podcasts

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Ty & Tandy Facts

Are you a fan of Light and Darkness? Because we got One Dozen Cloak & Dagger Facts!
1. Tyrone Johnson and Tandy Bowen were given their powers by an experimental drug they were forcibly subjected to by an evil scientist. When their superhero career began they're goal was to end the drug trade completely and successfully killed the man who experimented on them.

2. Ty's body became connected to something called The Darkforce Dimension and he gained the ability to become intangible and store objects/people in the Darkforce Dimension, acting as a pocket. He can also use it as a means of teleportation, sending himself and others somewhere else through The Darkforce.

3. Other characters connected to The Darkforce include Ghost Rider's villain Blackout, Darkhawk, Doorman of The Great Lakes Avengers, Mister Negative (who gained his powers through the same experimental drugs), Shroud, Silhouette of The New Warriors, and the Spider-Man villain The Spot. In the MCU, The Darkforce is mentioned in "Agents of Shield" and is the main focus of "Agent Carter" Season Two renamed "Zero Matter".

4. Dagger's powers are mainly projecting bladed objects out of pure light, which can be thrown or slashed with. These blades can also be altered to heal people's wounds and/or addictions.

5. Cloak and Dagger are one of the few double teams in comics and are rarely seen apart. Together they have been members of The X-Men, The Secret Avengers, The Secret Defenders, and associates of The Runaways. Dagger has been a sole member of The New Warriors and The Marvel Knights.

6. Cloak and Dagger were originally considered "latent mutants" leading to appearances in "X-Men" and "The New Mutants". However, when the term "Mutate" was created, they were redefined as Mutates. Mutates are people who did not gain mutant powers naturally and were scientifically altered to have a mutant forced out of them. Cloak and Dagger share this distinction with Deadpool. Another retcon was established when the duo fought D'Spayre, a Darkforce demon. He revealed their Dark and Light Forms to be pieces of himself that interfered with their natural mutations.

7. During the event "Spider-Island", Cloak and Dagger's powers were swapped. This resulted in Cloak using pure light as transportation and Dagger created daggers out of Darkforce energy.

8. In 2006, Cloak and Dagger were part of a set of characters Paramount Pictures were planning on making films about. This also included Black Panther, Shang-Chi, Doctor Strange, and Power Pack to name a few.

9. In the "Age of Apocalypse" universe Cloak and Dagger were brainwashed minions of Mister Sinister, in "House of M" Cloak is part of Luke Cage's human resistance group, in the Spider-Ham universe Cloak and Dagger are Croak and Badger, because they are a frog and badger respectively. In  Universe X, Cloak is dead and Dagger carries his cloak. In the Battleworld "Runaways" universe Ty is Dagger and Tandy is Cloak, and they are siblings. In "The Ultimate Universe" Tandy was a high school student and class president who was anti-mutant to the point of calling a Mutant Task Force on Kitty Pryde. She and her high school sweetheart Tyrone were in car accident, declared legally dead, and experimented on by Roxxon Brain Trust. As Cloak and Dagger they joined Miles Morales/Spider-Man on The Young Ultimates.

10. Cloak and Dagger successfully murdered Spider-Man's villain and Silver Sable's father mob boss Silvermane. He later came back as a cyborg, however.

11. Tyrone's dark powers take a psychological toll on him, if they aren't quelled he will become manic and seek to absorb evil people into his cloak, even being absorbed into the cape itself. Dagger can use her light powers to drive the "hunger" away, but doing so makes Ty feel like a burden on Tandy.

12. Dagger once refused The Kingpin's request of using her healing powers on his dying wife Venessa.
Thanks for reading.
Would you rather have Cloak's powers or Dagger's powers?

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