Thursday, January 29, 2015

Oh Right, You're Here

With over fifty years of history, it's easy to admit The X-Men are one of the most important comic book teams to exist. They signify diversity, youth and family. A big family at that! Seriously, you could fill the Titanic with every X-Men and you'd still have elbow room. But with every family there is the black sheep, the belated, the unmentioned. Well, that's where today's Z-Lister comes in. If you don't remember him then join the club, this is ForgetMeNot!

At first glance, ForgetMeNot doesn't resemble your typical mutant. He's no Canadian adonis or blue-haired monster, he's an overweight man with a balding problem. But given his special mutant ability you wouldn't harbor on these imperfections too long because you wouldn't remember them. ForgetMeNot's power is to be instantly forgotten. He doesn't manipulate memories intentionally, but if he happens to escape somebody's field of vision, he'll be completely forgotten. Even if you get know to him, your memory of him will reset the moment you lose track of him. Unnoticed by everyone, ForgetMeKnot has been a member of the X-Men for six years, unknowingly responsible for many victories against aliens and giant robots. The only person to remember his presence was Professor X, who made a telepathic command to remind himself of ForgetMeKnot's existence every hour. However, after Professor X died ForgetMeKnot lost complete interaction the rest of the X-Men and became depressed. When Wolverine opened up a new school for mutants, ForgetMeKnot roamed the campus at night to watch over the students. At one point ForgetMeKnot pled to the villain Omega to rid him of his curse, but ForgetMeKnot changed his mind at the last second and realized he could do a lot of good with his powers, regardless of the cost. He saw that doing something good without be noticed is better than doing nothing at all.
It's easy to forget that this Z-Lister is an X-Men, not just because of his specific power, but because he's been so underused in the X-Men comics. When I went read into this character, I found myself wishing more writers would use ForgetMeKnot, as his unnoticed activities have saved lives and won battles. ForgetMeKnot represents the fear that despite our efforts, we will always go unnoticed. But more so, he represents the idea that good things shouldn't be done out of notoriety, good things should be done for the sake of doing good. All ForgetMeNot ever wanted was to be noticed, but after all his achievements and challenges, he realized he doesn't need to be noticed. All he needs to be is an X-Men. Thanks for reading!

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