Sunday, November 9, 2014


This is the first of a new segment I'm adding to The Panel Biter, I'm calling it The Pitch. In this segment, I offer an idea for comic book, movie or television series based off an existing comic book franchise. Of course these ideas are simply how I'd pitch the concept and not an attempt at profit.
Fox is currently running a television program called Gotham, a show that takes place in DC's city of Gotham after the death of the Wayne's. Now rumors of a Krypton show are rising, citing Superman's home planet before its destruction. Honestly, while I do enjoy shows like these, I find them unnecessary. Everybody already knows the origins of Batman and Superman, retelling the stories of their respective homes doesn't achieve much. If any DC character should have a TV program citing their home, it should be Wonder Woman. A character who lacks a movie (at the time of this post) and who's 1977 TV show was ambiguous to her origin, Wonder Woman's true history isn't as well known as her JL allies. So, here is my pitch for Themyscira.

Themyscira was originally a city founded by The Amazons in ancient Greece during the time of Greek mythology. The city was ransacked by Ares' half brother Hercules and the Amazons became slaves. Hippolyta, leader of the Amazons, begs to the goddess Athena to free them. Against Athena's wishes, the freed Amazons slaughter their captors. As punishment for exacting revenge, the Gods send Hippolyta and the Amazons to a remote island where no man may set foot. Also on this island is Doom's Doorway, a gate containing all the monsters and demons of Greek legend. The Amazons must guard this doorway for eternity to protect mankind. Hippolyta names this island Themyscira in honor of the Amazon's first home. Princess Diana is crafted from clay and given life from Hippolyta to one day be Themyscira's ambassador to the outside world.
Now come my ideas. The series opens with all of this backstory and then focuses on a teenage Diana training among her Amazon sisters to become their mightiest warrior. Along with the tasks of combat and studying, Diana would also struggle with her curiosity with the outside world. The sorceress Circe uses her magic to disguise herself and live among the Amazons in attempt to exact revenge on Hippolyta. Part of her revenge plot would involve opening Doom's Doorway. Now, Hippolyta, Diana and the Amazons must either kill or capture the escaped monsters without leaving the island. Other elements would include Hippolyta keeping Diana from leaving the island, the interjections from other gods and goddess like Ares or Hercules, and the occasional enchantments of Circe. The series would be set in the 1930's before World War II, another element in Wonder Woman's past. I'm not great with casting, but I'd like to have Linda Carter, the woman who played Wonder Woman in the 1977 show, take the role of Hippolyta as a nod to the old series.
Those are my basic ideas on a Wonder Woman prequel TV show. I feel it'd be a bit more expensive than Gotham, but it'd provide a different take on the superhero genre while also educating people of comic book's most important female superhero. Feel free to write in ideas or suggestions for future Pitches. Thanks for reading.

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