Panel Biter Podcasts

Saturday, February 2, 2019

World's Finest Failures (Cavill & Affleck)

If you weren't convinced Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment had no idea what they were doing, they fired their Superman and lost their Batman. Can the rest of their character lineup support a Cinematic Universe? Or will it fall without it's foundation?
First of all: Warner and DC's newest "initiative". If you haven't read about it, WB Chairman Toby Emmerich said this back in January;
“We all feel like we’ve turned a corner now. We’re playing by the DC playbook, which is very different than the Marvel playbook. We are far less focused on a shared universe. We take it one movie at a time. Each movie is its own equation and own creative entity. If you had to say one thing about us, it’s that it always has to be about the directors.”
Normally, I'd really respect WB/DC for realizing their films were bad when all they cared about was a shared universe. However, saying it's all about the directors is redundant. Making it all about Zack Snyder is what put WB is such a pickle. Regardless of what you think about "Man of Steel", "Batman v. Superman", and "Justice League", those films were directed (mostly) by Snyder, they are a trilogy, they set-up a larger universe. A universe WB lost faith in after so many people voiced their disappointment in this universe's tone. 
The problem wasn't setting up a larger universe. The problem is the person tasked with doing it. If you don't want to do a shared universe then just say so, but don't blame your lack of success on the concept or say "nah, that was never our style anyway". And don't turn around and say it's all about the directors. You took David Ayer's "Suicide Squad" and had it completely reshot to make it "more comedic" after Golden Boy Snyder's BvS was too dark to enjoy. Just saying, I can see through your bullshit Warner Bros.

It was stated in October of 2018 that Henry Cavill would no longer be playing Superman and that no plans for Superman were in WB's schedule. Supergirl is a different story. Cavill has made other acting commitments, there were statements regarding recasting, and the general belief is that he truly is done. January 30th, Ben Affleck makes it official he will not be playing Batman anymore. While Cavill's departure was due to WB not needing a Superman at the moment, Ben Affleck's was a more personal leave. Affleck recently completely his 40 Day Rehab program and is focusing on himself and his family. Now look, I don't like to get all human on you guys, but alcohol addiction is a serious, storied, and self-destructive problem and I have no intention of making light of it or shrugging it off. It would sadden me immensely to know that such a well-respected actor like Affleck would return to drinking in response to something as trivial as a superhero movie. And I don't think it was the cause. But I do know that without Cavill or Affleck, WB is in a bad spot. Again.
I can't say losing Superman and Batman will hurt WB's upcoming plans. Maybe Aquaman and Shazam and Wonder Woman will be enough, maybe all those movies allegedly in development could excuse WB's flops. But-from a big picture point of view-I think it is wrong for WB not to have Superman and Batman. Whether it's Cavill and Affleck or two new folks, whether they recast or reboot, this is the DC Universe. And while it may be filled to the brim with lesser-known, three-dimensional, varied heroes and villains, it will mean nothing if WB/DC cannot get Superman and Batman right.

Because this is not a matter of which DC hero is popular or what DC hero could work on screen or who should play who or any of that. The broad, simple fact is this: Superman and Batman ARE The DC Universe. 
Superman is the better side of humanity, he's the ultimate immigrant, he proves you can fit in no matter how different you or from what place you come from. Superman proves a person's race-or species-does not define who they are, it is just part of them. Superman presents the hopeful optimism hidden inside of all people, and the selfless obligation to give people chances and believe in the good in all people.
Batman is strength. Inner strength, physical strength, moral strength. Batman is the overpowering of fear, Batman is adaptation, perseverance, he turns pain into his weapon, fear into his tool, and loss into his motivation. Batman exists in all of us, he is the voice in all people who tells us when to stand up for ourselves and others. Batman is the story of a vulnerable man overcoming what makes him mortal, but embracing what makes him human.
In order for Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn and Green Arrow and The Flash to exist in the past, present, and future, these two characters must be preserved. Not hoisted around to fill a quota. These two BUILT comic book superheroes in the modern age. They mean so much, not just to comic books, but to world culture. Marvel had to CONVINCE people that Captain America and Iron Man were essential characters, all DC has to do is REMIND us why Superman and Batman matter.
And that begins with two pairs of underwear.
Hey, thanks for not reading!

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