Thursday, September 20, 2018

Look Greater (Top 5 Most Wanted PS4 Spider-Suits)

Okay, so Spider-Man for the PS4 is all kinds of dope. Like, might actually top a podcast review of it dope. But saving the dope stuff for later, let's talk about one of the main attractions for the game: the suits. Each suit in the game comes with it's own special power and I love mixing and matching suits and powers and wearing certain suits on certain missions. But there are a few suits missing from the game. So, here is The Panel Biter's Top 5 Most Wanted Spider-Suits for Spider-Man PS4!

5. Iron Spider (Original)
Before the ending of "Spider-Man: Homecoming" gave us a glossier version of the MCU Spider-Suit, the original Iron Spider Armor was created for Peter by Tony Stark, who Peter sided with during the event "Civil War". Carrying over Iron Man's color scheme, advanced tech, and beautiful sheen of light, the original Iron Spider Armor helped elevate Spidey to the next level of heroism. This armor was the first to sport extra legs along the back of it, and has been ripped off and copied by heroes and villains alike. With the PS4 games' awesome graphics engine this armor would shine like a dream and reinforce the connection between Spider-Man and The Avengers. This suit's special power could involve the extra legs extend Spider-Man's range of attack so he can quickly crawl from one enemy to another. You'd think the other Iron Spider suit could do that, but no. It kind just sprouts legs and that's it.

4. Future Foundation
Speaking of connecting to the larger universe, Peter wore this white costume when he joined The Fantastic Four's new organization: The Future Foundation. The Foundation was kind of a school for genius children so it made sense to get Peter onboard given his intelligence, and since Johnny Storm had been dead at the time, his will requested his buddy Spider-Man to take his place. The white and black look of this suit is a departure for the standard red and blues, but is still bright enough to invoke the sensation of optimism Peter carries, while also referencing a time in his life where his genius was celebrated. The suit's power could even incorporate his smarts by making his web shots blind, trip, and attach enemies together as an alternate to how the web shots are usually used.

3. Scarlet Spider (Version 2)
Look, I won't lie. The Scarlet Spider costume is pretty cool. The hood and the eyes look great in the game, but Ben Reilly wasn't the only fashionable clone of Peter Parker. When Kaine took on The Scarlet Spider mantle, he donned a simple black and red suit that was bold, intimidating, and simplistic. I find it hard to decide which Scarlet Spider costume is better, but I really did how simple and yet iconic this version of the suit is. Kaine also sported "stingers" on his wrists. Basically just long spikes. The power for this suit could extend stingers on Peter's wrists that give him longer range for melee attacks.

2. Superior Spider-Suit
For a story that split the Spider-Man fandom, you can't deny Doctor Otto Octavius has great taste in costumes. The final Superior Spider-Man armor felt like a natural evolution of the Spider-Man look and borrowed many themes from other costumes. The claws are reminiscent of Venom, the legs on the back are like The Iron Spider, and the update his technology really inspired the abilities of Spider-Man in the PS4 game. And given Doc Ock's importance in the plot of the game, I have no doubt this costume will come to the game in the  future somehow. Superior Spider-Man had many tricks up his sleeves, but one strategy of his was to employ former criminals as his henchmen. So his suit power could revive knocked out enemies and turn them into allies to help fight the remaining enemies.

1. The Black Symbiot
Iconic. Important. Atmospherical. Badass. These are the words some might use to describe the second most-worn costume of The Amazing Spider-Man, the Black Suit. Formally the alien symbiot that could go on to create Venom, and later replaced by a cloth imitation, the Black Suit is usually worn for mourning, stealth, or for scaring the crap out of people. Of all the suits listed I was the most surprised this suit isn't already in the game, like I said it's Spider-Man's second most recognizable suit and it's been an alternate costume for him across almost all his video game appearances. A character even makes a "you don't own a black suit" joke to him early in the game, and a black suit you unlock later isn't even this one. My only theory is that this suit will actually be implemented in some DLC story pack or many the game's sequel along with a story about Venom. After all, if the PS4 game can do such a fantastic job with Doc Ock, and Mr. Negative, and the rest of The Sinister Six, then making Venom and maybe even Green Goblin the focus of the next game would make perfect sense. Oh, and the Black Suit's special power should give Spidey temporary unlimited webbing thats just replaced by black goop. Goop.
Thanks for reading!
What Spider-Man costume do YOU wanna see in PS4's Spider-Man!?

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